Can elves and dwarves reproduce with each other...

Started by Anonymous, January 01, 2006, 06:52:15 PM

... and if so, what do they produce?  

What about other races, like halflings mixing with the others?

How would they reach?

More seriously, I doubt it.  One of the slaving houses, at the very least, would have attempted it, and any results would probably become very well known.
Besides, you'd probably get something as sturdy as an elf and as sharp-witted as a dwarf.

As for halflings, giths, mantis and other 'monster' races, you should probably find out IC.  Who knows!
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I think it's safe to say that without strong magicks it wouldn't happen.  Much like mixing a cat and a dog.  No matter how much sex they have, they still won't have babies.  Trust me, I know.
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

I think this topic has been beaten into the ground before, with the general consensus being that elves probably wouldn't live even as long as humans would in the process.  Although... I've always wondered about half-elves.

I cant help but wonder.....we dont know where gith came from right?

Gith are sturdier and stronger than elves, but not nearly as smart...sounds like a dwarf elf mix to me...but maybe not, probably not actually but I thought I would throw that in.

Anyways, if a human and a dwarf can mate, and a human and an elf can mate...I dont see why dwarves and elves couldnt mate. And if they cant, then that means that humans are pretty much the all accepting biological whores of the world...we just dont reject any semen we can get apparently.

(As a side note I never thought I would use that phrase..."We dont reject any semen we can get" )
Quote from: James de Monet on April 09, 2015, 01:54:57 AM
My phone now autocorrects "damn" to Dman.
Quote from: deathkamon on November 14, 2015, 12:29:56 AM
The young daughter has been filled.

I've always wondered why humans are always kinda instantly thought as the female counterpart.

Whatever about the human dad?

Quote from: "mansa"I think it's safe to say that without strong magicks it wouldn't happen.  Much like mixing a cat and a dog.  No matter how much sex they have, they still won't have babies.  Trust me, I know.

How do you know?
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Quote from: "Desertman"that means that humans are pretty much the all accepting biological whores of the world...we just dont reject any semen we can get apparently.

Or it might mean that humans are the progenitors of all other races.

Quote from: "Barzalene"How do you know?

you had to ask, didnt you. Heh, get ready for it ...

Quote from: "Desertman"I cant help but wonder.....we dont know where gith came from right?

I guess gith are to elves what elves are to humans. Successful mutants that have stuck around because they fit they can survive better, in most cases, in their own habitat.

Plus gith are more agile than elves, so it doesn't make sense that they are derived from dwarves.

Elves and dwarves cannot mate.  If they did manage to somehow produce offspring during sex, the result would kill the mother before she could give birth.

The secret of how to make a mul (human/dwarf) without the same thing happening is a carefully guarded process held tightly by a very few sources in game.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

I bet they made the wombs of human mothers grow in size untill they became gigantic biological growth containers.

The offspring is, what you know today as the half giant.

They are tall like elves, wide/broad built like dwarves, and they are mentally retarded because of the incompatibility of the elven and dwarven mindset.

You see a lot of them, that means we players are sick, making elves and dwarves fall in love with each other always.

