Sleep and Quit

Started by Beux, July 05, 2006, 12:40:31 PM


I'll start with sleep, I pretty much think that the option to sleep in various positions and on various furniture should be more open. For example, a guy sits in a bar all night and falls asleep at the bar. This currently isn't possible, and doesn't make much sense to me. I'm assuming this could be changed by just adjusting the values on the furniture to allow sleep?


You should be able to quit out while asleep. In fact, being asleep is probably the most sensible and likely time to quit out, as while you're asleep you're not conscious of the realms anyway. I really don't understand why I have to be awake and standing to quit.

You don't have to be standing to quit.  I haven't tried quitting while asleep lately, though.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"You don't have to be standing to quit.  I haven't tried quitting while asleep lately, though.

It can't  be done.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

QuoteFor example, a guy sits in a bar all night and falls asleep at the bar.
I don't think this would be happening in most taverns..if someone is sleeping it's just taking up room from someone who could be paying valuable coins. The sleeper would probably be promptly thrown out if caught.
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"You don't have to be standing to quit.  I haven't tried quitting while asleep lately, though.

You can quit sitting, and resting, but not while sleeping.

Quote from: "Beux"For example, a guy sits in a bar all night and falls asleep at the bar.

It was not possible before.  But I have not checked lately.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Could someone remind me again why not all rooms in the city proper are quit-safe?

Suddenly, a few militia begin to run at you!

Welcome to Zalanthas...
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

Quote from: "Cegar"Suddenly, a few militia begin to run at you!

Welcome to Zalanthas...

Incrimination could make you too excited to log out for a couple of minutes, if it doesn't already.

solution for quitting while asleep:

wake (rolling over with a snort)


solution for sleeping in a chair:
suck it up, it was only in this past year or so that we were able to sleep on beds.

You could always change ldesc and emote sleeping.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

he's kidding folks. doing that is abusing code and will get you in serious trouble.

No, I'm not kidding. If you want to RP that you fell asleep in a chair, then change your ldesc to, "Is here, passed out in blah blah chair." That is not abuse of the code in the same sense that creating a blind character (who can still see) is not abuse of the code.
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

Quote from: "Cegar"No, I'm not kidding. If you want to RP that you fell asleep in a chair, then change your ldesc to, "Is here, passed out in blah blah chair." That is not abuse of the code in the same sense that creating a blind character (who can still see) is not abuse of the code.

I would be cautios on this side, and would seek staff opinion on this before doing it.

The thing, if you just RP sleeping in a chair, there are various code penalties that will not take effect.

1) Stealing from you is not easier, like it is normally if someone is codedly sleeping

2) Semote will not work right

3) If someone (for some reason) decided to attack you, they gain no coded advantage to take into account you're unconscious and unable to defend yourself

4) I believe there were some changes to when you subdue people in cities (won't go into details in case staff doesn't want that)

5) Subduing on another note: there is no skill check when subduing someone who is unconscious. This would not be the same if you simply RP sleeping.

Note: Please don't compare RPing doing a coded action with something like someone playing a blind character. Playing a blind character is simply putting a lot of trust in the hands of the player. RPing sleeping, whether or not you're trustworthy, will not be taken into account by the code, and therefore shouldn't be done. IMO, it is VERY MUCH abusing the code, and should not be done.

To the OP:

Quitting while asleep: Well, I'm not so sure this is that big of a problem, and I would just wake and quit for now, until someone has the time to implement this.

Sleeping in chairs: While it would be a neat thing to see, I think just playing your character as resting in it for now will do. Again, wait until the staff has time to implement something like this.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

Sleeping in a chair would not be for any coded benefit, just an RP tool. Anyway, it is pretty damn hard to get into a full, slumberous (to steal a word from David Firth) sleep in a chair, but that is beside the point. When an action is not supported by code and it would bestow any special benefit on your character, then I assume it is fine to do. There are no coded benefits (I.e. increased regen) and there are no coded drawbacks. Anyway, if a staffer reads this, what is your opinion?
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

What the chipmunk is saying is that you get a coded benefit, whether you mean to or not, which is that someone who is preying on you thinking that you're codedly sleeping, may be very surprised indeed to find that you aren't.

Please avoid doing that with your ldesc.

-- X

Damn. My plans of luring thieves to my helpless narcoleptic are ruined!
esperas: I wouldn't have gotten over the most-Arm-players-are-assholes viewpoint if I didn't get the chance to meet any.
   Cegar:   most Arm players are assholes.
   Ethean:   Most arm players are assholes.
     [edited]:   most arm players are assholes

It is interesting that I've seen a staff member emote and change ldesc to represent a narcoleptic falling asleep without actually having the NPC fall asleep. ;)  Thing is, I don't mind, as this NPC should have been completely safe from any theft/assault...and I have more faith in the staff keeping things legit than I do players...and plus, it was just so damn funny ever time I interacted with this NPC. :lol:

Editted to add: I do want to note that this is not a criticism of said staff member and that I do support the opinion voiced by Xygax.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Dagger in hand, the gritty assassin sits in the chair.
The gritty assassin says, in rinthi-accented sisrhish, "I never really sleep."
The gritty assassin closes his eyes and falls asleep.

The ability to sleep in chairs, sitting up, or even riding a kank, would be awesome for RP, especially for those hard-bitten mercenaries.

Of course, you wouldn't want to be caught flat-footed like this...

"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

The problem is that while real people are able to fall asleep sitting on a stool or even standing up, it isn't a very refreshing sleep, and those people also sometimes fall down.   :shock:  If sleeping on bar stools was allowed, people would never shift their weight in their sleep and fall off the stool.

While coming right out and saying that your PC is asleep when not using the sleep command (especially if you copy the default sleeping ldesc) is naughty, it would probably be ok to show that your character is not fully alert but not fully unconscious either.  Things like "dozing fitfully" "resting her head on the filthy bar top, eyes closed" "leans against the wall with one eye halfway open, occasionally snoring" "propped up in a chair, apparently napping" etc.  Something to show that your coded condition is uncertain, that while you may not alert, you certainly are not deeply asleep either.  That shows people that if they are counting on you being codedly asleep, or codedly away, they are taking a gamble.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins