You just got knocked the F*** out!

Started by Sumbitch..., March 26, 2003, 07:28:37 PM

Okay, I'm wondering if it's a bug, or if I'm just weak or what, but I just got knocked out, hard.

Unarmed combat, WELL over 1/2 of my stun left, a LIGHTLY GRAZED hit to my head, and POW I'm knocked out.

WTF, is this supposed to happen? Am I just weak? A bug?

It's supposed to happen that way.  That guy had a nasty punch.
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
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"LIGHTLY GRAZED" "SCRATCHED" And all that I've been told refers to damage done. You could be lightly grazed and still knocked out... Because it didn't do alot of damage, and stun has nothing to do with the damage message.

SHRUG... But I do know a hit to the head unarmed or with a blunt attack normally does a good amount of damage and massive stun, but a sword hit to the head does damage but no stun at all, it's funny... Even a major sword strike to the head isn't as dangerous as a light club hit to the head. Scary thought I think. Needs to be more even I think. I've been attacked with a blunt weapon and every time they hit they do stun damage... And if they are using a weapon that does major stun, but doesn't get combat minuses for not being meant for combat, they can do good 20 stun damage with a shot to the foot or something. It's crazy.

21sters Unite!

Having had personal experience with both (blunt object and sharp object to the head) I offer some realistic explanation:

A hammock on a ground-stand, pulled and pushed by 2 kids, one of whom lets go as she pulls it and the other end smacks me in the head.

I didn't even realize I was bleeding. All I knew was I was sitting on the ground wondering what the hell just happened. Then the pain set in and I put my hand to my head and started screaming because it was dripping with blood. Not even a concussion - just a little bump that hit -just- hard enough to raise the skin and bleed a bit. Three stitches later and I was fine.

A fall from a moped at 30 MPH, with no helmet. Head doesn't hit the pavement, but a sharp stone flies up and gashes my head just over my ear. Bled like a stuck pig, and even with a broken arm in 2 places, a broken leg, broken collar bone, 3 crushed ribs, I wasn't stunned. I -did- go into shock once I realized I was almost dead. But that was more due to the emotional trauma than physical, according to the surgeons at the hospital when the ambulance rolled me in.

Gashes to the head bleed horribly, but generally don't shock the system. A crushing object banged against the head, even if it doesn't bleed at all, will definitely cause discomfort, at the very least. Concussion at the most. And it doesn't even have to bleed.

If you've ever nicked (no pun intended) yourself shaving, you know that those teeny-weeny guys bleed like motherfuckers. It's because there's a lot more bloodflow to the head.
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-the Shade of Nessalin"


Honestly though... A blunt hit to the head in arm code wise, does just as much physical damage and alot of stun damage, while the slash just does damage.

I've had many problems. I've falling out of bed as a kid hit the edge of the bed slicing open a big section. It DID leave me with blurry vision a serious head ache for a long time. I've also been left with a major cuncusion because I hit my head on a metal rail between two windows, the whole thing was maybe... a sixteenth inch wide? It didn't break skin, but I was basically recomended not to walk just in case an accident happened and I hit my head again. I've also been bashed with a blunt object. In recent memory was an elbow to the back of a head by a three time state wrestling champion. Left with another concussion, but besides about ten minutes of blurry vision and about a week of a serious head ache it didn't stop me from doing everything I normally did. And it certainly didn't do anything behind concussive damage. Which to my knowledge is what is done when stun goes down in combat.

If you got hit in the head with a sword... Specially with a nice solid helmet on, it's going to REALLY hurt, probably REALLY do damage, and it all won't be just because of the cut there well be concusive damage as well. And considering if that sword did enough damage to really hurt someone it probably also did SOME damage to bone, which WELL have an effect on the brain.

I guess personally I think blunt weapons are too powerful because they do normally as much damage on top of the stun while no other weapon does stun damage even with a direct and severe hit to the head. Sure if someone ends up knocking you out they are probably going to do whatever they want and if they want you dead they'd do it, but nearly dead already AND knocked out... means the club wielders land another hit and go on their merry way.

Creeper who's probably wrong, but don't see how one thing can get both sides of the stick when it's really uncalled for, and NO I don't beleive this really causes too much of an unbalance just a little thing that doesn't seem realistic when it can be without really hurting club wielders. Normally hit points and stun is close to each other so a hunter with clubs well more like stun THEN kill animals.
21sters Unite!

I think getting knocked out is realistic if you get hit in the head with a blunt object, however I do belive that the recovery time is way too long... sometimes lasting as much as a IC day...

I've been knocked out a few times in my life, from hitting or getting hit in the head... and every time I've only actually been unconcious for less than about a minute..

On a slightly differnt note, passing out from mental exhaustion (IE using the way) I think would leave you much more out of it for a long time, and in that instance I think the time you are knocked out for is realistic.. but I also think that physical stun and mental stun should be seperate attributes.. as a slightly cheesy example look at Raistlin from the Dragonlance series... physically, he was as weak as a child... but mentally he was more powerful than anyone in the world...

-Moe the Schmoe
:evil:  :twisted:
I wish it hurt to be dumb.

I came up with an idea... Keep ONE visible stun, but have it acctually be the average of physical and mental stun. Using the way, well take down the mental stun, but if the guy is big and buff, but has a low mental stun, he wouldn't get knocked out but he'd run out of the way and maybe have it have an effect on skills that require more intelligence. While on the other hand a small fellow with massive mental stun could keep going and going with the way, but when his physical stun reaches 0 he's knocked out. I don't know, it seems alittle funny, but it really isn't unbalanced and it makes sense. Most likely the visible stun wouldn't reach zero, and you wouldn't be getting knocked out by the way as easiely but be more susceptable...

I don't know how it would be coded.. And it'd require alot of different weighted variables... And wouldn't work EXACtly like that but maybe you get the idea... I don't know.

21sters Unite!

Moe, I think that the 'mental' stun is more represented by the use of your psionic skills, as you improve it takes considerably less stun away from you, and I think that's how the mental vs. physical stun was supposed to be taken care of.