Its been a while...

Started by Lavalamps, September 16, 2006, 05:17:57 PM

I took a long break from Armageddon, but Ive been wanting to play recently... so, whats changed in the last few months?
And also, should I retire my character and start fresh, or should I keep going with the one I used before I took my break?

Hey hows it going friend! There has been a few changes in the code, mayby you should check out the updates, glance over them, ect. History has been updated to include the recent HRPT. It depends on your role, were you in any specific clan? Did you have a lot of IC friends? It is always a problem coming back from a break, becuase they thought you died and you have to make up IC character excuses. My suggestion is to store and start new with something that will make you go "BAM, I MISSED Armageddon!"

Welcome back...perpare to feel like a noob again.
Quote from: Dalmeth
I've come to the conclusion that relaxing is not the lack of doing anything, but doing something that comes easily to you.

That's up to you, man.  A lot of people do restart when they come back, but a lot of people don't too.  I'd say do what you feel like.  I personally like to finish off every character I start, but if the dude's really boring you, there's no point in playin' 'im.
, / ^ \ ,                   
|| --- || L D I E L

Oh, and I remember you; welcome back.  :D
, / ^ \ ,                   
|| --- || L D I E L

Awesome, thanks everyone for the advice, and the information! :D

I didn't even notice you left.

Welcome back!  I just started playing again a while ago too.  I chose to keep my character, and died a horrible gruesome death a few days later anyways.   :?
anth: *tries to balance an evil laugh with a cheerful, open demeanor*

A sand-stuffed practice dummy looks down at you.

Come see Matrim's Armageddon website at:

don't retire, just come up with a really good, IC reason for being away for so long. Something you can flesh out if you need to. Something that you can draw up new stories for your character from.

You make a background to explain where your PC was before you took control, so create a nice story to explain where your PC has been while you haven't been around, either.