
Started by grumpyhead, May 22, 2006, 06:23:01 AM

Who's up for helping making this kickass mud even better?

Yeah dude, I'd be willing to give it a go!
17 (65.4%)
I enjoy taking it up the bummy. Screw you Grumpyhead.
9 (34.6%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: May 22, 2006, 06:23:01 AM

I think we need more players.

Even if some of those already think that we have enough - I don't ever think it hurts to widen the amount of people we have. More players can lead to more interactive RP, less solo RP and more fun as a whole. A wider playerbase creates more diversity, as well as the possibility of more merchant houses/tribes opening up. A wider playerbase means that more taverns - even the obscure ones - are filled with real people. More players gives the opportunity for a more dynamic and active criminal underworld/city/specific clan. Sure, Armageddon kicks ass right now - but more players could lead to so much more. And I think I speak for at least a significant percentage of players, that when I log on ready for a big night of mudding and I see 6 players online - I'm not a happy chappy.

Thus, I propose a simple way and effective means of doubling the number of players. I'm sure it's been tried before, but I think it could really work - if enough of us put in the effort.

Simply put:

Each of us goes out and recruits (at least) ONE person and shows them the ropes.

Spend a couple of days with them, show them how fantastic this game is and can be. Give them examples of how to roleplay, give them a taste of that juicy sweet, interactive text-based RP. Get them hooked on playing the harsh, immersive environment of Arm - show them how it's so different to any other dolled-up hack-and-slash out there. And of course, show them why permadeath makes this game kick ass. Everyone knows the learning curve is steep - so a one-on-one session, even if its only for an hour or two, can invaluable help the learning process up for a complete newbie. If each of us manages to do it, with the average of just one person per existing player - we double our playerbase. That's not to say if you're able to invite a couple more (or even several more)  n00bs at once - you'd be able to help them along together at the same time!

Now I'm anticipating some negative responses from this - I guess we can't avoid that. Some reasons I anticipate are:

1) More players = more n00bs.
Meh, each of us was a n00b at some stage.
2) We don't need more players. We need high quality RP.
Sure, RP'ing with NPC's can be educational and might flesh out a character. But it gets boring. Fast.
3) I log on and see at least XX players online all the time!
Again, I don't believe it hurts to have a wider playerbase. Additionally, I believe a sizeable number of the playerbase experiences generally low numbers a lot of the time - perhaps due to their timezone/country.
4) Man, you should just join XXXXX clan/city if you want more players.
Why should I have to do that? I think anyone would like the option of joining a clan based upon what is interesting for them and/or their character, rather than the number of PC's in that clan. I also would like the option to go to such-and-such remote city and be able to mingle with other PC's.
5) There's plenty of ad websites/reviews/helper sites etc out there already!
Sure, and who knows, they could be bringing in fresh recruits all the time. Theres no harm in trying harder. Plus I believe the playerbase could do with a boost or two
6) Some sort of a emote/RP class would work a lot better.
Maybe it would. I personally believe a more personal interaction would be much more beneficial to a fresh n00b than a flood of text in a crowded room. Anyway, despite the many times it has been suggested, we still haven't got that kind of classroom in place.
7) I solo-RP all the time and it rocks
Yes, but for most people, I think people would like to - at the very least - have the option of interacting with other players.

Sure you're going to have to spend a bit of time trying to entice someone into a retro text-based game. But we're all still playing because we love it right? We're in a perfect position to present to others what a mean, real, and completely immersible world Armageddon is.

So I'm gonna start this week and see how many of my friends I can turn into Armaddicts - who's with me?

Seriously, it'll work if enough of us try.

I think it's a great idea. I know I've done my fair share of introducing people to the game. However, these days I feel like hooking someone on armageddon is a lot like hooking someone on booze, cigarettes or heavier drugs... it can potentially ruin their lives. Please, keep that in mind. Stay away from students in university especially, who need to be concentrating on their studies. Keep in mind just how addictive our glorious game can be. While I've known people who MUD to find true happiness in love and go on to get married (my sister, even)  I have also known MUDs that have crippled people's social lives, love lifes, education and careers.

