List of Proposed skills.

Started by Maybe42or54, December 30, 2005, 01:03:16 AM

I am creating a list for my own personal use of skills we, the players and imms, want to be implemented. I am trying to see how many skills have been idea'd, so we don't beat the bush into a spice addict.

Help me out a little by posting along these lines.

QuoteName of the Skill

Description of the skill


Please don't defend or attack other peoples wants. Don't post the same skill as another person, unless you are clarifying it.

To start us off:


Strike is an upper body attack, seperate from "kick." It could include headbutts, punches, handle bludgeoning, blade slapping, etc.. This skill is commonly used before a bash as it has the capability to knock a target off balance.

strike whore
You lash out with a mean uppercut at the petite, titilating woman and send her stumbling.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I think this 'strike' skill may end up being a renamed 'kick.'  Why don't we let the conversation on this one run its course, first, right?  We have IMM attention on that one already.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

his post was about listing all the ideas we have, not dicussing them.

It's important when brainstorming to do just that, list all the ideas without discussing them or criticising them. That's what this thread would be, a sort of reference/brainstorm.

(stolen/improved idea from submissions forum)

Disguise making.

A skill that allows one to craft a set of disguise tools in order to change your short description at low levels, and long description at high ones. The tools may include multiple items such as wigs, false mustaches, beards and so on. I think it's permissable to make the short description without the approval of the GMs, but it's up for them to decide. Obviously, making the full set (the one that allows long description changes) requies GM approval before completition. Once the wig is made it can be sold to anyone, and then it's just a matter of applying it and whooish you're a different persona entirely for a limited amount of time untill the wig deteriorates.

Graffiti Making

An ability to create graffiti on the wallls of the locale. Multiple ingridients can be used, from mud with a touch of water (short lived graffiti) to various paints.

Basically, the ability allows the character to create a graffititi inside a text editor and then drops it into the locale by giving it a description of being on the wall. Works only in cities obviously and is quiet lengthly to create. So if you're cought writing up some kind of gang sign, or a joke about the next door Templar and he ... finds you, then I hope you run faster then you draw graffities. It's possible to 'remove graffiti' but the process has a long delay, and may require multiple applications, use of soap, or any other cleaning items I myself dont know about, all depending on the skill mastery of the graffiti maker.


A simple trick of bards and pick pockets. Basically, it allows a person to distract his target. Harmless when it's done alone, being distracted makes the target more susceptable to pick pocket, back stab, being snuck by, or any other ability that could be thwarted by the target's perceptive skills and agility.

distract target (stumbles suddenly as ! walks by, shouldering ~target accidentally)
ThiefA stumbles suddenly as he walks by, shouldering target accidentally.

Aaand Thief B nicks that signet ring .

swimming ... no, heh just kidding.

Folker, there is already the scribble command for your graffiti.

This command allows you to scribble a drawing. In desert areas, you can do so in the sand with your finger; in cities a lump of chalk will prove necessary. You must be holding the chalk.

You will provide what it is generally that you're trying to scribble, then you will be prompted to describe it in more detail. You have four lines to describe the scribble.

This is by no means a permanent change to the world, and the drawing will slowly fade away, so the more descriptive you are when you originally describe it, the more likely people will be able to recognize it as it fades.

This is not to be used to write messages or to directly cross language barriers. If you are caught abusing this command, your character will lose the ability to use it.


scribble <brief description>


> scribble an arrow pointing northwards
You start scribbling in the sand with your finger.

Enter a description for your scribble. (up to 4 lines)
Terminate with a '~'
Remember, describe the drawing, do NOT use this to write.
> The arrow is simply a straight line with an angled hat on top of it.
> The arrow is pointing northwards.
> ~

Skill : Call
Guild : Ranger

Rangers can develop the ability to mimic certain 'calls' in the wild by close study of the animal in its habitat.  These calls may have different effects dependant upon the mood of the animal, causing it to move closer, move away, hide or even attack.  It may, however, do nothing.


