How to avoid retireing.

Started by saintpatcho, January 31, 2006, 05:24:51 PM

I have played many muds before. And I have had a problem with sticking to one character. I'd get bored or some other class/race/something interests me more then my current PC.

Well I am on my first PC and having a wonderful time. But but but but sitting in class I came up with a really really cool concept that I am crazy about. And I spent all class dreaming about it. And thinking what I would do and how I would do it, and how I would interact and how it will be fun. But then I have a PC. Who I am enjoying.

So how do you avoid that desire to go to the new concept? How do you stick with what you got?

Make the character, write it all out on paper.  Stick it in a file, then when your current PC dies, you have that idea to fall directly back on.
Yes. Read the thread if you want, or skip to page 7 and be dismissive.

Words I repeat every time I start a post:
Quote from: Rathustra on June 23, 2016, 03:29:08 PM
Stop being shitty to each other.

but I don't wanna! you know... It is like when you date a woman, and then halfway through you meet another woman who you like more. And then you are screwed. Same kinda thing. Same feeling!

So I have to treat my PC like a woman and never ever cheat on it with another PC?

Develop personal relationships and long term plans with your current character.  You will find that no matter how good the next concept is, you want this one to keep going.  Once your character actually has a 'life' with goals and ideas and likes and hates, you'll be more interested in what might happen next to them then what you might try instead.

This may sound like very simple advice, but I have personally found it to be true.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

Both Malifax and Naiona give good advice.  If it's a concept you'll truly want to try, when you look at it again in 6months it'll still appeal to you.  

My characters hit the standard (10d, 20d, ..) humps, and I imagine much of the playerbase can empathize.

Keep in mind, if you dump your current PC for a sexier model, you'll just meet another who wears her skirt shorter and you'll never get to consummate the relationship.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

zalanthas is extremely rich, there are always new opportunities if you get bored of playing your character.
when i get bored with my characters i make a plan to change how the things are going ordinarily..  If you have a boring House life, you can leave and look for new adventures and definitely that you will find if you want to, if you are bored of being a freelance, just the opposite.. it's so easy to enjoy te game nomatter what character you are playing.

You are not your obsidian longsword. You are not your climbing gloves. You are not your comfortable rug. You are not your character concept.

File away the concept. This character WILL die someday, and then you will have a GREAT concept all ready. There's nothing better to soothe the pain of a character's death by IMMEDIATELY applying for another one. I mean, you don't even disconnect from the server. you just open up your word file and start putting shit it for your new boy.

or, you could just ignore us and waste a good character whom you'll never get to play to the full extent. Ever. You can always start your "new idea" but if you retire, you can never finish this character.

Here are some of the "i'm bored what do i do" threads:






It is not that it is borring, Just.... this new and uber concept seems so much cooler. But upon reflection, it would be lots of tavern sitting.

Cost vs benifits
cost vs benifits

I'll stick with my homely ranger.

Edited to add:
Agent123123 you convinced me.

I go through the exact same thing, though most of my characters are generally long lived.  I usually have at least one or two other character concepts done up and ready for submission while I'm already playing a role, and they come to me exactly the same way they do to you.  Maybe there is a race/class/subguild combo that I want to try, or a concept I think would be cool to play, and so I write the character up and can't wait to see it in action.

What happens to my current role when this happens?  Well, I play it to its fullest, and have no regrets when it dies.  I can do this because if I die, I have something to look forward to and can move on right away.  I find the worst thing to do is become really attached to a role, because when you die, you usually end up quitting the game for a certain amount of time--or at least thats what happens to me.
atthew Fung

Quote from: "Matrim"What happens to my current role when this happens?  Well, I play it to its fullest, and have no regrets when it dies.  I can do this because if I die, I have something to look forward to and can move on right away.  I find the worst thing to do is become really attached to a role, because when you die, you usually end up quitting the game for a certain amount of time--or at least thats what happens to me.

This has actually happened to me a couple of times.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

First of all... I know the feeling. I currently am in the same little situation. Got a character. He's pretty well developed as far as personality and relationships go... but... I have this other idea that's gonna be so freaking fun... and yeah... But I usually have this sort of problem with all my characters. So yeah, you just learn to ignore it. Besides, the more you cook your ideas, the more they'll get done, and then when you do get to try them... BAM... it's golden. Just let it sit for a few months.

Now... Lazloth... this is completely off topic... but I looked at the little picture on your signature... WHAT THE CRAP!!!!!  :P

Do something bad.

A) It will probably land you dead very soon.

B) It will be fun for you and those around you.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Quote from: "RogueWarrior"

Now... Lazloth... this is completely off topic... but I looked at the little picture on your signature... WHAT THE CRAP!!!!!  :P

Ah.. Ironforge Auction House a la gnome zerg..

I'm the king of sporatically abandoning characters for "better" concepts.
I currently have an average of about 36 characters a year (3 a month).

It took me a long time to learn the lesson you seem to be struggling with. (well, the fact that you address it gives me confidence that it won't become too big an issue for you)

After killing my character one lazy afternoon (several hours, as I came to realise, before he would've been promoted) I suddenly strengthened my resolve to never ever ever suicide.

If you can name a single thing you like about your character, that's a good reason not to suicide. (even if that reason it something OOC, such as your insanely high dodge skill)

Naiona was right. (in agreeing, I hope to avoid having my brainz eaten if at all possible) Making new contacts is a good way to renew the excitement of your character. Join a house. There's every reason in Zalanthas to join a house (free food, water, quality training, pay) so it shouldn't be hard to justify joining one. Try to find a significant other. It's kinda being like an infatuated teenager with a first crush. (or maybe it's just me)

It's a tough lesson, but eventually you learn it. Kinda like someone who successfully quits smoking. The urge is always there, it just doesn't bother you to the point of taking a puff. I've currently got 4 incredibly appealing concepts bouncing around in my head, completely fleshed out, and I want a cigarette (but I won't have one the way I won't give into another concept)

Also, don't play under the influence. The most powerful and mentally complex character I've ever had died because I tried something stupid while I was high. Little off topic, but it's an important lesson. Looking back, I would've never pulled that stunt on the level.

To those commenting on Lazloth's sig: "Psh. WOW nerds! Cheat on your culturally rich game world for a graphically defined one. Shame."
Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!

One other thing to consider: there's no guarantee that that totally awesome character you thought of will live very long. Are you willing to kill off or retire an at least somewhat-enjoyable PC to play a cool new one who might get eaten by a bahamet after 6 hours playtime?

I have a notepad file filled with concepts I'd like to try someday, and a lot of them might be more exciting than my current PC. Problem is, the last character that I had planned out well in advance and was really excited about died before she even hit 10 days playtime (and the death wasn't great, either). So I guess the lesson to be learned is to let yourself get excited, but stay patient enough to wait.

Having a neat new character concept ready is a very good thing, it helps you get over a character's death much more quickly. I'd say stick with your character, the new concept wontnt run away... but you will never be able to go back to your current PC if you retire it.