Stamina regain while vertical

Started by IAmJacksOpinion, February 20, 2006, 01:23:45 AM

Is very gradual stamina regain while standing a good or bad idea?

Good idea
16 (57.1%)
Bad idea
2 (7.1%)
Too abusable
3 (10.7%)
Stamina represents muscle fatigue, not breath, so no.
7 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: February 20, 2006, 01:23:45 AM

So, why are you not able to regain some stamina while standing? I mean, sure it's not the most comfortable, and it's a slow process, but why not? When I go jogging, when I get too winded to run any more, I slow down to a walk for a minute and catch my breath a little before continueing.

So, why could you not regain stamina while standing? Even if uber slowly. I realise that it could be abused (standing instead of resting in the desert so that you don't get a combat penalty if someone surprise attacks you) but I'm talking about sooo slow a regain that even the twinks wouldn't want to use it!

What got me thinking about this is one of those really long conversations during which people stand and talk casually about all kinds of crap. Say you meet a buddy on the street or something and you're at 20 stamina because you just got done chasing an elf for sport. Would all that standing not let you catch your breath?

My arguement against myself is how stamina is defined. It could be either a) Your feet are killing you from all the walking or b) you're out of breath. If it's A, then I guess standing wouldn't help. But, if it's B, standing could do wonders. I dunno. I'm split either way. That's why I asked here. What do you guys thing? Good or bad idea?
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Actually, under the right circumstances, I think the staff said you can regen stamina while standing up.
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Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Look at it this way.

If you're down 20 or 30 or even 40 stamina, you tired but not beat. You can still do more running or climbing or whatever.

But once you start going below that, you're getting into actual physical exhaustion, to the point where standing around isn't going to let you catch your breath.
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Regaining stamina while mounted I can sorta get, but I can understand the balance reasons why they don't do it, since presumably people might try to abuse it to reduce stamina drain for a mount.

When I'm really tired, though, I either hunch over or sit/lay down.  How else can you rest?

Quote from: "CRW"Regaining stamina while mounted I can sorta get, but I can understand the balance reasons why they don't do it, since presumably people might try to abuse it to reduce stamina drain for a mount.

When I'm really tired, though, I either hunch over or sit/lay down.  How else can you rest?

It is much easier to regain stamina walking or standing then it is to do it mounted.  Sitting atop a moving creature isn't a 'restful' activity.  If anything, it should probably suck off a little bit of stamina.  

Personally, I am happy with how things are.  The MUD already fudges stamina to let you go much further then is realistic.  I don't think that it needs to fudged any further in that direction.

Personaly, I think it is basicly fine.

Cept I always wonder why you don't regen stam when hiding wilderness, maybe at 1/4 speed. I mean, its not city hide where you may be blending in with a crowd, its crouch behind bush, lay under log, lean back behind treetrunk type hide.

And would simply make it a bit more useful then spying on random desert elves.
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I wouldn't mind if you regenerated stamina very slowly while standing, and it also had a low cap.  If you are sleeping you can regain 100% of your stamina.  If you are sitting or resting you can regain slightly less than 100%.  If you are standing you can only regain up to 60%.

I would also factor in environment.  If you are standing indoors, you regain stamina slowly.  If you are standing outdoors but still within the shelter of a city or a shaded area, you regain stamina very slowly.  If you are standing in the open wilderness in good weather you regain stamina extremely slowly.  If you are standing in a particularly hostile environment (salt flats, barren dunes, anywhere during a sandstorm) you don't regenerate stamina at all.
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

You could make it so that you only regenerate to a certain point of stamina.  Like regen to 66.67% of your stamina.

I think Stamina Regen needs to be redone completely, and I posted a different situation that could be used, too:
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I like the idea you had posted. I hate those large chunks of stamina. They drop in place like tetris pieces. They're predictable and move all too slowly. I think rapid moving, small chunks would be much better. Then there's that OOC sense of achievement, where as with the large chunks you just sit there like a dumbass firing off a thousand thinks and idle emotes to kill time as you ever-so-slowly wait for the big chunks to drop. All too much I find myself thinking "It's at 76.. soon it will be 84.. Come on.. come one.. YES!" And during these times I end up calculating how far I have to go, how much stamina per screen, how much I need, and I know how many clicks it will be before I have enough to get where I'm going and it just gets destracting.

