Cancelled HRPT - The Aftermath

Started by FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit, June 11, 2006, 08:36:01 PM

So... what's going to happen now? There are a few things to consider.
Lots of disjointed characters. Last week I made a character basically designed to get into the HRPT action, and I know I'm not the only one. Now this poor guy is drifting around in limbo. Certain IC restrictions mean he's basically going to be staying in the same place until the HRPT starts. Except, well... now no HRPT will be starting.
Will the HRPT be rescheduled? Will I have to store? Will a valid IC excuse be brought up?
IC events frozen. There were certain IC events leading up to this HRPT... I have a fairly good idea of what they were, I think, I don't know. But I know something was happening somewhere, and now we need IC reasons for the sudden "change of plans". Is the evil dragon-mantis-halfling overlord just going to wake up one day and say, "Hmm... nah. I don't feel like eating the sun anymore- nevermind that I've been plotting it for a millenia." How will this be reconciled?
The mysterious lag. This is a big problem... something has prevented us from having an HRPT for two solid weeks. How much longer will this last? Will we be unable to host an RPT ever again? I'd like to hear some words of comfort from the staff on this.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

I'd like to see us set a time for everybody in the game to log in, just to see how many people we can throw on ginka. Call it a test HRPT. We wouldn't need to plan any IC events at all, just try and crank the who list up above 100 people to say we did. I imagine it would at least be somewhat useful for testing purposes. And everyone can spend an hour to play, right? With so many people in the game I'm sure things would be fun regardless of if there was a big event or not.

So how about tomorrow evening at 8:30 est?
subdue thread
release thread pit

Calm down. Go outside and play in the sun or something.

If your character was created "just for the HRPT", then maybe you learned your lesson. Heh.

I have to admit... making a char "just for the hrpt" sounds nearly impossible.

That's like suggesting this chars entire life has been waiting for this one event, and all the time before this moment was just spent doing nothing in one spot.

I like the idea of a mutual log in time to try and crank up the numbers, see what ginka can handle.

And IC events can always come up at the last moment, even Tek gets diarhea.
A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.  Zalanthas is Armageddon.

Seriously. This isn't that big of a deal.

Quote from: "Kalden"Calm down. Go outside and play in the sun or something..

QuoteSeriously. This isn't that big of a deal.

Kind of.

Not something to get pissed off about, but it does create some IC concerns that I, personally, am worried about, particularly after this has been delayed twice now.  Time is continuing to pass, and work is continuing to go into the event, which effectively makes it less and less 'true' to how it should have occurred.

Since the delay of the first HRPT to this one, which has now been delayed...quite a few changes occurred.  The fact that it's being delayed is letting people take advantage to be more prepared/involved in it.

Granted, I'm not as involved in the HRPT (or at least one part of it) as other people, but to me...that just means some other people have got to be even more concerned about such.

Preparation ? What preparation?  Is my char the only one in the entire game world who had no idea anything what so ever was going to happen and just thought another normal day went past and will just as surprised as the rest of you when something (either this plotline or another) explodes all around us?

Also I agree, this is a big problem, because it has been regularly disrupting rp.  However I do not really talk about it on here because I know that the staff know about it too.  And also think it's really bad and would love to make the lag go away and they're trying.  

As much as this lag sucks, that's good enough for me.

QuotePreparation ? What preparation? Is my char the only one in the entire game world who had no idea anything what so ever was going to happen and just thought another normal day went past and will just as surprised as the rest of you when something (either this plotline or another) explodes all around us?

At least part of it is known about by PC's.  Part of it has been worked on by PC's.  Part of it is not a surprise to part of the playerbase.

As I said...those PC's now have additional time to prepare, to change things, to try to counteract all problems that were there from the beginning.  Likewise...those problems have been joined by more since the original planned date.

At least one plotline involved has already been...not modified in itself, but adjusted to through time granted that really...wasn't...there...except for the fact we had lag.  We can't 'freeze' time to fix it.  More groups have joined in the action and gotten more involved.  Like I said...not pissed off about this stuff occurring, because there was an issue out of everyone's control that forced the delay.

But I -am- concerned that now, the HRPT will have impacts that wouldn't have been there originally, impacts that can't really be fixed, and impacts that may or may not have been in the 'original' plan that would have occurred.  Just concerned, is all.

However...I'm not saying there isn't a factor that all these people -don't- know about that makes all of the above not even worth thinking about.  Heh.

