Ugh.... Being forced to take ooc typos in character. How would you deal with it?

Started by Qzzrbl, June 11, 2008, 06:21:33 PM

If something of this nature really did happen to you OP, then I feel for ya. Personally, I wouldn't mind rolling back the clock over a mistake of this nature. We'd get a laugh out of it and continue as we were. However, since your mistake was revolves around the code, and not specifically a typo in, for instance, a 'say,' I think it prudent to leave it up to the player on the other end of the screen until staff weighs in.

As a couple others have said, roll with it - you might be surprised, and highly entertained, at the results.

Quote from: Tisiphone on July 05, 2008, 05:38:29 AM
Quote from: Karo on July 05, 2008, 03:09:56 AM
And as for the OP's -actual- question, I hate it when OOC things get translated to IC things.  Likely the most common one that affects me is logging off.  I hate having to come up with some IC reason to log off when in the middle of something big (Like a clan hunt or some such).  This really sucks if your in a military type clan (like Byn) and they ICly treat it as you being lazy or slacking or some such because you have a life OOC.

Underline mine.

The underlined part should never happen. I would treat it as valid reason to complain to staff; it has been stated NUMEROUS times that people should not be penalized for logging off unless obviously doing it for IG benefits, and even that's hazy.

Hehe, you mixed up underline and strikethrough.

I think one of the biggest problems is coming up with why no one has seen you in an IG month.  Always annoying when people ask IG 'so where have you been the past month' and you want to say 'well, I had to work late, go to a movie, and spend time with family, so I haven't been on Arm' and instead you have to come up with something like 'I was... in a tavern besides the one you where in.'  Once again especially becomes odd when your in a military organization and you just randomly wandered off for a month.

On that note, I decided to make a new thread instead of derail this one more.,31498.0.html
Food for thought:
Every time someone uses the phrase 'food for thought' a penguin turns to cannibalism (two if used in a pun about actual food)

This is even worse when its an NPC forcing you to take typos IC.... NPCs are unreasonable twink-killers  ::)
Quote from: Gimfalisette
(10:00:49 PM) Gimf: Yes, you sentence? I sentence often.