(Yes I am kidding)
some of my posts are serious stuff

My thoughts on the subject...
FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit wrote:
QuoteIf an elf and dwarf made succesful whoopie, I think you'd get a mul. Let me explain.
Elves and humans can produce fertile offspring (half-elves). This means that, technically, they are the same species, just with extreme differences. Sort of like different breeds of dog, with half-elves being mutts.
Dwarves are not of the same species as humans and elves, but they are similar enough on a genetic level to make an offspring, albeit an infertile one. This is not unheard of on Earth, the classic example being a horse and donkey (two different species that have different numbers of chromosomes) creating a mule.
My point is, if humans and elves are the same species, and if humans can produce infertile offspring with dwarves, then we can conclude that elves can also produce infertile offspring with dwarves.
Why don't we hear about it as much, do you ask? I think because its impractical. Most muls, with very few exceptions, are bred for slavery. I'm sure that back in Borsail's forming years they experimented with other races for mul breeding, and they must have ultimately decided that humans were the best race to mix with dwarves for creating muls. Elven mothers, with their weak constitutions, probably would have had a difficult time carrying the mul child through the full gestation period. Miscarriages and disease would've been common. Also, you have to consider that the dwarven traits and elven traits of the parents would effectively cancel each other out. If a dwarf and elf had a child, the result would be (one could assume) a slightly faster, but weaker and less hearty mul. Basically, an infertile, funny-looking human. What good is that to a slaver?
Then you have to consider the accessability of slaves for breeding. Elven slaves are notoriously hard to keep. With elven culture being what it is, and placing a strong, almost fanatical emphasis on tribe and family, it would be difficult to break up an elven family and sell them off to different masters. You'd either have to sell an entire tribe (who has the money for that?) or break them up and accept the risk of suicide or escape attempts. Even an elven orphan would most likely, during his time working for a master, begin to consider either his master or some of his fellow slaves to be part of his 'tribe', and would fight furiously against any attempts to seperate him from them.
And, of course, a facility running on elven slaves would have to do a really good job hiding the 'sid.
Therefore, with elves being impractical for mul breeding, the slavers turned to their only other option: humans. It would have proved much more efficient and profitable, and elf-dwarf match ups would have been all but phased out.
Original thread located here:
Other pair-ups, like half-giants and halflings, or gith and mantises, probably wouldn't work because they're entirely different species, and too different to create a mul-like offspring.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

I do not think that halfling should be included in the same general category as mantis, gith, half-giants and other species.

Mantis aren't even humanoid, so I'd never think they could reproduce with a (demi)human.
Gith are likely a long-ago mutation of elves, so maybe they could reproduce with elves, but I'd not think they'd be compatible with any other species.  
Half-giants aren't a naturally occuring race, so I wouldn't think that they could naturally reproduce with another species either.

Halfings, however, as are humanoid as elves, dwarves, and humans.  Even more like humans than dwarves, biologically, I'd think.  If a male halfling reproduced with a human female, I think she'd be able to birth the offspring without extra physical risks.. it would probably be an easier birth than a pure human.  Obviously, if it were a female halfling that wouldn't be the case.

I know that in the game Arm was based on halflings were the original race. :)   But that doesn't mean that it was that way on arm.  It could be that Gith were the original race in Arm, and everybody else is a mutant. :)

Just to reiterate what Naiona said:

Dwarves and elves cannot mate.  Not only has there been no historical recording of an elf and dwarf offspring on Zalanthas, but elves and dwarves are probably even less attracted to one another than humans and dwarves. There is simply no real attraction there. Making it with a dwarf (or elf) if you are an elf (or dwarf) is probably as much an alien concept as making it with your kank.

Quote from: "Tlaloc"Just to reiterate what Naiona said:

Dwarves and elves cannot mate.  Not only has there been no historical recording of an elf and dwarf offspring on Zalanthas, but elves and dwarves are probably even less attracted to one another than humans and dwarves. There is simply no real attraction there. Making it with a dwarf (or elf) if you are an elf (or dwarf) is probably as much an alien concept as making it with your kank.

You mean that's not what I'm doing when I type 'mount'?  No wonder people give me weird looks when I use emotes while 'riding'.   :twisted:

If this thread doesn't give you all manner of focus ideas....
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

Quote from: "Vesperas"I've always wondered why humans are always kinda instantly thought as the female counterpart.

Because there are no female dwarves.
Back from a long retirement

QuoteBecause there are no female dwarves.

Do they just spring up from holes in the ground?
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

ERS was making a comment on the apparent willingness of players to play female dwarves.

Short, hairless, and curvaceous, what's so wrong with 'em, eh?

QuoteERS was making a comment on the apparent willingness of players to play female dwarves.

Short, hairless, and curvaceous, what's so wrong with 'em, eh?

Ah, ok.  I thought he was making an alliteration to dialogue in The Two
Towers, so I continued with the next line. :P
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

Yeah, I was going to say what the staff pretty much said.

1.  There is probably very little attraction between the races, to the point that 'mating' between them would be unheard of.  Not impossible, but -so- rare it would be flabberghasting to hear about.

2.  If there -was- a case where they mated (as in they were probably forced, or they were the one such couple in 3 or 4 ages), the childbirth/pregnancy would outright kill the carrier of the offspring.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger