Started by mansa, June 26, 2006, 11:56:51 PM

We need to keep this up forever.  Send people to the front lines from time to time, you know.  Would give Warlords more reason to exist, would be cool as heck. :)
, / ^ \ ,                   
|| --- || L D I E L

It's funny, everyone my pc has interacted with, doesn't want anything to do with the war.. kinda funny considering how kick ass it's been! Go to the front lines! Be a hero.. or.. something..
he love that you have found is the love that you can never find, because it's the love that is never able to be found.

While this is a terribly OOC idea, it has it merits.

Give two new starting locations to PCs. Allanaki Frontlines and Tuluki Frontlines.

Make sure it's understood that they are high danger zones, spawn them outside the camps, and don't let them into the real camp until ... well, it needs work, but it's an idea, especially if this lasts much longer.

And God, I hope it does. I'd like to see it turn into a COld War of sorts, with stand ... anyway, whatever, rambling.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


OOCly, I hope this war lasts about a month - too much longer and it'll start getting stale, but too much shorter and it'll be harder to sink your teeth in.

That opinion may or may not vary from the opinion my character has.  :roll:

Well, I'm sure there are differences in the cities, but I've had no problem at all finding the usual tavern RP, minus the soldiers of course. Newbies should be able to find jobs just fine with the merchant houses as always--or if they really want to fight, just asking around in the taverns will get them hooked up with a connection to the front. No, it's not the easiest time ever to start ARMing, but from what I see it shouldn't be that much more difficult than when I was a raw newb just a month ago.

And when I said RPing in the cities--I didn't mean solo RP at all. I really don't prefer solo RP, and my RP personally has been tremendous since the start of the war with plenty of interaction. Maybe it's the style of my character though, I dunno.
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Well, I had not problem to find -some- PCs around in the city during peak-times. Indeed, they do meet. But it does not mean the city is not mostly empty (speaking about PCs, not NPCs or VNPCs). There might be 30 or 40 people logged on and still nobody in taverns or streets.

I do like this HRPT style, really. It is a very cool idea. But true is, life in cities is slower and often more lonely than "usually". Nothing wrong with that, but it is a fact. You might be lucky and part of group which is not interested to be involved. Or you might be unlucky and know everyone around you is "there" while you cannot go. That indeed does not mean you cannot have fun.

I actually think that starting locations for the army camps might not be such a bad idea, but having never been to them, I'm not sure they'd be able to support new players... could they?

Its a bad idea unless they get some boost to their skills (Ridding esspecially)...

Its a very interesting event...and its not easy at all to pull...its very risking and i completely believe Halabaster when he says he doesn't really know what will happen exactly...its alot of fun though...esspecially for those that have quite a bit of time already invested in their really feels like a chess wrong move and either side could lose (PC wise at least).

Quote from: "ale six"I actually think that starting locations for the army camps might not be such a bad idea, but having never been to them, I'm not sure they'd be able to support new players... could they?

There's no shops or any way to get things that you didn't bring from the city unless you get hand-me-downs, and you're confined to 2-3 rooms for most of the time. I think that starting in the camp is close to impossible, but as far as I know, groups come back to the city regularly to pick up new people, so simply starting in the city and waiting for the pick-up crew would be a much better solution. That's just one of the camps, of course, I haven't seen both, but I assume it's no different.

Also, for a new player's first character, it would probably give the wrong impression of the game, and there's really not a whole lot to do in the camp itself if there's not a commander-type person around. Think of it as a small Red Storm without shops or taverns.
b]YB <3[/b]

Maybe something could be added to the MOTD to let the new players know there is a war going on?
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: "Morfeus"Well, I had not problem to find -some- PCs around in the city during peak-times.

Not everyone can play peak times, I have a very hard time finding anyone at all even with 35 players logged in at low-peak (euro evenings).
It is especially hard for city based characters who cant make a living on their own without PC interaction, if I still cant find any PCs to get hired by within this week or so I'll probably just stay offline until the HRPT is over.

Maybe it would be possible to implement NPC caravans who take PCs to the camps, and maybe back to the city as well, at specific times? It can be extremely hard to even find a PC who could lead the way.

Just to make a short note: I am European player too. I know it is not easy. :)

QuoteMaybe it would be possible to implement NPC caravans who take PCs to the camps, and maybe back to the city as well, at specific times? It can be extremely hard to even find a PC who could lead the way.

