New player!

Started by harrower, October 16, 2006, 09:02:18 PM


I'm a new player to Armageddon, and after perusing the help files and forums, I've come to the conclusion that in-game allies are a huge advantage when it comes to the learning curve.  In this interest, I'd like to ask if it is common for characters to come in with some pre-existing relationship to other characters?

Relative, coming-of-age slave, etc.  I'm open to pretty much any character type.  Just curious if this is done?  If so, what sorts of openings/desired characters are there, currently?

It is possible to play as the relative of another player-character, and you should just note this in your PC's background when applying if this is the case.

You can also apply specially as a character already part of an organization, but the odds of landing a special role with your first character or two are fairly low.

There are, however, many organizations which are fairly easy to get in, and once you're in the people will show you around. The Allanaki T'zai Byn units are notorious world-round for taking in anyone who can pay the 300 coin admission fee.

I'd try posting in either the 'Ask the Players' or 'Player Announcements' forums.

Welcome to Arma!


I think you'd be better off joining a clan than creating some pre-existing relationship with another character. Personally, I'd suggest joining the T'zai Byn. Any of the Merchant Houses would be good as well (Salarr, Kurac or Kadius). You're right. It's easier for a new player to get acquainted to Armageddon with the help of another character. And the easiest way to do this is to join one of these clans.

Quote from: "Rhyden"Hey,

I think you'd be better off joining a clan than creating some pre-existing relationship with another character. Personally, I'd suggest joining the T'zai Byn. Any of the Merchant Houses would be good as well (Salarr, Kurac or Kadius). You're right. It's easier for a new player to get acquainted to Armageddon with the help of another character. And the easiest way to do this is to join one of these clans.

I used to say the Byn for new players, but after some deep consideration of the reality of it, it's probably better if new players are scattered about throughout the different clans instead of clustered together in one.

Joining a clan is definitely a great idea. Join the one whom will take you (being human helps) and you often see their players online.

Quote from: "Agent_137"
Quote from: "Rhyden"Hey,

I think you'd be better off joining a clan than creating some pre-existing relationship with another character. Personally, I'd suggest joining the T'zai Byn. Any of the Merchant Houses would be good as well (Salarr, Kurac or Kadius). You're right. It's easier for a new player to get acquainted to Armageddon with the help of another character. And the easiest way to do this is to join one of these clans.

I used to say the Byn for new players, but after some deep consideration of the reality of it, it's probably better if new players are scattered about throughout the different clans instead of clustered together in one.

Joining a clan is definitely a great idea. Join the one whom will take you (being human helps) and you often see their players online.

Actually, yeah. I agree with Agent. It can be a bit tiresome for the Byn Sergeants if they have -all- the new players.

Harrow - Join a Merchant House.

Quote from: "Rhyden"
Quote from: "Agent_137"
Quote from: "Rhyden"Hey,

I think you'd be better off joining a clan than creating some pre-existing relationship with another character. Personally, I'd suggest joining the T'zai Byn. Any of the Merchant Houses would be good as well (Salarr, Kurac or Kadius). You're right. It's easier for a new player to get acquainted to Armageddon with the help of another character. And the easiest way to do this is to join one of these clans.

I used to say the Byn for new players, but after some deep consideration of the reality of it, it's probably better if new players are scattered about throughout the different clans instead of clustered together in one.

Joining a clan is definitely a great idea. Join the one whom will take you (being human helps) and you often see their players online.

Actually, yeah. I agree with Agent. It can be a bit tiresome for the Byn Sergeants if they have -all- the new players.

Harrow - Join a Merchant House.

Thirded. My first successful, fun PC was in House Kadius, and I loved every minute of it - almost my favorite PC to date.

Welcome. We love newbies. Especially in a light Alfredo sauce.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Yaaay welcome to Armageddon! Soon.. your life will be ours. Muhahaha!  :twisted:
You do know that MUDsex is not a coded skill, right? -Nidhogg

Go hardcore.
Buy a weapon, shield, loincloth, and run out of your city-state, and don't come back until you have successfully caught, killed, and skinned your dinner.
This probably doesn't apply to merchants.