
Started by RogueWarrior, February 07, 2006, 09:31:10 PM

Alright, so how do I make an alias that will send two commands at once?

With your mud client.
You give your towering mound of dung to the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh.
the inordinately young-spirited Shalooonsh sends:
     "dude, how'd you know I was hungry and horny?"

alias moo put coins pack; close pack

Which would work as....

You put bla bla coins pack.

your mother is an elf.

Quote from: "RogueWarrior"Alright, so how do I make an alias that will send two commands at once?

Try googling your web client. There are usually helpful links that show you how to manipulate the client's code to your will.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "Moofassa"um... YOu mean like...

alias moo put coins pack; close pack

Which would work as....

You put bla bla coins pack.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks.

depends on your client.

get one, or post which client you have here if you can't find the solution in the client's helpfiles. then we can help.

Well, I was just wondering if there was a way I could make one using the 'alias' command. I can do one on my client, no problem, but it's a bit tweaky, so I was just going to stick with the command if possible.

Quote from: "RogueWarrior"Well, I was just wondering if there was a way I could make one using the 'alias' command. I can do one on my client, no problem, but it's a bit tweaky, so I was just going to stick with the command if possible.

There are some MUD that allow alias support, thus players are able to create aliases without using a client. The aliases would follow them from workstation to workstation, because the commands are saved to your account instead of the workstation your client is on. :wink:

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Quote from: "Moofassa"alias moo put coins pack; close pack

Which would work as....

You put bla bla coins pack.


Does this actually work?  I don't think it does.  Maybe I'm doing it wrong, though.

QuoteThere are some MUD that allow alias support, thus players are able to create aliases without using a client.

Like this one?

As far as I know, though, you can't map a chain of multiple commands to a single alias without some client triggers.

Also, I think it is important to consider whether you should create a particular multi-command alias.  Client tricks shouldn't give you an advantage over other PCs, including the pickpockets.

When I've had characters that had to change their clothes on a regular basis, I did make a macro with Gmud to take off or put on an entire outfit (for example, I might have one outfit of clothes and one of armor, or one of nice clothes and one of rinth clothes, or one of formal armor and one for sparring armor, etc.)  I had to tweak it a bit to make sure I wouldn't strip in a tavern if my cat walked accross the keyboard.   :wink:  But the thing was that it wouldn't effect another PC.  If they were hiding out in my room and wanted to steal my pants, my quick change might effect which pair of pants I was wearing and which were in my dresser, but there would still be some pants available for stealing.  It was very unlikely that my dressing would ever have a negative effect on another PC, my PC was changing clothes slightly more quickly than would be realistic, but the alternative of changing clothes manually would take much longer than would be realistic, and was a pain in the ass.  It also reduced the dressing spam to one or two long but instant spurts, rather than an agonizingly drawn out process.  Probably very useful for mudsexers, not that I'd know anything about that.  One of them might look something like this:

    remove gloves
    put gloves dresser
    remove cloak
    put cloak dresser
    remove veil
    put veil dresser
    remove hat
    put hat dresser
    remove pack
    put pack chest
    remove ring
    put ring dresser
    remove shoes
    put shoes chest
    remove sash
    put sash dresser
    remove belt
    put belt chest
    put knife chest
    put dagger chest
    remove choker
    put choker dresser
    remove gourd
    put gourd dresser
    remove sleeves
    put sleeves dresser
    remove anklet
    put anklet dresser
    remove shirt
    put shirt dresser
    remove pants
    put pants dresser
All that is going to be spammy no matter how I do it, but at least as a macro it was quick spam.  The order of undressing and putting everything away as I took it off was part of my accidental-strip insurance.  If I wasn't in a room with a dresser then inventory would become full after the first few items, before my PC became embarassingly undressed.  There are places where it would be odd to take off my gloves, cloak, veil, and hat, but it wouldn't make a major OOC-based incident.

In my opinion, a bad multi-alias would be a person who spends a great deal of time in taverns setting up theif-proof ale buying alias:

    open pack
    get coins pack
    buy ale
    put coins pack
    close pack

Or even a pair of aliases for the hyper-vigilent shopper:

    open pack
    get coins pack
    close pack
    open pack
    put coins pack
    close pack

These seem bad to me because although the intent may simply be to save time, it looks like the intent is to foil PC thieves and that would be unfair.  The pickpockets have it hard enough.  I guess my point is that if you are going to use multi-command aliases, make sure that they don't give your PC an unfair edge over PCs who are not using aliases.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins