First D-Elf

Started by Kronus, January 31, 2003, 11:23:00 PM

Well, I finally got hit with the karma stick and I've gone and applied my very first desert elf character (woo me!). However, as I'm sitting here eagerly awaiting approval, I'm having nervous flutters and anxiety attacks about what I'm getting myself into.

Unlike when I first started playing Arm, years and years back, I actually get way into my characters from day one. When they die, it isn't just a matter of whipping up a new one and reapplying anymore.
But when I first started on Arm, I died. A lot. Finally, like 20 characters later, I learned enough about Allanak to be able to survive there. The majority of my PCs since then have been Allanaki, and while I've seen a good deal of the Known World through various PCs, I've never been inside, for example, the Desert Elf Outpost.

So, my question here is, should I expect to burn through about 20 desert elves before I get a handle on their part of the world and all of its own little idiosyncracies? Or am I going to be okay and be able to have a reasonable expectation that my next character won't be dead by next week?

The nervous, twitchy elf nods his gratitude, since he doesn't speak any sirihish.

Judging by your fear, I'm assuming that you aren't joining an established d-elf tribe.  Nothing wrong with that, d-elfs are one of the rare exceptions to the rule that I'm a tavern/assassin/templar junkie... I like to get out with them.  :wink:

I think that if you play it realistically, you won't have too much of a problem.  4 years into the game, and there are many places that are 'common' knowledge to some that I have never encountered.  I don't want to know where they are, I will find them.

D-elf's will be your chance to do just that.  Also, I find the desert elven mentality easier to play (than city-elves), wandering elves, who value courage over all.  The courage of a good theft does -not-have to translate to mindless pc-killing, not that you would do that, but it's happened.  

You've been given a unique opportunity, one that many players to the game may overlook.  I hope you enjoy it.

Hmm, oh, some tips on survival.  Read the animal documentation, twice.  You'll most likely be encountering creatures that make you go "What the heck is an anakore, and how did it sneak up on me?"... right before you die.  Best to know ahead of time so when you see "The gargantuan, blood-drinking beastie arrives from the north", you'll know to type "Oh, shit, is that a <insert deadly beastie here> in the distance?" and get the hell out of there.  D-elf legs are made for running, don't be afraid to run.  That takes more cunning and courage than facing down that killer beastie.

Have fun with it!

Lord Templar Hard Nose says, in sirihish, shaking his head:
"Now, why on Zalanthas would someone want to -leave- our beautiful city?  Oh, he's an elf... hope the gwoshi get 'em."

Well, first of all, don't take anythign I say as any good information, I've never played a d-elf or really any desert characters, but I think if you played it safe like you would with any other desert character you'd be doing alright.

I'd say you'd be better off underestimating yourself untill it's proven you can acctually do it well, probably be better off if you join a current d-elf tribe, be able to acctually witness the tribal RP that sets d-elves apart and have a better chance of living.

But I think most of all is to be careful and common sense of carefully choosen your battles so to speak, even if you don't fight anything.

Creeper who is giving general wisdom, I think.
21sters Unite!

Actually, I couldn't seem to find any information on this board or in the docs regarding -current-, existing d-elf tribes. Admittedly, I probably read some once and brushed it off since it wasn't an option for me back then, but I've always been primarily under the impression that the majority of desert elf PCs out there were the sole representatives of an otherwise VNPC tribe they'd invented in their backgrounds.

In other words, if I knew -how- to join an existing tribe, I probably would have wanted to do that. :)

Thanks for the answers, though. I'll keep them in mind.

If you get into trouble, run.

heh heh, Krelin. That sounds like... -all- of my characters. Lol, i'm not big on heroism ;)

Starting as a d-elf loner for your first d-elf is a big no no, you're already off to a bad start. Get a tribe.

Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

Having played d-elves lone and tribe and knowing quite a few others, I think you will most likly burn through a few weather you are lone or tribe, Say 2 or 3, since there is always a learning curve involved, but around the 4th you should have things pretty figured out :wink:

I went through my first 2 quickly 3 and 4 lasted a good amount of time.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I enjoyed my first (and only) D-elf, even though she didn't last too long. My main problem was getting into the 'elven' mindset. I'll be honest, thinking like a sneaky bastard always out for themselves at the expense of others - it's a challenge for me. Of course, just as I was starting to get it down, she died.

Anyways, what I'm basically trying to say is, they're lots of fun, especially if you have a few others to RP being in a tribe with. Might take you a little while to get used to the whole mindset like it did for me.. just remember that screwing the other person over doesn't necessarily mean PKing them or even stealing outright from them. You could scam them, pretend to be their friend because they can give you something you want.. whatever. Have fun with it. It's a great excuse to be creatively bad.   8)

I have never played a d-elf in a tribe, don't know why really. But I enjoy d-elf loners a helluva lot, they are currently my favourite race :)

I think if you wanted to make that learning curve a little steeper, it would be best if you joined a tribe, learn off the more experienced d-elf players.

But then again the freedom of making a loner would give you room to test out the limits of the race, get used to them by trial and error(the way I did it)

It will FUCK you up good *~Kurac

yes i agree
 just got lost in thought... It was unfamiliar territory.

Dune Stalker man...

I've had my karma for a  long time...and never had the intrest in using it. ...I should have.  I very recently played my first delf...and it was awesome.
Veteran Newbie

I went through about two before I made a loner. They were both from a real tribe. The third lasted a good while. My opinion, join a real tribe if your one now dies (quickly).
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

1) Join a coded tribe
2) Read the documentation
3) Read the documentation
4) Have fun!

You'll do fine.
 was, am, and always will be. That which dwells under the cast shadows; my Heart of Darkness.

I appreciate the input, but this thread died almost two years ago (like my elf). :)

Whoa...I didn't even notice.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Only on Tuesdays"yes i agree

It's his fault!!! ^^^

but nonetheless, it was neat seeing Templar Hard-nose again.

yes I agree :D

sorry about that, i was just bored.
 just got lost in thought... It was unfamiliar territory.