Examining the Body

Started by Vessol, October 25, 2006, 07:33:41 PM

l body
You don't see anything unusual about it.

I always found that slightly annoying. I was thinking that mayby a code that shows where the wounds were inflicted(if they could be recorded), or at least what kind of wounds.

l body
The body of the large-necked, red-haired man has a massive stab wound in his back. A couple nicks and scratchs from slashing weapons are visable on his body, neck, and left wrist.

Therefor you could tell that the person probaly was killed by a backstabbing assassin.

l body
The body of the lope-eared, almond-eyed elf's neck is half way cut off, massive wounds cover his entire body.

THerfor you could tell he probaly died in any kind of combat, and the killing blow was to the neck.

Of course more descriptors could be used, I just think it would add an interesting part in actualy KNOWING if Merchant Amos was backstabbed in his appartment or ate a poison piece of bread.

Please feel free to comment or make any suggestions.

Yeeeeh totally. I'm sure this has been discussed mutiple times before, but it would be awesome. In the case of poisons and discrete methods of death - it would probably be more appropriate if only physicians could identify the reason for death.

I think that leaving the tattoos on the corpses would be a start. I don't like the 'backstab' thing because a backstab isn't always really a stab in the back.

This has been wished for many times in the past. I expect to see it eventually, but not soon.

in the mean time, killers or witnesses should use the drop ldesc, espescially now that you can "arrange" even if the body is too heavy to pick up.