May the force be with you! :)

Your post would have a little more clout and likely cater to a more adult audience if you had chosen serious poll options.  I'm not saying this with the intention of being a jerk, mind you.  I think a large majority of people will simply bypass your entire post upon seeing the poll options and not even read what you have to say.

But that's just my take on it.

Quote from: "grumpyhead"

Now I'm anticipating some negative responses from this - I guess we can't avoid that. Some reasons I anticipate are:

You missed one:

8) I have no friends.

Or more accurately, no friends that both own computers and that I wouldn't be embarrassed to foist off on the Arm community.  My mom can't roleplay, seriously, even as a kid I couldn't stand playing Barbies with her for more than a few minutes because she would always break character.  My cat is cool, but is not a good typist (I blame the keyboard manufacturers).  The people in my neighbourhood are generally crazy, computer illiterate, actually illiterate, very old, crazy, heavily medicated, on drugs, crazy, drunk or some combination of the above.  Most of my relatives are either drunks I wouldn't trust to type straight, or religious fanatics that probably think roleplaying games and/or the internet are evil.  I honestly don't know one single person in RL that I would want to see on this board, much less in the game.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins


9) My friends do not know English.. The ones who know already play right now, or at least they tried.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I've been trying, unsuccessfully.

Mostly because most people around here don't speak enough english.

The one promising guy that muds a lot got instakilled when he first logged on and now refuses to play.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Quote from: "Nao"The one promising guy that muds a lot got instakilled when he first logged on and now refuses to play.
Ouch.. How on Earth was he killed? Or is that IC?

And yeah. I'm with AC. I've got no friends (anymore). You're my friend, right AC?

I'm probably going to sound like a real jerk here, but I have to question the usefullness of this entire thread. Who honestly doesn't want more players? Is anyone actually saying "noobs go home?"
I think the problem is all in your head, grumpyhead. I'm pretty sure we're all trying the best we can to get new players.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

No one thinks we don't need more players.

I've told pretty much all of my friends about Armageddon.  Two of them made characters.  Neither plays anymore.  *shrug*

I got one of my friends to play, but they were promptly turned off by some of the elitist and condescending attitudes on the GDB. Sad, because they're a great roleplayer. My other friends refuse to try MUDs, because they don't have polygons. :)

However, I would certainly agree that we should all try to get any potential roleplayers involved in Arm. I'd love to see a fatter playerbase.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Alright - seems like I was the one who ended up sounding like a jerk.

I gues it's unfortunate 'cos I put a lot of time and thought into what I wrote - the poll was just something I added at the end to make things a little less serious.

I agree, I'm sure there are people in a playerbase that make a significant effort to bring in new players. Kudos to those who take time of their own mudding to go and help out some of the noobs.

My suggestion is simply a call for our entire playerbase - or at least anyone who read the initial post - to make a universal effort to bring in a fresh player. If you have been doing this already - then props to you. If you haven't, or the thought that just a bit of effort from all of us could make a dramatic difference our ranks - then maybe my post would have some sort of beneficial effect on our player population.

I was not trying to be condescending or attempting to be a prick - so I apologise if my post came across that way. I'm just an average mudder that loves and appreciates this game, and would like both our mud and gaming experience ... well, just be even more fun.

Of course, people are trying to recruit their friends. There is no need for you to remind that us. Everyone wants to play a game with his friends, so this is useless post. I just read your "we need more players" sentence as a poster said.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...

Quote from: "John"
Quote from: "Nao"The one promising guy that muds a lot got instakilled when he first logged on and now refuses to play.
Ouch.. How on Earth was he killed? Or is that IC?

From what I've heard? He's been in game for 10 seconds and someone kills him on the spot.

When I heard, it was too late to contact the imms though and the guy had had enough.

