Curiousity the halfling, killed the newb

Started by Jarod550, January 06, 2006, 02:32:02 AM

I too recall them being open for testing purposes only.

I think was with a group that killed one. :D

or it could have been just a well done script, or an immortal. it was long ago, I don't recall.

Err... Why do civil folks hunt jozhals? Jozhals are cute.. Their chirping is a nice sound. Their pelt looks good to the eye.. They're also bipedals and somewhat close to humanoids and they're somewhat intelligent.
But they are 'food'..

Humans, elves and dwarves look close to the halflings. They're intelligent, they're humanoids.. But they are food.

Heading to leave the tent, the male halfling tells the female halfling:
     "While you tan the hides, I'll see if I can hunt a human.. I want some human meat pie for the dinner."

Scraping the surface of the pelt on the surface afore her, the female halfling tells the male halfling:
    "Oh please do choose one with some meat on the bones. Maybe head to the road and pick one passing in silks?"
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Cenghiz"Err... Why do civil folks hunt jozhals? Jozhals are cute.. Their chirping is a nice sound. Their pelt looks good to the eye.. They're also bipedals and somewhat close to humanoids and they're somewhat intelligent.
But they are 'food'..

Humans, elves and dwarves look close to the halflings. They're intelligent, they're humanoids.. But they are food.

Heading to leave the tent, the male halfling tells the female halfling:
     "While you tan the hides, I'll see if I can hunt a human.. I want some human meat pie for the dinner."

Scraping the surface of the pelt on the surface afore her, the female halfling tells the male halfling:
    "Oh please do choose one with some meat on the bones. Maybe head to the road and pick one passing in silks?"

Now that makes more sense...  Nice scene you painted there.

And halflings are supposed to be dangerous, if you go out and kill them regularly, are you twinking?  I mean if you can, because you think they are filthy little creatures, is it "okay?"

Just curious,


If you regularly hunt halflings, I would suppose you need a good roleplay reason for it.  Maybe not because this is "frowned upon" but it's just like telling the immortal staff, "Hey, look at me kill these halflings!  OMG I am so 7331!!!1one" as you kill things indiscriminately for no apparent reason.
The few reasons I can think of hunting something *regularly* in the wilds in Zalanthas:

It provides food.
It is a nuisance or an immediate danger.
It possesses something that is needed.
You were ordered to.
It is hindering you from doing something else constructive in the same area.
(for the sake of space, I'll leave out other reasons related to unusual circumstances, or dwarves with a focus to kill halflings)

Gather what you will from the above and decide exactly why your character would be hunting halflings themselves.  Are they providing food as a small, ankle-biting tasty treat?  Are they a nuisance to you or your party as you travel through?  Do you need something from them?  (Note:  super lootz probably is not a "need")  Did your superior tell you that he or she wants six halfling heads on a plate?

I do not know the staff's opinion on this officially, but to answer your question more directly and as you quoted it:

QuoteAnd halflings are supposed to be dangerous, if you go out and kill them regularly, are you twinking? I mean if you can, because you think they are filthy little creatures, is it "okay?"

If you are killing them just because you can and because you think they are filthy little creatures, I would always watch my back, because one day your character will encounter a situation in which whatever roleplay reason you have for hunting halflings will pretty much mean nothing to the roleplay of them eating your character's body.
Quote from: ShalooonshTuluk: More Subtly Hot. If you can't find action in Tuluk, you're from Allanak.
Quote from: Southie"In His Radiance" -> I am a traitor / I've been playing too much in Tuluk recently.

I've seen instances where PCs who regularly went out looking to kill sentient NPCs like halflings or gith started getting mobbed by hordes of them whenever they went out on rides. So if you start slaying halflings for sport or because you think they're filthy, they'll get smart and probably band together and take you down and then eat you.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Or just eat you. More to themselves, right?
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Going out and killing things just because you can usually would classify you as a rampaging homicidal maniac.  When the halflings/gith/mantis/etc realize that it's one person who keeps coming along and killing their brothers, they're going to take measures to eliminate the threat that you've become.  And I warn you, none of these races are as stupid as you might think they are.  They won't just sit back and let you pick off their tribemates forever.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Cuusardo"Going out and killing things just because you can usually would classify you as a rampaging homicidal maniac.  When the halflings/gith/mantis/etc realize that it's one person who keeps coming along and killing their brothers, they're going to take measures to eliminate the threat that you've become.  And I warn you, none of these races are as stupid as you might think they are.  They won't just sit back and let you pick off their tribemates forever.

That would probably be an very interesting roleplay situation... However it would most likely lead to my character dying, which wouldn't make it his realistic goal... damn damn...


On the other hand, the goal of exterminating an entire species would make a decent combat dwarf character focus.  Good reason to train, rise in the ranks of certain militaristic organizations, or even form one yourself.  There's probably even more creative ways of going about such a task too.

Granted, you'll almost certainly never succeed and probably even die in the pursuit, but it would make for a decent dwarf.

Quote from: "Marauder Moe"On the other hand, the goal of exterminating an entire species would make a decent combat dwarf character focus.  Good reason to train, rise in the ranks of certain militaristic organizations, or even form one yourself.  There's probably even more creative ways of going about such a task too.

Granted, you'll almost certainly never succeed and probably even die in the pursuit, but it would make for a decent dwarf.

I've never made on of those hairless stumpies...  Maybe I should after my fellow dies.
