Wear Sword pack

Started by Maybe42or54, May 07, 2006, 11:56:47 PM

Sometimes, I really don't want to have a bunch of hafts and blades sticking out of my backpack, so I don't cut myself reaching into it to get my coin out. Is it possible to add wear locations to a backpack? So I can attach branches, hammers, pickaxes, and other already wearable items.

This way, I can hang my swords, axes, etc on my pack to save room for the things that really do need to be kept in a safe place.

Items worn this way wouldn't be seen upon a "look man," but instead on a "look man's pack."
Small backpacks will have 2-3 wear locations, and the giant backpacks may have 4-8 or so.

I'm posting it here because I don't have it perfected, but together, we can perfect.
Thoughts? Additions?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

You already have three slots for weapons: two on the belt and one on the back.  If you're carrying more than three medium to large size weapons, you should probably consider how realistic that is.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

You wouldn't be able to draw things from your backpack, unless you removed them from your backpack first. I don't want more places to have weapons, this is for those items that I don't use, but wont fit in my backpack either. I don't want to carry them around when i can hook them to my backpack.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I see the idea, would make nice spots to hang flasks waterpouches waterskins as well as that extra pickaxe you've been dragging around or that shovel. Majikal likes.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

Options for putting weapons in backpacks are:
* Getting a very large bag and putting them in it and walk around with that in your hands
* Emote tying it to your backpack and leave your backpack OPEN
* Emote placing it in your backpack with the cords nearly closed, but not quite. Codedly leave your backpack open.

I personally think it's fine putting as many weapons in your backpack as you codedly can, as long as you don't close it. If you close it, check the desc of the weapons and the desc of the backpack VERY carefully (that is, it should be very close to the size of the weapon if you only have one, or it should be much larger then the weapon if you have several).

Meh.  I've always just put the stuff IN the pack and pretend that it is tied ON the pack.  Stuff hung on the outside of the pack is part of the pack's already huge capacity.

If you look at the various packs and other containers, some of them have multiple pockets, compartments and tie-on spots in the description.  The object is coded as a single container, but it's description indicates multiple compartments.  Usually "a set of shelves" or "a chest of drawers" are like that, there is more than one shelf or drawer in the description, but the entire thing is only a single container object.  

Most starting packs hold 40 stones (about 88 pounds).  That is pretty big.  You can usually find 60 stone packs (about 132 pounds) for sale  inexpensively in any large town.  They don't need to hold more than that.  

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "John"Options for putting weapons in backpacks are:
* Getting a very large bag and putting them in it and walk around with that in your hands
* Emote tying it to your backpack and leave your backpack OPEN
* Emote placing it in your backpack with the cords nearly closed, but not quite. Codedly leave your backpack open.

I personally think it's fine putting as many weapons in your backpack as you codedly can, as long as you don't close it. If you close it, check the desc of the weapons and the desc of the backpack VERY carefully (that is, it should be very close to the size of the weapon if you only have one, or it should be much larger then the weapon if you have several).

It had never quite occurred to me that closing my pack with a glasshacker in it was twinky.. but now that you mention it... I won't be doing that anymore. :P  Unless I'm hiking a lot, though, I TRY to get rid of my backpack all together when I start playing.  It just seems awkward to stumble around a bar with this bulbous thing strapped to you when there are much more stylish ways of hiding things.

I like these suggestions and plan on using them.

In the event that slots are made available to hang stuff on packs (like wineskins or whatever, even if not weapons), I think they ought to be stealable.  *nodnod*  :)  Just thought that needed to be mentioned, since no one in the right mind can possibly argue that a cloak will cover it.

I like the idea.

With the addition of Ves' 'stealable' idea.  And, the problem with leaving your pack open, because of one glasshacker ICly hanging on the outside..  Is that then everything is stealable.  A thief can reach his arm all the way down into the very deep bottom of your backpack.. -while you are wearing it- and steal those 23 coins you were saving to get a bite to eat, and get your kank out of the stables.. Not just the glasshacker that, logically, can be taken, as its just tied to the pack on the outside.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops


Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

Quote from: "Sir Diealot"Is that then everything is stealable.
IMO everything should be stealable in packs anyway. The size of the glasshacker just makes me give thieves a break (otherwise I simply don't ;)).