You can mimic a gurth, hawk, scrab and jozhal.

>call gurth
Please specify a direction.

>call gurth north
You cup your hands to your mouth, making a low gutteral sound.

(to the north)

Dusty Plains [NEWS]
A pot-bellied gurth is here, moving around.

The low gutteral call of a gurth can be heard from the south.


Skill : Conceal
Class : Ranger, Assassin, Pick Pocket, Burglar

Conceal allows someone to hide a small object within an area using the surrounding materials.  The object will remain hidden until taken or unless someone finds it by searching.

You are carrying:
a hooded lantern
a small bag
a tiny chunk of topaz
the head of the tall, muscular man

>conceal topaz
You look around the area carefully.

(time passes)

You try to conceal a tiny chunk of topaz within the area.


Poison : Velacin
Sdesc : a rotten, fungus covered gourd

Velacin is a toxin that effects a person's coordination and movement.  Victims will find it nearly impossible to keep their balance when moving or keep a straight line due to disorientation.

A thin throwning knife flies in from the west and hits you in the arm!
Your muscles tingle and feel heavy.

You slip and fall on your face!

You stand up.

You stumble around, unable to get your bearings.

(moves south, akin to darkness code)


Skill: Grapple
Classes : (alll) - coded for Warriors, Assassins, Rangers
Notes: Failure takes a small amount of stamina.
Checks: Strenth, agility, offense vs. defense and weapon skill

Grappling attempts to lock another person's hands and weapons into a standstill, disallowing either party from moving or attacking unless the grappler releases or attacker breaks free.  Neither party can attack while grappled.

The tall, muscular man dodges your pierce.
The tall, muscular man dodges your pierce.

You swiftly dodge the tall, muscular man's slash.
You swiftly dodge the tall, muscular man's slash.

>grapple muscular
You lunge forward, but the tall, muscular man avoids your grapple.

>grapple muscular
You lock weapons with the tall, muscular man, holding him tight.

This skill wouldn't give an advantage to either party, but may give someone a chance to delay an attacker, talk to someone through a fight or gain time before thinking up a plan during the regular course of combat.  Any attack on either grappler would free them both without any penalty.


skill: forensics
subguild: physician

>forensics body
You carefully examine the body of a swarmy, grey-haired man and the surrounding area.

Low skill result:
The swarmy, grey-haired man has some bruising evident.

High skill result:
The  swarmy, grey-haired man has extensive blunt damage to his skull and alongside his kneecap.  It is obvious that a very heavy weapon of some kind was used to crush the skull, while a smaller blunt weapon caused the bruising about the kneecaps.

Note this would have a different command used by the  killer to attach a forensics message.  If the killer did not attach a message, then a default message based on the type(s) of weapons used to kill the victim would be used instead.

I would so use this command, both as a killer and physician
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.


Syntax: counter <toggleable>

For an extra mv point minimum per room, you can erase the trails left
for others to track you.  You get one chance per room and there is no
message indicating success or failure.

Guilds available: Ranger, Assassin, Burglar
Subguilds: Forester, Hunter, Nomad, Rebel, Scavenger
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.


Syntax: counter <toggleable>

For an extra mv point minimum per room, you can erase the trails left
for others to track you. You get one chance per room and there is no
message indicating success or failure.

Guilds available: Ranger, Assassin, Burglar
Subguilds: Forester, Hunter, Nomad, Rebel, Scavenger

I was under the impression that the skill 'sneak' accounted for this.... I could be mistaken.

Semper Pax,


It's possible they've changed it in the last few years, but last time I
checked, a tracker would just get a different time of path message for
the person sneaking.

If they did change it, that definitely makes Sneak even more useful.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.


Outdoor skill for rangers, city skill for thieves, burglars, and assassins.

Would require hide and sneak check, and it would allow you to appear to move a direction but end up temporarily hidden in the same room. You'd have to hide again to be permanently hidden, but this would allow you to try and throw your pursuers without just spamming flee.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.


Outdoor skill for rangers, city skill for thieves, burglars, and assassins.

Would require hide and sneak check, and it would allow you to appear to move a direction but end up temporarily hidden in the same room. You'd have to hide again to be permanently hidden, but this would allow you to try and throw your pursuers without just spamming flee.

Just a comment: I can see this being used in a dense crowd, but not in the outdoors, there's simply not enough disorientation/misdirection facets to the Zalanthan wilderness (being mostly desert and all....). Unless, I suppose, you could -already- be hidden and utilize a pebble or some such method to form an illusion of noise in another locale. Then again, I suppose it's no more ludicrous than hiding in the Salt Flats....

Semper Pax,



This skill, used on a mounted adversary is an attempt to spook their mount into throwing them. If successful, it leaves the victim lying prone on the ground and vulnerable to attack. A success will also cause the victim to suffer minor falling damage from being thrown by the animal.

>unseat man

You turn your attacks from <man> and wave your weapons at a brownish kank.


A brownish kank spooks and throws <man> from his back!
(Leaving the victim lying prone and suffering minor hit and stun damage like when thrown from a mount normally.)

A brownish kank is unfazed by your attempt to spook it.

The <man> attacks you as you turn your attention to his mount.
(Free attack similar to picking up something during combat.)

Checks would be the aggressor's "Unseat" skill + wis mod vs. the victim's "ride" skill +agi mod.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

The magick system, crafting, and foraging are such rich, well-coded aspects of the game.  It would be nice to add some depth to some other areas of the game as well.

Two suggested skills and an alteration to an existing skill:

These would make playing rogues more interesting, and it would make them more useful to other players in the game as well.


Name of skill:  Detect trap

Description of skill:  Successful use of this skill allows one to detect the presence of a trap on a container or a door.

Use of skill:  

> detect trap door east


After closely inspecting the door, you detect a trap made of <trap type>.

    where <trap type> could be unknown or more specific


After closely inspecting the door, you are unable to find a trap.


Name of skill:  Disarm trap

Description of skill:  Successful use of this skill allows one to disarm a trap which has been detected on a container or a door.  There is a chance that the trap will be triggered in the process of disarming it.

Use of skill:  

> disarm trap door east


But you don't see a trap on the door!


You concentrate intently on the door, attempting to disarm the trap.
You succesfully disarm the trap, and you salvage remants of the device!


You concentrate intently on the door, attempting to disarm the trap.
You succesfully disarm the trap, but you destroy the remants of the device.


You concentrate intently on the door, but you are unable to disarm the trap.


You concentrate intently on the door, and you accidently set off the trap!!


Suggested alterations for the skill Trap (if such capabilities do not already exist):  Allow more things to be used in the making of traps (i.e., poisons, etc..).

> craft gland fang thread into tiny green-tinged fang

You successfully load a tiny fang with contents of the gland and attach a piece of thread.

> es fang

> trap door east


You carefully affix the tiny green-tinged fang to the door.


... you get the idea ... etc...

Tools for making and disarming traps could be made as well.

I always found the spice system a little hollow.  I would love to see it spruced up.

Start by throwing in a hidden addiction skill.  The more spice you do, the more this skill goes up.  Some spices make this skill go up very fast, while others have a minimal effect.  The higher your addiction skill, the harder and longer you crash after you take spice.  Someone who had managed to get his addiction skill very high would crash long and hard.  Taking more spice would eliminate the crash

Some spice related crafting skills would be nice.  Everyone would start with a low level version of it that would let them combine two pinches of different type into two mixed pinches of different type.  So you could combine 1 red spice pinch and 1 green spice pinch into 2 red and green spice pinches.  Most of the time these mixed spices would  just do their individual effects at half the power.  

