Medical code overhaul

Started by Marauder Moe, September 05, 2006, 12:54:21 PM

So as not to derail the other thread, I'm going to make a new one to propose a reworking of the bandage skill (others feel free to do the same here).

As it is now, bandaging is more of a weapon than a healing skill.  :wink:

Because it starts so low, and people can heal by just resting or sleeping, no one uses it at all, practically.  Hell, I'd say that at least 95% of healing (besides resting/sleeping) performed in-game is done by magick.  Those numbers should be reversed.

I propose that the initital success rate of bandaging go way up.  Something along the lines of 85% success (in varying degrees), 10% neutral failure (no consequence), 5% critical failure (doing damage).

Or, 50% success, 45% neutral failure, 5% critical failure, and cut the price of bandages in half (and double the success rate of the bandagemaking skill).

Also, I think the skill should convert the held bandage to a 'bloodied' bandage, which can no longer be used for healing, to give to the patient to wear (or even automatically transfer to their inventory).

I think this would significantly increase the skill's use, making for more realistic wilderness healing than setting up tent and taking a nap.

In addition, there should be healer NPCs (that also give out bloodied bandages) so injured people in the city have somewhere to go besides the Temple of Vivadu.


Agree wholeheartedly. How can you possibly injure someone further when attempting to wrap a peice of cloth around a bloodied gash? Not -that- easily.
your mother is an elf.

QuoteI hate how the skill works. Currently the skill is twinky to use and useless almost, it would be better if it didn't have range. It should have a small percent heal and slightly faster HP regeneration for some time (or til fully healed) even if below 50% HP depending on level of skill. This would make the skill more useful esspecially since its dangerous to sleep in order to heal.

For example someone with the skill treats a wounded guard (20/100). Being almost maxed with the skill the guard is healed for ~10 HP, plus will heal when resting all the way back up to ~70 (slightly quicker afer they reach 50 HP) after that they will begin recovering at normal rate one again.

Well i suggested this in the other thread, so i'll just move it over here.

Quote from: "Moofassa"Agree wholeheartedly. How can you possibly injure someone further when attempting to wrap a peice of cloth around a bloodied gash? Not -that- easily.

Well, if you stick your finger in it.  Or if you wrap it too tight and make the wound bleed more.

Starting with 85% is too high.  As I recall, someone posted about high bandage skill giving you like a crazy advantage.  I would agree to start with a higher skill than current, but not that high.  Also I would love to see bandage being applicable to damages where you are still in moderate condition.
some of my posts are serious stuff

It should be up to the bandager if he wants to lose a bandage because some guy lost 5 hp.

You come upon a scene with three guys holding a noble to the ground and a fourth guy looking dumbfounded at the bandage in his hands.

The noble screams, "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?!?!? I'M bleeding to death you dimwit! Bandage my hand! It's falling off! I'm going to kill you for this! Holy shit I'm bleeding! I pricked myself with that big sharp sword thingy!"

The master healer says, "Uh.. You aren't hurt bad enough for me to heal you. My Lord."

The noble starts screaming again in pain and agony.

The noble looks at the healer and shouts, "Dimwit! I'll be the judge of that! Now use it or you die!"
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Its is funny that the only times that a medic or healer might be useful the skill won't work. To be honest i'd be happy if the skill was reworked to allow someone who had negative 50% hitpoints to regenerate back to where they can heal naturally without sleep. That would be useful the wilds or in other situations where people might not want or it not being safe enough to sleep.

I never liked the idea of being able to heal out in the wilds (maybe light injuries) without medical attention. In the city where its relatively 'safer' and 'cleaner', and you can at least virtually RP getting help i can understand but in the wilds. Na. It wouldn't be too much of an issue of playability either since rangers get the skill, so do merchants and you should be travelling with a guide,not to mention physian sub-guild on top of that, also expert warriors get it eventually to so they can still be brutal out there when they become experienced enough.

Editted to add (because i know its coming): You can actually RP being a physician without the skill or ever using the skill, the person sleeps, you watch them while emoting treating them (OOCly making sure you don't get ganked by nasties or someone tries to rob them). Many people do this, still its still nice to be genuinely useful to the game and have your RP supported by code.

The bandage skill rocks, once you are good with it.  I've never seen anything really wrong with the skill.  At the beginning it sucks.  At master level it rocks.  Just like every other skill in the game.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

How yeh supposed to get it passed begginner level and nearer to master level if it's near impossible to practise?

I'm with Moe on this one, it needs to be easier at the begginning. Maybe not quite so easy, but small wounds should be easy to bandage, I don't think there should be such a thing as a wound too small for bandaging except no wound at all. Granted larger more severe wounds should be harder.

QuoteThe bandage skill rocks, once you are good with it. I've never seen anything really wrong with the skill. At the beginning it sucks. At master level it rocks. Just like every other skill in the game.
It doesn't suck, it's useless.  Worse than useless, harmful even.  Not to mention difficult to practice.  You need wounded people, who will usually refuse to let you touch them after you made it worse the first try or two.  Also, military leaders themselves almost never know anything about bandaging so they can't teach it.

