Longest Longin Time (excluding Staff) - Holy SH--

Started by mansa, July 22, 2006, 04:42:36 PM

I think anyone that plays any game with out breaks for more then 5 hrs is on drugs of some sort. The longest i ever played a game was 7 hrs and i was drunk and stoned from a party i went to. I started playing sc at 4 when i got home
dd my msn if you want, longvaladrien@hotmail.com

The longest single session I've had where I did stuff the whole time was probably about 7 hours.  I've almost certainly done longer if you discount logging off for a few minutes for a snack or bathroom break.

I've definitely been logged in for 24 hours more than once, though, by accidentally forgetting to log out and close the mud client, then do things like going to sleep, work, class, and so on.

Other notable gaming marathons:
Me and some friends once played an online Java version of Settlers of Cataan for 10 hours straight.
I've probably done a few 12+ hour Halo 2 stints.
I had a single game of Starcraft last 12 hours (and end in a draw).