Hey, you aren't the only one whose PC hasn't a clue.   :wink:
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

I'm not even worried about the RPT.

what I'm worried about is that this network problem is most definitly having a poor affect on the number of players and definitly new players.

Arm is hard enough.

Imagine being a new player.

Game seems like it could be fun even if it is hard, but the lag and getting DC'd all the time, Bah, plenty of muds out there without lag.

Poof, off they go.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

This disruption is quickly making Arm unplayable.  I can only imagine how many hunters have died because of it.  I'm certainly not going to be able to play my usual independent hunter in these situations.
Any questions, comments, or condemnations to an eternity of fiery torment?

Waving a hammer, the irate, seething crafter says, in rage-accented sirihish :
"Be impressed.  Now!"

I remember a long time ago before things were upgraded when it wasn't uncommon for the game to crash now and then, and lag also (although this past week the lag has been horrific, I certainly don't deny that.) But, Saikun and others analyzed, fixed the problem, and got it working.

I guess I just want to reassure everyone that the past couple of weeks have been a royal pain in the ass, but I do believe we will get this resolved. We've taken a hit, but we aren't down and out for the count and things will resume once more. It's going to suck if we lose new players (or existing although I sure hope that doesn't happen) - but in the overall scheme of things, I think we'll be OK.

In the meantime, vent frustrations on here as we have been, try to play when possible, and remember that Arm may need a little healing time, but
focus on how good it will be once Arm is back up and running again.
"Change is not inspired without risk.." - Eniriah

Quote from: "Eniriah"In the meantime, vent frustrations on here as we have been, try to play when possible, and remember that Arm may need a little healing time, but
focus on how good it will be once Arm is back up and running again.
I hope the staff don't take to heart the griping. It's very frustrating and people do tend to get angry, but I think when everyone's calmed down they realize it isn't any of the staff's fault (not that I've seen anyone blaming the staff yet :D Well.... except Eniriah of course).

Quote from: "HRPT Kank"
QuotePreparation ? What preparation? Is my char the only one in the entire game world who had no idea anything what so ever was going to happen and just thought another normal day went past and will just as surprised as the rest of you when something (either this plotline or another) explodes all around us?

At least part of it is known about by PC's.  Part of it has been worked on by PC's.  Part of it is not a surprise to part of the playerbase.

As I said...those PC's now have additional time to prepare, to change things, to try to counteract all problems that were there from the beginning.  Likewise...those problems have been joined by more since the original planned date.

At least one plotline involved has already been...not modified in itself, but adjusted to through time granted that really...wasn't...there...except for the fact we had lag.  We can't 'freeze' time to fix it.  More groups have joined in the action and gotten more involved.  Like I said...not pissed off about this stuff occurring, because there was an issue out of everyone's control that forced the delay.

But I -am- concerned that now, the HRPT will have impacts that wouldn't have been there originally, impacts that can't really be fixed, and impacts that may or may not have been in the 'original' plan that would have occurred.  Just concerned, is all.

However...I'm not saying there isn't a factor that all these people -don't- know about that makes all of the above not even worth thinking about.  Heh.

This is a valid concern.  The HRPT that should'f gone down last week will be a different plot than the one that will go down, because of this 'month' of limbo.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "UnderSeven"Preparation ? What preparation?  Is my char the only one in the entire game world who had no idea anything what so ever was going to happen and just thought another normal day went past and will just as surprised as the rest of you when something (either this plotline or another) explodes all around us?

That's what I was thinking until about half an hour before the HRPT when I realized what I think it is. A bunch of different things clicked together at once, and I realized that yeah, a lot of people should really see this coming ICly, whether they were really involved or not. instead of stealing an uneaten one, like a normal person, I decided I wanted the one already in her mouth."

Best movies EVAR:
1. Boondock Saints
2. Green Street Hooligans
3. Fight Club

Norman Reedus is my hero.

Quote from: "John"
Quote from: "Eniriah"In the meantime, vent frustrations on here as we have been, try to play when possible, and remember that Arm may need a little healing time, but
focus on how good it will be once Arm is back up and running again.
I hope the staff don't take to heart the griping. It's very frustrating and people do tend to get angry, but I think when everyone's calmed down they realize it isn't any of the staff's fault (not that I've seen anyone blaming the staff yet :D Well.... except Eniriah of course).