If you're having trouble getting someone to fetch you, I would recommend this: ask the imms. I can't promise that it'll work, but I think that they'd be glad to help you, either by animating a wagon team or simply arranging it with one of the PCs responsible for fetching people. I know at least one Templar plays hours that a european player can match. Unless you're from the other city-state, in which case I don't know, but try ask the imms, I'm pretty sure they work closely with Templars and that it's in their best interest to help people like you.
b]YB <3[/b]

Personally, this hrpt style is really stressful. I'd love to play some sort of mindless half-giant or generic commoner for this type of hrpt rather than a leader.

yeah, but the rest of us get such a kick out of watching you guys screw up or succeed. Really.

I see this as a prime time to leap ranks.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


To chime in:  from what I've seen, the players have really stepped up.  The "HRPT" has been extremely entertaining and gratifying in the snatches I've been able to witness and participate in.

To the leaders - making mistakes is fine, that's part of what life brings; don't agonize terribly.  Keeping the ball rolling, fresh initiative .. that will be lasting.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Double true to Lazloth.

Mad props to Halaster and the others who came up with this. And especially the players. You know who you are.

I've seen more plot in TWO NIGHTS with this than I have in -months- otherwise.

Quote from: "davien"Double true to Lazloth.

Mad props to Halaster and the others who came up with this. And especially the players. You know who you are.

I've seen more plot in TWO NIGHTS with this than I have in -months- otherwise.

I know I already posted something like this at the beginning, but...


I heartily concur.  It's been a while since Arm has kept me up this late.   :wink:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Quote from: "Lonely Kank"Right now I dislike the HRPT. City life, even within the normally most busy and popular areas, appears to be dead despite a high number of players logged in.

Yes... If I had a different PC, or a few more options, I probably wouldn't feel this way. But as it stands now.. I'm wishing the HRPT would end.. Or at least subside for a bit. Things get quiet, survivors return to the cities for a while. And at the same time, those leaders can 'build up' new forces, train them, form new stratigies, etc. Then have another HRPT tidalwave for all those who're currently eating this stuff up.

As for myself.. :cry: The city can be a very lonely place these days.

It's amazing, really.
The moment we have something, we wish for something else.

Why is that, I wonder?
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"It's amazing, really.
The moment we have something, we wish for something else.

Why is that, I wonder?

I doubt all players 'have' the HRPT. I'm sure there are a number who cannot participate in it for IC or whatever reasons, and they wish they could just get the non-HRPT interaction they used to have back. Still, this is a very cool event for the majority of the playerbase, and while I dont think it should stay the way it is now for a very long time... mad props to Halaster and everyone else for the implementation.

I was referring to the game in general.
Instead of being wrapped up in what we don't have - we should simply offer kudos and then be thankful for what we do.

It was just a thought.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"It's amazing, really.
The moment we have something, we wish for something else.

Why is that, I wonder?

Because it's not good for everybody. As you may or may not have noticed, the vast majority praise the HRPT, while some people have seen only the negative effects: no people to RP with because they can't be where the action is. You can't expect everybody to instantly love something that only some people get to see anything of, and I personally dislike the extremely negative response people give to anyone who are not thrilled about the HRPT. And you might also have noticed that most of the people who weren't particularly impressed by the HRPT have said that the idea is great, they're just stating that there's another side of the coin, not saying "down with the HRPT!".

I'm surprised at how offensive people are towards the few among us who dare to say that they haven't enjoyed the HRPT much. Even staff response.

A very small portion of the players have, mostly in polite and reasonable ways, mentioned that they didn't like some things about the HRPT, and most people give them an answer along the lines of "WE DID THIS FOR YOU AND ALL Y'ALL SHOW IS UNGRATEFULNESS!" as if they had been served exactly what they asked for on a silver platter and had turned their noses in disgust.

Please don't turn the general atmosphere into one of forced gratitude and harshness towards people who don't agree with the majority. The fact is that some people have only seen bad sides of this HRPT, and don't deny them the right to mention it.
b]YB <3[/b]

I have to agree with Hymwen's most recent statement.

Yeah, the HRPT is hella cool...but in a grand sense.  It's not hella cool for every individual, as not every individual can be involved.  Those individuals that can't be involved and thus are distinctly NOT enjoying the HRPT events have just as much right to say so as those that are inolved and are loving it.  Stop being the thought police for real life.  Everyone has their own opinion.  Noone is saying the HRPT shouldn't happen.  They're saying it sucks to be them while it is.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.