
Started by Beux, August 29, 2006, 11:42:55 AM

It's not a big deal, but I'd reaaally like to see the guards at the gate, remind you in some way to sheathe your weapons when you enter a city/town/village. No where really likes you to have your weapons out, and it makes sense that the guards would rather you sheathe them before entering their city.

I know this would really help me, because obviously my char would realise they still had their weapons drawn, you couldn't miss it, but I, as a player, -constantly- forget. It's really annoying, and I keep wishing the guards would remind me before I step into a posh tavern and get -a lot- of funny looks.

It wouldn't be hard to code right? To have a gate guard say something like

'Oi you, put yeh weapon away if yeh comin' in here!'

Oooh ooh, or better yet: since 'assess' now shows if someone is armed or not, how about adding an 'armed' variable to the prompt?  Says "armed" if you are, outputs nothing if you aren't.

>prompt %h/%v/%t/%A>


100/120/100/> draw sword

You draw an obsidian longsword.


Yes please. Either will do. :D


Actually I spent half an hour getting beaten up yesterday by something that I should have killed in a couple of hits, because i forgot i'd sheathed my weapons. So prompt please.

Uh, depending on what client you use, you could do this yourself.  I did, and it was rather simple.  Just check to see if your client has some sort of static indicator, like a status bar or somesuch.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"

Uhuh. And that didn't go straight over my head. Honest.

Not all mudders are clever geeks. :( Some of us are just dorks.

If your client can set up simple triggers, I think it would be allowed for you to do something like:

pattern: Saving at the gates of Allanak

action: sheathe kank-prod;sheathe umbrella
b]YB <3[/b]

Quote from: "Dalmeth"Uh, depending on what client you use, you could do this yourself.  I did, and it was rather simple.  Just check to see if your client has some sort of static indicator, like a status bar or somesuch.

Mmmm, custom prompts.  I haven't, as yet, set up anything for Armageddon, but this reminds me.
eel the wetness of her tongue that slides across my skin
the viruses crawl over me and feel for some way in

acid bath

Quote from: "Hymwen"If your client can set up simple triggers, I think it would be allowed for you to do something like:

pattern: Saving at the gates of Allanak

action: sheathe kank-prod;sheathe umbrella

this is the best solution, that or being aware of your character. Turning off aim, your email, etc helps a long way toward character awareness and immersion.

Quote from: "Beux"Yes please. Either will do. :D


Actually I spent half an hour getting beaten up yesterday by something that I should have killed in a couple of hits, because i forgot i'd sheathed my weapons. So prompt please.

I lost a long long lived character when I attacked a creature I was supposed to
gather the meat from. I have killed plenty before in quick hits, this time I attacked
without my weapons though and found out how hard it could hit. I died and it
was sad.
ishenko79: yeah, well, welcome to the [explicit deleted]ed up world of the now.

The '%A' addition to prompt went in today.

Armageddon Staff

Quote from: "Morgenes"The '%A' addition to prompt went in today.

You rock my socks.  :oops:

Quote from: "Morgenes"The '%A' addition to prompt went in today.

:shock: Fast.

Hooray prompt!

Quote from: "Morgenes"The '%A' addition to prompt went in today.

Love for Morgenes.

A foreign presence contacts your mind.

I love lamp.
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."