Heh - we don't take it to heart and I'm glad people aren't blaming us. Not much we can do for issues outside of our immediate control. As long as people keep things respectful, griping is A-OK. That's why I made an official thread for it  :wink: You'll hear some staff share your sentiments there as well.
"Change is not inspired without risk.." - Eniriah

I agree with the statements made about the preparations going into things. Alot more time has been granted and it has allowed for others to get wind of things ICly than originally should've happened due to OOC reasons. I'm wondering about how this will impact the outcome of things.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

This is one of those things that make me glad that I tend to play "obliviously."  I normally log on first and check the forums later, or will go a week or more without checking in here to see announcements -- normally, if it doesn't appear on the front page and interest me, I assume the staff havn't made some enormous, life-altering change to the game while I was gone.  ^.^

This does make me more curious about the event, though.  With all the rumor-mongering, I'm starting to look forward to it.  :D

Quote from: "FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit"Lots of disjointed characters. Last week I made a character basically designed to get into the HRPT action, and I know I'm not the only one. Now this poor guy is drifting around in limbo. Certain IC restrictions mean he's basically going to be staying in the same place until the HRPT starts. Except, well... now no HRPT will be starting.

The poor guy would be drifting around in limbo after the HRPT.

I am against creating characters for the soul purpose of joining a HRPT, because it is just like creating a character with the soul purpose of being able to play the game, until a better character concept comes to view. If it were meant for me to be in it, I will try to take part in it. If not, I'll let everyone else have their fun. After all is said and done, you might end up with a rather boring character, if you didn't have future plans for the character. Thus, you will find youself pulling your hair out each time you log in, or storing the character.

My post isn't trying to imply that making characters for certain events is wrongdoing. If there are more people attending the event, the better the event will be. Futhermore, I just can not find myself molding a character around a single scheduled event. I don't like the idea of making characters for that particular reason, and that will be my two 'sids.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "ThirdEye"Has it been 'cancelled' or postponed?

It was cancelled on Sunday, like it was cancelled the week before, but of course it will be held once the technical RL issues being experienced can be resolved.

Yokunama wrote:
QuoteThe poor guy would be drifting around in limbo after the HRPT.
Look, I don't want to get into the IC specifics of my current character for my obvious reasons, but I'd appreciate it if people would stop making assumptions about my character or my purposes for playing him.
Perhaps my initial post was poorly worded, but I assure you I did not make a dwarf with the objective "Get killed by Halaster" or anything like that. I did have future plans for the character, beyond the HRPT.
However, my point was I will never be able to -reach- those plans unless some sort of IC conclusion is made regarding the HRPT. I don't think I'll be spreading too much IC information if I say that certain groups and clans were making some serious preparations for the HRPT. Characters, like mine, who were involved in these preparations, as I said before, are currently stuck in limbo. We can't blunder on ahead, we can't says "oops, nevermind", we can't ICly just decide to drop something we've been working on for months. What're we supposed to do?
Anyway, I just wanted to make my point clearer. Maybe this post was petty, but I don't appreciate people questioning my motives for playing a character.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

I just figured that everyone involved would just make their characters ICly accept whatever token explanation is given for the delay and try to go about business as normally as possible.  Doesn't seem too difficult to me.  Annoying?  I'll bet, but there's not much other choice unless you want the staff to run the HRPT virtually, tell everyone what happened, and pretend it happened offline and somehow no one was able to participate.

Quote from: "FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit"
Lots of disjointed characters. Last week I made a character basically designed to get into the HRPT action, and I know I'm not the only one. Now this poor guy is drifting around in limbo. Certain IC restrictions mean he's basically going to be staying in the same place until the HRPT starts. Except, well... now no HRPT will be starting.
Will the HRPT be rescheduled? Will I have to store? Will a valid IC excuse be brought up?
IC events frozen. There were certain IC events leading up to this HRPT... I have a fairly good idea of what they were, I think, I don't know. But I know something was happening somewhere, and now we need IC reasons for the sudden "change of plans". Is the evil dragon-mantis-halfling overlord just going to wake up one day and say, "Hmm... nah. I don't feel like eating the sun anymore- nevermind that I've been plotting it for a millenia." How will this be reconciled?

As far as these issues go, I imagine your best bet is to email your clan immortals and/or the immortals running the HRPT.  I'm sure different players are connected to those plotlines in different ways or, in many cases, not at all (or not to their knowledge).
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I am still deciding what to do about this whole thing.  I'm definitely not going to schedule another HRPT or pursue this plotline a whole lot until the lag clears (hell, I'm barely even logging in - I really really hate lag).  It is being worked on diligently by Saikun and others so, it'll be fixed, no worries.
"I agree with Halaster"  -- Riev