Some times though, the mixed spice would have unexpected bonuses and penalties.  So, combining a spice that makes you strong and aggressive might result in a potent combination that gives you greater strength and power then taking the two spices alone might have done.  Combining a spice that makes you aggressive and a spice that makes you happily numb on the other hand might make you wig out and become paranoid.

At higher levels of the skill, you could cut the spice with filler.  So, if you have a pinch of red stuff, you can make two pinches of red stuff by cutting the spice and adding a filler.  If you are poor at cutting the spice with filler, it would be obvious to anyone who looks at the spice that you have watered it down.  If you are skilled at cutting spice, no one would be able to tell the difference between unless they noticed that the effects were weakened.  Critical failure in cutting spice would result in poisoning or a bad trip.  A really critical failure could kill the victim.


a skill available to merchants, pickpockets, aswell as some similar subguilds. Allows a person to fence an object inside the city at any area on any street that has crowds in it for a considerably lesser amount, dependant on fence skill itself, aswell as haggle. The item being sold does not have to be legal inside the city, but might trigger a wanted code in certain areas in the city.

An important aspect of this skill, is not to make it possible to gain profit from buying an object cheaply and then fencing it for a higher price. But gain a quick profit for items you gained by 'other' means.


a skill available to merchants that allows one to locate the location of another player that happens to be in the same city, providing he is in a public area. Per each use of skill, the merchant has to pay the vnpc who is then sent out to spread word and find where the target is and then some while later report back to the merchant.


a skill available to merchants that allows one to pick out some random vnpc vagrant, pay him some sid and set him standing still on a look out for a specifically described persona. Should this character pass the sentinel by and be seen, the vnpc would race back to the merchant, providing he's in one of the city taverns, and report in. Obviously it's possible to walk by the sentinel and remain unseen, by use of sneak, invis, and maybe even bit of luck. The length of time the sentinel remains in one place is influenced by the skill's level, aswell as the amount of money paid. There is a specific echo given when a sentinel recognizes his mark, which can alarm the mark itself and give him plenty of chances to cut the sentinel's head off to remain undetected.

Skill: Choke

This skilled is used by warriors who have subdued their victims. A successful choke will place the subdued victim into a choking headlock. As the choke is maintained, the victim will eventually lose conciousness if the attacker has the stamina to maintain the hold. Once placed in the choke, the victim will lose stun points and the attacker maintaining the choke will lose stamina. If the victim loses all of her/his stun points, she/he falls unconcious. If the attacker loses all of her/his stamina, the attacker is forced to release the victim.


subdue templar
>You subdue the balding, obese templar.

choke templar
>You position yourself behind the balding, obese templar and place him in a headlock.

Failing the choke:
>You try to position yourself behind the balding, obese templar, but he escapes your grip.

After success each tick:

You tighten your grip on the balding, obese templar's neck as he gasps for air.


You tighten your grip on the balding, obese templar's neck as the color of his face begins to turns a shade of blue.


You release the balding, obese templar as he collapses to the ground, unconcious.

Once in the choke hold, victims could type flee and try to break free just like a subdue.

"Let sleeping characters sleep naked." -Azroen

Quote from: "Anonymous"

Outdoor skill for rangers, city skill for thieves, burglars, and assassins.

Would require hide and sneak check, and it would allow you to appear to move a direction but end up temporarily hidden in the same room. You'd have to hide again to be permanently hidden, but this would allow you to try and throw your pursuers without just spamming flee.

Just a comment: I can see this being used in a dense crowd, but not in the outdoors, there's simply not enough disorientation/misdirection facets to the Zalanthan wilderness (being mostly desert and all....). Unless, I suppose, you could -already- be hidden and utilize a pebble or some such method to form an illusion of noise in another locale. Then again, I suppose it's no more ludicrous than hiding in the Salt Flats....

Semper Pax,


Hmm, you're probably right on that.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.