EDIT: memo to self - learn how to type.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

Aww, it wasn't an awful idea.  Be nice to Grumpyhead.  How can you not love someone called Grumpyhead?

I think recruiting is easier for people still in school.  Not many people start this kind of game in their thirties (or later).  Sure I could try hanging out at the local gaming stores or putting up posters in the high schools, colleges and university, but then people would think I was a dirty old lady, trying to lure fresh-faced youngsters astray.

Quote from: "John"
And yeah. I'm with AC. I've got no friends (anymore). You're my friend, right AC?

You live nearly as far away from North America as possible without leaving the planet, right?  Then yeah, I'm your friend.    :D

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Nao"When I heard, it was too late to contact eh imms though and the guy had had enough.

Quote from: "AC"You live nearly as far away from North America as possible without leaving the planet, right? Then yeah, I'm your friend. :D
I think I know why AC has no other friends :P

I don't think you ended up sounding like a jerk. I think these people are just lazy.

I'm trying to recruit.  I really am.

Unfortunately, most of my girlfriends would rather use their computers to masturbate
to porn. :(  And they prefer larp to any online rp.

Philistines.  The whole lot of them.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Intrepid"I'm trying to recruit.  I really am.

Unfortunately, most of my girlfriends would rather use their computers to masturbate
to porn. :(  And they prefer larp to any online rp.

Philistines.  The whole lot of them.
Okay, this is what you do:

You convince them that it would allow them to combine their roleplaying with their masturbating...and introduce them to mudsex.  That will get them in the door, then all we have to do is get them in the rest.  Sure it'll be a whole new crop of pretty people that sleep with everyone...but hey, they'll mature eventually.

Go, Intrepid!
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Quote from: "Intrepid"I'm trying to recruit.  I really am.

Unfortunately, most of my girlfriends would rather use their computers to masturbate
to porn. :(  And they prefer larp to any online rp.

Philistines.  The whole lot of them.
Get them to make f-me's. Really obvious ones. Have them come and play. Once we get that needle in they're here forever. Anyone whose left and hasn't come back is just biding their time. It's inevitable (unless they die).

[EDIT]: And spawnloser beat me to it.

Quotebut then people would think I was a dirty old lady, trying to lure fresh-faced youngsters astray.

You just described every young gamer geek's fantasy. "Hey, you. Wanna try a different kind of game?"
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Actually, they're a bunch of goth clubbers who generally end up making dark and highly
disturbing concepts like mutated rinthers who sold their souls to a defiler for a lifetime
supply of spice and are either into incest or bestiality.

I almost convinced one to make a half-elf who was an underage prostitute who was
also a cutter, but she never even finished making her account.

I swear, my friends suffer from collective ADD.   :evil:
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Quote from: "Intrepid"Actually, they're a bunch of goth clubbers who generally end up making dark and highly
disturbing concepts like mutated rinthers who sold their souls to a defiler for a lifetime
supply of spice and are either into incest or bestiality.

I almost convinced one to make a half-elf who was an underage prostitute who was
also a cutter, but she never even finished making her account.

I swear, my friends suffer from collective ADD.   :evil:

Stop giving me ideas!

Hate to admit it, but I played the breed, minus the prostitution. It was great fun.
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

All my friends who would like this mud,  live really active lifestyles.   One is getting her PHD in rocket science, one is the single parent of a four year old, and the others spend 6 days of the week rock-climbing, hiking, fencing, and remodeling.

The one guy I got to play is in Iraq, and the firewall won't let him play.

Quote from: "Intrepid"Actually, they're a bunch of goth clubbers who generally end up making dark and highly
disturbing concepts like mutated rinthers who sold their souls to a defiler for a lifetime
supply of spice and are either into incest or bestiality.

I almost convinced one to make a half-elf who was an underage prostitute who was
also a cutter, but she never even finished making her account.

I swear, my friends suffer from collective ADD.   :evil:

Ah, Goth girls, gotta love them.  :twisted: