Longest Longin Time (excluding Staff) - Holy SH--

Started by mansa, July 22, 2006, 04:42:36 PM

Maximum Login Time:           1041.13 minutes

I mean.  Holy Crap!

17 hours, 45 minutes.

New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I want to know if that player was active or idling.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Gold farmers.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Back in 2002 or 2003 I played more than 2160 minutes straight.  It's hard not to idle here or there because there were times when only 3 people were logged in other than myself.  I've logged a good 14-16 hours a few times in the past month.

 ::Edited to emphisize:: That was >2160 minutes which is 36 hours.  I played more than 36 hours non-stop staring at the screen the entire time except to go to the bathroom and forrage food from the kitchen.  Yay, champion!  Champion Arm loser that is.

I will -frequently- log in for about 7-12 hours.. active play.

Unfortunately, I'm on dialup, and subject to phone calls. :(

I've made a good 15 hours before, 5 hours of good playing and then fell asleep like an ass still logged in, then came back and played a bit when I woke.

I get down on marathon play sometimes, logging eight hours of playing with very little idle time, but seventeen hours is kind of... frightening.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

I idled for something like fifteen hours once, but this record that mansa just posted gives me the odd urge to beat it.  Beat it like a polaroid picture.
Child, child, if you come to this doomed house, what is to save you?

A voice whispers, "Read the tales upon the walls."

I know someone who played Everquest for 31 hours once. Now that's nuts.
b]YB <3[/b]

The longest I ever played a game I think was when I first got WoW. I played it for 10 hours without stopping, and finaly fell asleep at my keyboard(I started at 8PM, so it was already night). Anyways, to remain on topic, I think the longest I played Arm was 4 hours, that was sorta fun.

I can easily do 9 hours a day, during my work hours, which is mostly when I play.. Actually, it has to be 4 hours + 4 hours, due to lunch time.. Yah, I'm pretty pissed I have to leave Arm to go eat lunch and pretend I want to be social with my co-workers. Grrr.

Getting paid to play Arm all day rocks :)
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

I've played for 6 orso hours once, home from school.

I feel very weird after a long time at a screen though, so I rather not do that too often.

I spent a summer working a school, once.  No one around and nothing to do but game all weekend.  And I literally would.  :oops:
Quote from: saquartey
Rairen, what would we do without you?

Granted, this was with a friend helping, but my personal record for playing a game was five...yes five -days- straight. No memory card, couldn't bare to lose the progress so we took twelve hour shifts, skipped school and so on...Sad? Yes. fyi...we ended up dying and losing everything anyway before we beat the game.  :cry:

Now for back on topic, I can average eight to sixteen hours of play daily when not working with arm. However, it's usually broken up over the day with lunch/super or so on. When I am working, my play time drops to maybe two or three hours daily.

Granted, this was with a friend helping, but my personal record for playing a game was five...yes five -days- straight. No memory card, couldn't bare to lose the progress so we took twelve hour shifts, skipped school and so on...Sad? Yes. fyi...we ended up dying and losing everything anyway before we beat the game.  :cry:

Now for back on topic, I can average eight to sixteen hours of play daily when not working with arm. However, it's usually broken up over the day with lunch/super or so on. When I am working, my play time drops to maybe two or three hours daily.

I've done a number of 12ish hour stints on Armageddon.  My record for most time at a game was Baldur's Gate I, with 200+ hours over one Christmas break (about 4 weeks).  I had to stop playing so much when it gave me back aches.

Sometimes you just have to binge.[/b]
Man, if you're just a ninja so long as nobody launches a hacky-sack into your junk at 200-mph, then you, sir, are no ninja.

I'm surprised on a game this large that more of you have not spent an entirety of a day playing a MUD.
eel the wetness of her tongue that slides across my skin
the viruses crawl over me and feel for some way in

acid bath

Maybe sometime this week.

If I break the record, do I get a karma?

Huh...I'm not sure I want to be logged in that much at a time.  I idle enough as it is some times.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

I dont game in mass times, i like to say, go at the max, four hours, then i need a break, though i'm worried i'm addicted, i got up at like 2:00 in the morning three times to go on the HRPT, only to finally miss it coz of school

But, it reminds me, I did once play for like 12 hours on timesplitters future perfect, thats such a kick ass game. :wink:
Someone says: I imagine the festivities have worn you thin... Well good. I plan on leading patrols over the next month, that would turn even your shriveled manhoods into sturdy poles of destruction.

Quote from: "jstorrie"Maybe sometime this week.

If I break the record, do I get a karma?

You get to have the record.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.


I sometimes do 12 hours...with uhh..breaks (food, shower, etc etc), but mostly spend an entire day...uhm...quite a lot of days. I'm on holiday! :/

Maximum Login Time:           3379.13 minutes

Holy shit. Who left their computer on?

Thats over TWO DAYS.

Somone own up.



I've put in a near a whole day on arm before, around 20 hours with near zero idle time(I had to use the bathroom and smoke at some point).

Armaddict has got you all beat though.  He pulled a 72 hour stint on his computer and didn't stop playing arm until he was hallucinating.

I don't know wether to praise or curse him.

"We all know that 'mullet' means 'family-man'."

I believe I know who did this record. They were idle for the past few days. =/
Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.
C. S. Lewis

I think anyone that plays any game with out breaks for more then 5 hrs is on drugs of some sort. The longest i ever played a game was 7 hrs and i was drunk and stoned from a party i went to. I started playing sc at 4 when i got home
dd my msn if you want, longvaladrien@hotmail.com

The longest single session I've had where I did stuff the whole time was probably about 7 hours.  I've almost certainly done longer if you discount logging off for a few minutes for a snack or bathroom break.

I've definitely been logged in for 24 hours more than once, though, by accidentally forgetting to log out and close the mud client, then do things like going to sleep, work, class, and so on.

Other notable gaming marathons:
Me and some friends once played an online Java version of Settlers of Cataan for 10 hours straight.
I've probably done a few 12+ hour Halo 2 stints.
I had a single game of Starcraft last 12 hours (and end in a draw).