On another note, perhaps we need to take the severity of the wound out of the equation all together.  The penalty for having a low skill against a severely injured person would be that it's going to take a lot of time and bandages to heal them.

I agree. I think that would fix it more or less. Remove the factor of how severe the wounds are from it entirely. If they are only slightly hurt, you can still fix up their minor wounds. If they are more severely hurt, on a success you are only going to heal them equivalent to your skill at it.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

:arrow: Going below 10% of your hitpoints should cause you to not be able to heal past 90% of your max hitpoints without medical or magical attention within three RL days. If you do not receive this attention, then your new max is 90% of your old max, never mundanely recoverable.

:arrow: The damaging factor in bandaging should be removed, leaving only null or minor positive effects for fails.

:arrow: There should be no wound too small for medical attention.

These three things would fix the bandaging skill completely.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: "The7DeadlyVenomz":arrow: Going below 10% of your hitpoints should cause you to not be able to heal past 90% of your max hitpoints without medical or magical attention within three RL days. If you do not receive this attention, then your new max is 90% of your old max, never mundanely recoverable.

:arrow: The damaging factor in bandaging should be removed, leaving only null or minor positive effects for fails.

:arrow: There should be no wound too small for medical attention.

These three things would fix the bandaging skill completely.


Enthusiastically seconded.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Except the first one, I am in support of Venomz ideas.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Ghost"Except the first one, I am in support of Venomz ideas.

Yeah, permanent hp loss is a bit extreme. It also wouldn't take into account -how- your hp got that low and the permanent loss of hp wouldn't make sense.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Maybe having HP stuck at 90% until medical attention is received - not time limit on this. I get the gist that this is to inspire people to seek medical attention rather than just sleep it out, but I don't see why - if after the 3 days they haven't had it, it should be permenant. They should just be stuck with 90% - thats enough motivation in itself to inspire someone to seek medical attention, it shouldn't be permenant and irreversible.

But a code like that would make everyone rush to pick physician subguild (unless the person in question is ranger or has healing magick).  I don't see any benefit in it at all.
some of my posts are serious stuff

It wouldn't make me pick physician, for sure. It'd make me be damn sure I knew one though.

Hmmm, I found it pretty damn easy to get bandage to a point where it becomes really decent.  You may wish to think about how you approach using it.  To give you an idea:

It didn't take that many times getting wounded to get decent with the skill.

By the third or fourth time I was wounded, I trusted the skill enough (or was psychotic enough) and was skilled enough to bandage at 1 hp and did so.

Probably less than ten times wounded, ever, before I had pretty much mastered the skill and completely rocked with it.

Now, exactly what is the suckiness with the skill?
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

Everyone who spars with sparring weapons doesn't let their HP drop below 80% or so, and even if beginner bandage could bandage at that level (maybe it can? I haven't tried in awhile for the following reason), it just seems a bit ICly silly to bandage sparring bruises.

Now, if you're one of those playing with live nasties who like to cut you day in and day out, then yes, I imagine you could probably find enough instances to train your bandage skill.

Quote from: "Beux"Maybe having HP stuck at 90% until medical attention is received - not time limit on this. I get the gist that this is to inspire people to seek medical attention rather than just sleep it out, but I don't see why - if after the 3 days they haven't had it, it should be permenant. They should just be stuck with 90% - thats enough motivation in itself to inspire someone to seek medical attention, it shouldn't be permenant and irreversible.

Except you could get fucked and your hp permanently stuck for OOC reasons. You would find someone to bandage you up but there isn't a pc in your area with the bandage skill that is logged in when you are to bandage you up.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I don't like the 'can't regen past 90%' idea...because bandaging should be done early on in a wound's existance.  It quickens the healing process.

I'd rather bandage did that anyway.  When someone is bandaged, that someone should heal faster, not receive a jump in hp.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "Twilight"The bandage skill rocks, once you are good with it.  I've never seen anything really wrong with the skill.  At the beginning it sucks.  At master level it rocks.  Just like every other skill in the game.

A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Quote from: "spawnloser"I don't like the 'can't regen past 90%' idea...because bandaging should be done early on in a wound's existance.  It quickens the healing process.

I'd rather bandage did that anyway.  When someone is bandaged, that someone should heal faster, not receive a jump in hp.

Perhaps a jump in HP would be due to some sort of physical therapy the doctor knew about?
"The Highlord casts a shadow because he does not want to see skin!" -- Boog

<this space for rent>

A more gradual/realistic approach to the bandage skill seems reasonable.

I didn't read most of the replies, so someone may have already proposed an idea like this...

For example, at it's lowest - the skill may cause its wielder to bandage someone improperly and maybe cause a very small amount of damage and/or gradual loss of HP. (if you wanted to get real complicated, you could take bodyparts into account and "bandage Amos's arm" may cause the bandage to instantly be placed on his arm and would have to be carefully removed if it was done improperly, but we probably don't want to go that far just yet)

As the skill got better, a small jump in HP and/or quicker increase in health regeneration might work out.  The jump in HP may work considerably better if the bandage was a poultice or whatnot.