Consent toggle.

Started by O, October 22, 2005, 10:58:53 AM

I've been having a little muse about Arm today...

I find that scenes where consent is necessary are the scenes where I want/have to be –most- fully immersed in my character. Although I absolutely agree that consent should exist, with the method of asking at the moment I find the tension builds up and then poof, the spell is broken as you're jolted back to real life by having to use OOC and the scene can lose it's edge.

So, how possible is it to have a sort of 'assess –v consent' thing, where we can toggle on and off what we consent to according to how our day has been, what our life's been like etc as we go along? Has this been thought of and dismissed before?

Then we could just subtly check what the other player is willing to play out that day, and therefore avoid it being so jarring and making it easier to steer around scenes the other person isn't happy with.

I'm sure this could be improved but to give you a gist of what I mean...

You type 'assess –v consent' (or something)
And see...

So and so consents to:

Sexual scenes:
- non-violent: No consent/Yes, consent given.
- Violent: No consent for event to occur/Yes, consent given but fade actual scene/Yes, consent given.

- torture: No consent/Yup, do your worst.

Of course if you're in the middle of playing out a scene and it's getting too much, you can always use OOC to fade out at any time.

Hey!  :D

Oopsie, I wonder if I saw this! Probably...what a shameless rip-off merchant!

Anyway, great idea X-D!

This would be a great feature, since breaking to OOC can really trash the RP frame of mind, since you're technically supposed to ask for even such basic stuff.

And I think it's a topic worthy of touching again, since after scanning the old thread there was not a SINGLE staff response.

As pointed out in the previous thread. The situations in which consent may be needed are diverse, and of course the things that happen to you in your life that may change your opinion are as well. Consent is a touchy enough subject that I don't think it can ever be hard coded, and must, by it's very nature be flexible and fluid to a high degree. It's easy enough for folks that always consent, but those people aren't what consent if there for. I agree with the fact that it can break RP to some degree to ask, but it doesn't come up THAT often.


why do I have a doomed feeling about this thread?
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

Quote from: "Cyrian20"why do I have a doomed feeling about this thread?

Because you derail it on purpose.  Shame Shame.

Back on Topic:

I agree that it wrecks 'the mood' of a scene, but it's just as Dakurus said, it's a 'touchy' subject to make it hard coded.  I really don't know what to be done, and I don't know if I think it 'needs' to be implemented.  I'm confused about this whole subject and can't make up my mind.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "mansa"I agree that it wrecks 'the mood' of a scene, but it's just as Dakurus said, it's a 'touchy' subject to make it hard coded.  I really don't know what to be done, and I don't know if I think it 'needs' to be implemented.  I'm confused about this whole subject and can't make up my mind.

Yeah, I know. It's gotten to the point where I tend to avoid interaction with PCs outside of taverns for fear of "foul play".

It couldn't be done so you could change it in game whenever you liked? Like you can with 'Change Objective'?

Your idea has merit, but I personally think that consent must be addressed each time the specific scenerios requiring it come into roleplay.(unless of course it is a previous consented sceneria with the same character, such as mud sex).

One reason is that something about presentation, word use..demeneaor..may jive someone the wrong way who might be alright with another's more subdued or "soft" version of the same scenerio.

So, each case is different, and each case needs review and consent.

Quote from: "Dakurus"As pointed out in the previous thread. The situations in which consent may be needed are diverse, and of course the things that happen to you in your life that may change your opinion are as well. Consent is a touchy enough subject that I don't think it can ever be hard coded, and must, by it's very nature be flexible and fluid to a high degree. It's easy enough for folks that always consent, but those people aren't what consent if there for. I agree with the fact that it can break RP to some degree to ask, but it doesn't come up THAT often.


Just to be redundant.
The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God? -Muad'Dib

So let's all go focus on our own roleplay before anyone picks up a stone to throw. -Sanvean