
Started by rcarte10, January 09, 2007, 12:09:27 PM

Hello everyone, I have a quick question. I've tried Armageddon multiple times. Usually I create a character or two, and then when they die I get tired of the game and move on, and then after a few months I think about how great the game could be if I would just give it a better shot. I really want to get into this game, but everytime I create a character I can never find an interesting environment to roleplay in. I was wondering if you guys could give me some tips on the type of character that would be fun to play for someone who doesn't really have any karma. I've had at least 3 T'zai Byners (spelling?) and although the first one was fun, after that it just become monotonous. I was thinking that maybe a 'Rinther would be fun, and it would be quite a change from what I'm used to. Would you guys agree? Thank you very much!

First of all, karma does not necessarily mean fun. The race and guild options you get are just different, and often a lot more restrictive and difficult to roleplay correctly.

You're tried the Byn several times, so why not something entirely different? You probably know your way around the combat code by now, and you've gained a bit of knowledge about Allanak, so I think you should try for an aide position.

If that doesn't appeal to you, try a Tuluki bard. Lots of potential for entertaining roleplay, and there's plenty of documentation and clan opportunities for such a character.

You'll also need an interesting character, with personality and quirks and habits and vices. Think of these before you submit the character, it's much easier than trying to establish a persona once you're in the game. Imagine you had to play around your character all day (as a different character) - what would keep you entertained? What would make you interested in the character, and how can it be believable without being boring?

As for the 'rinth, you could give it a shot, but if you're still not fully into the game and the code then I'd recommend that you wait a bit. It's a very harsh and unforgiving place, not to mention that there can often be periods of low activity that really test your patience and solo-RP motivation.
b]YB <3[/b]

Ah, great! Thanks for the help! I think I'll try for an aide position, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun to roleplay. My only question now is, how do I gain such a position? Again, thanks for your help!

You'll have to find out IC. But a good place to start would be to find someone who's already an aide, and ask for advice.

Oh, and if you haven't already, I encourage you to contact one or more helpers with any questions you might have.

b]YB <3[/b]

I'll advocate for the Rinther though the warning that it's harsh roleplay there is to be heeded. There is a good possibility of running into some one and looking at them the wrong way and then getting killed for it. On the other hand once you get the right alleys most people won't touch you and some of the goings on can be the funnest experience you can have. There  also is some getting used to the play times of others and their somtimes inactivity, but the remedy of that is get your own plans going and you won't be that reliant on the others.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
     -Douglas Adams

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
     -Douglas Adams

And you know, playing an aide can be incredibly fun.  I've enjoyed my experience with the one aide char I had.
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

I'd steer clear of being a 'rinthi for now. An aide position is a good suggestion. It is a good way to be longer lived than someone who does a lot of fighting. However, Hymwen's post has some of the most important suggestions in it I can think of. Your character has to be appealing to you. S/he has to be interesting, human, different from you, deep, flawed, etc. You have to create a character with a compelling personality and play it out to the fullest. While killing gith in the Byn is fun in its own way, and spying on people as an aide is, too, it is all second to the fun of being your character and truly roleplaying. Sit down and think through your character's backstory and personality and how it combines to make him who he is. Then, once you get in game, don't forget it. It is easy for a character to slowly and steadily become just an avatar of yourself in game. Don't let it. When something happens, good or bad, think how your character would react and play it out. A great character can make just about any role fun.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Also...make relationships. Both friends and enemies. It's so much more engaging to play a character when you've got friends and enemies complicating things for you.

And if you want to play a city character who lives a long time, aide-type or whatever...perhaps try playing the merchant guild. That way you won't be tempted to think, "oh I'll just go hunting this once"...which is an awesome way to end up dead.

Oh, I'd also suggest, if you want to get into politics in the north but you don't have much experience there yet, become a partisan to a noble or templar. If you're any good at all (reliable, reasonably smart, teachable), the right patron will put you to good use for his/her political aims. Kind of like being an aide, but structured differently.

So yeah. Live long and prosper, at least RP-wise :)
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Being an aide is a fairly social role, it's a good way to get into the political side of the game and get involed in plots, even in just a tangential way.

Aides generally work for the rich high-up types in clans, so a good way to find work as one would be to seek out clanned PCs and ask if they know anyone needing work. You could also try approaching nobles or merchant family members yourself, if you're feeling brave.

Lots of people would suggest the merchant guild for this, I'd actually disagree and say you can do a fine job as an aide with any of the shady (pickpocket, burglar, assassin) guilds and be just as useful. Just remember, you want to focus on your stealth skills, like hide, sneak, peek, and listen, and not skills that can get you in trouble, like steal or backstab, at least to start with until your boss says differently. As a merchant, your skills will be more in a crafting direction, which is great if you're working for a merchant or a noble who wants you to craft, but some nobles won't. They have so much money already that they'd look cheap if they were seen trying to run their own little profit farm off of servants.

Regardless of what guild you pick for your aide, DO NOT LEAVE THE CITY. There is nothing for you there, only death. That's why some people dislike playing aide roles, this is boring and difficult for some folks.

Either city is a good place to start, but be sure you read up on the relevant docs for Allanak or Tuluk before you do, as the cultures are quite different.

Hope this helps. Welcome to Armageddon, may visions of mantis heads be far far away for you. ;)

Something I did, since ARM 1.0 is coming to an end in the next 5 months, is that I based -all- my characters in the South.

Well, I decided to throw a wrench into my little world and try starting off in the North, and having no ties with the South.

No -that- is a good way to have yourself out there, again.
Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Quote from: "ale six"Lots of people would suggest the merchant guild for this, I'd actually disagree and say you can do a fine job as an aide with any of the shady (pickpocket, burglar, assassin) guilds and be just as useful...
Regardless of what guild you pick for your aide, DO NOT LEAVE THE CITY. There is nothing for you there, only death.

That was my whole point about the merchant guild. People who pick it probably, I'm guessing, will be far less tempted to think they can survive outside the city. Shady types often seem to have low survivability; sure, some of it is crim code, but some of it is also probably the noob assassin/burglar thinking, "hey, I'll go hunting to skill up!"

Either way, merchant or shady for an aide role: Remember that YOU ARE NOT A WARRIOR.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

See the sea! Sift Spice! Cheapest way to a high! Anyone can do it! Move to Red Storm today!