Small blocks of stamina at higher rates would be much better. They could fly in, giving you a sense of hope while you wait.

But, back to this post. I think the only up to a certain percent should be replaced with an only at a certain percent and higher. Like health. If you have over roughtly 50-60% health it will regain while you stand, but faster while you sit. If you have under 50-60% health, you need to sleep or you wont regain any at all. I think stamina should work this exact same way. Like, if you have over 50% health you can stand around and regain X amount of stamina in Y amount of time. But, if you're sitting you can regain 2X amount of stamina in Y amount of time. If you have under 50% stamina, you'll have to sit.

This also works in the way of differentiating between being out of breath, and physical fatigue. I can run so far before I have to stop and catch my breath, but after I've caught it, I'm ready to go again.

To put this in an example of how I think the stamina code should work, I had 100 stamina to start with, I ran until I had 50, but after standing around for a minute, I'm back up at 100 and ready to go. However, if I were being chased by a carnivorous marsupial and I was forced to run myself down to 20, my legs would probably be so sore that standing alone wouldn't help. I'd need a seat.
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

Quote from: "IAmJacksOpinion"
But, back to this post. I think the only up to a certain percent should be replaced with an only at a certain percent and higher. Like health. If you have over roughtly 50-60% health it will regain while you stand, but faster while you sit. If you have under 50-60% health, you need to sleep or you wont regain any at all. I think stamina should work this exact same way. Like, if you have over 50% health you can stand around and regain X amount of stamina in Y amount of time. But, if you're sitting you can regain 2X amount of stamina in Y amount of time. If you have under 50% stamina, you'll have to sit.

This also works in the way of differentiating between being out of breath, and physical fatigue. I can run so far before I have to stop and catch my breath, but after I've caught it, I'm ready to go again.

I prefer the reverse.  You can get up to 50% (or whatever) just standing, but to go farther you need to actually rest or sleep.

If I've been running around I am both out of breath and have sore feet.  If I stop resting and just stand there for a while I will eventually catch my breath.  However, I can stand there forever and my feet are going to stay sore, for that to improve I'll have to sit down and put my feet up for a while.  If I've run myself down to 20%, standing for a while will give me a little improvement but I won't be really well-rested until I actually rest.

It makes sense, and I like having stamina and health work a little differently.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I can foresee one major problem with this:  when you're climbing, your position is set to "standing," even if you're clinging for dear life to a vertical cliff face.

If you could regenerate stamina while standing, you could just hang on to that crack in the wall for a little while and rest up.

Obviously this could be coded around, but I just thought I'd bring it up, since nobody else has.
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Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Quote from: "spawnloser"Actually, under the right circumstances, I think the staff said you can regen stamina while standing up.

You can.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

You could do it now if you could sign on with a closed race.  :-)

Quote from: "Synthesis"I can foresee one major problem with this:  when you're climbing, your position is set to "standing," even if you're clinging for dear life to a vertical cliff face.

If you could regenerate stamina while standing, you could just hang on to that crack in the wall for a little while and rest up.

Obviously this could be coded around, but I just thought I'd bring it up, since nobody else has.

Actually last I checked (and this has been years) if you ran out of stamina while climbing you could neither climb nor descend, as both attempts will give you too tired message.  The workaround was to put something in both hands so you get the "bad move" message and down you go.

- HK
- HK

And being that I live in AZ, plenty of mountains and enjoy climbing often. Whats wrong with holding position and resting? I do it often. Sure, its not the same as laying down on a nice couch, but when the arms and legs start shaking from fatigue you stop, get close as you can to the rock and wait...course, you stop someplace where you can lock you legs easily and all that.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "HunterKiller"Actually last I checked (and this has been years) if you ran out of stamina while climbing you could neither climb nor descend, as both attempts will give you too tired message.  The workaround was to put something in both hands so you get the "bad move" message and down you go.
Best way to do it is to just type 'sit'
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.