Quote from: "Sir Diealot"A thief can reach his arm all the way down into the very deep bottom of your backpack.. -while you are wearing it- and steal those 23 coins you were saving to get a bite to eat, and get your kank out of the stables.. Not just the glasshacker that, logically, can be taken, as its just tied to the pack on the outside.
You're also likely to miss the weight of the glasshacker much more then a few coins.

It's up to you the player of course. You can either:
a) Only have 3 large items and be steal-proofable (a concept I dislike).
b) Get a larger bag you carry around for your larger items  and be steal-proofable
c) Put it in your current backpack, and risk getting stolen from.

You can't have your cake and eat it too though. I'd MUCH rather see thieves get the ability to "open" packs before packs get the ability to have things tied to them.

For the derailment:

A thief can steal a glasshacker.  All he needs to do is to place a rock or something of similar weight with the glasshacker as he takes off the glasshacker.

And about the original post:  I would prefer that the weapons put in the packs are already strapped to the pack itself.  It would not make much sense otherwise because your knife might as well make accidentally a hole in your waterskin, or cut through the pack  and drop to the ground.  I do not think it is necessary to make a hard coding for that.
some of my posts are serious stuff

One of the things I hate:

In your backpack:
Fresh and bloody meat.
A red rose.
Three very sharp knives.
A good amount of obsidian coins scattered at the base.
Tablets having the word 'crumbly' in their sdesc.
A waterskin which's nothing stronger than a layer of leather.
A razor edged blade which you have just looted.
Clean clothing.
Stew.. (Oh not any more thanks to Morgenes)

You duck and dodge, sidestep, jump and kneel to duck scrabs' pincers with the backpack strapped on. You bash at poor 'rinthi thieves, sleep, rest, walk the whole city... do anything with the very same backpack on your back.

And please do not tell me that the blades are actually strapped to the backpack from outside. A few less thieves would start threads "We're starvin'!!!" then :) . They are codewise in your backpack and they're steal-proof because of that. You may always emote strapping them to your backpack and keep them in your inventory if you want to make me believe they're actually strapped only, not put in something. (Then agility problems strikes.. I know I know.. Just being sarcastic.)

Please, do not put things that'll mess each other  - clean clothing with fresh meat, crumbling tablets and heavy objects, sharp blades and thin waterskins etc. - in your backpack. Please at least emote wrapping some ragged cloth around the blades you put into your backpack, or do anything else not to let them dent your backpack.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cenghiz"Please, do not put things that'll mess each other
A valid point, but a lot of the time it isn't just one container to the backpack. There's many containers. Until the Imms code multiple containers to items, I think it's valid to merely emote it.

Oh, and weapons in backpacks aren't steal proofable if you keep the backpack open.

You can buy things in game which allow you to sheath things in the backpack location as well as the slung on back location, as well as objects that let you sheath things on your wrists, boots, and wherever. Find in game methods, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many weapons you can carry around.

i think more realistic backpacks would hurt playability in the name of realism. Please, just emote and pretend.

think Fuck, which compartment did I put the cure tablet in? I don't have much longer before I die from this poison!
open pack 1.space
l in pack 1.space
think Not there.
open pack 2.space
l in pack 2.space
think not there either!
l pack
You see a pack here, rather non descript.
On the pack you see a club, a spear, and a bag
get bag pack
open bag
l in bag
In the bag you see two compartments.
l in bag 1.space
l in bag 2.space
get tablet
Welcome to Armageddon.

yea, thanks but no thanks.

Then again these are just my two cents which I think are Canadian pennies
anyways (to all Canadians: you know I love you regardless of your evil money
moving through our currency like a virus.)
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas