Account Consent Flag

Started by Anonymous, September 18, 2005, 11:16:28 PM

Quote from: "X-D"maybe slightly off topic, but I would so love if each person could set a consent flag on thier char, maybe even two of them, or one that you can add something to.

yes, two,...

set Consent rape off
set consent torture on

check consent pc

pc consent torture on.
pc consent rape off.

Me, I'd leave mine on at all times, just like I do mercy.
I'm an adult and understand its a game in which we all shoot for realism.
shrug. But the nice thing about it is, with the flags, most the time you would not even have to do the
ooc Everybody here give consent to rape/torture scene?

Hell, I'd even make it so that when somebody triggers "check consenrt" it logs everybody in the room and current consent status.

I hope X-D doesn't mind my making a thread about his idea but I thought it was so fantastic that I wanted to bring it up.

It would
-Remove the need to interrupt a scene for OOC banter.
-Keep people from abusing the consent command to keep their PC from getting into trouble, depending on how it was implemented.

If it was implemented similar to the review flag and wasn't something a person could toggle on their account (which makes sense because people generally won't be changing their stance on graphic roleplay from day to day) then it would keep people from saying NO to an OOC request for consent just because they were annoyed by a situation, which is something I've been suspicious of.

I don't know how others feel but I think this is a wonderful and elegant way to deal with consent and to minimize how much of a distraction stopping to ask for it can be.

If you couldn't turn it off though and the people told you ooc'ly another way to rp it you could be like umm.. ok, can't turn it off though so we are stuck by the code on this rp. the current OOC lets do this yes or no approach is better. cause even with consent on you have to ooc them to see if you want to fade to black or rp it our. So either way you have to break character.
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

I am glad staff someone saw this. I didn't think any staff took anything they saw on these boards seriously until now. I say do it. I try to argue both sides to myself but I can't find the other side, besides the fact that you dont want people to know that they dont want to be raped therfore pointless anyway. If anyone finds the other side, quote this and tell me.

Quote from: "Cyrian20"If you couldn't turn it off though and the people told you ooc'ly another way to rp it you could be like umm.. ok, can't turn it off though so we are stuck by the code on this rp. the current OOC lets do this yes or no approach is better. cause even with consent on you have to ooc them to see if you want to fade to black or rp it our. So either way you have to break character.

I say i'd like to be able to toggle like ANSI on the menu now that I read this post, with fade option

Erm.  What if you start having people purposely fishing through people with consent on?

That's my only concern.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

I've seen this done on MUSHes where the roleplay was based more in consent and co-operative storytelling than hard-coded stuff and  it seemed to work well.  When you fingered someone there would be a whole list of consent flags to see, something like "Sex: ?, Violence: yes, Death: no, Torture: ?, Rape: no".  I think the question marks meant it depends on the situation, you haven't universally conscented to or ruled out dealing with the ? items.  Of course Arm doesn't have a finger command, so I'm not sure where it would be displayed.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

ooc Permission to finger you?

ooc That is granted.

Finger target

Death: Hell yes Torture: Hell yes
Rape: Fuck no  Anything else: Fuck yes.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

QuoteFinger target

That breaks the rape consent rule.

She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

fist target
A foreign presence contacts your mind.

Gotta love comic relief.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I personally like the idea, but I WOULD let it be changed mid game, and I would add the ability to make it a 'maybe'.  

If someone is having a shitty day and broke up with their boyfriend or what not, and they don't want to consent to getting raped and tortured, that damn well is there right.  Let them turn it off at a moments notice if they want.  If people do it just to dodge something that makes them uncomfortable, let them.

The only either piece would be to make it so that people can choose maybe, in addition to 'yes' and 'no'.  Maybe someone is okay with a little light torture by a templar, but really is not in the mood to have a raider camp have a go at their rich fat merchant.  I don't see anything wrong with throwing in a 'maybe' option where it just means that people have to ask for consent the old fashion way.  The idea is not so much as to prevent all OOC from happening around consent, just to minimize it.  So, if someone has their consent setting set to yes, it means that the templar in question can skip breaking OOC and get down to business.  The only other piece to this I would add is that no matter how someone's consent flags are set, they should <I>always</i> be able to OOC that they want to fade.  There is nothing wrong with getting cold feet.

The big advantage in my mind is the ability to avoid OOC banter.  As to CRWs second point about people getting out of consequences, I wouldn't try and touch it.  If someone wants to back out, they should be able to back out, period.  They still pay the consequences, they just don't have to sit through the graphic details.  If someone tells my guy they want to skip the torture scene, that is fine, but I am still going to OOC "Okay, I took off an ear and poked out one eye, did your guy talk?"

Quote from: "Cyrian20"If you couldn't turn it off though and the people told you ooc'ly another way to rp it you could be like umm.. ok, can't turn it off though so we are stuck by the code on this rp. the current OOC lets do this yes or no approach is better. cause even with consent on you have to ooc them to see if you want to fade to black or rp it our. So either way you have to break character.

  Some things are interesting to RP out.. some you just would rather not see.  In some cases its the RP leading up to the event.. in others the characters involved.  Personally I don't see a flag adding anything that would justify spending the time to code it....
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Sounds like an idea worth considering. My abuse sniffer says it might only be a problem with certain players. For example, you know a certain player's rape scenes are too graphic for you, but otherwise the general populace seems to rape just fine. It would be nice to have, say, 5-10 exceptions (via name or full sdesc), to customize your global flags if need be.

This is, of course, yet another place to mention the no-resist flag against the justice system, too.  :P
Amor Fati

this could have four options instead of two... like.. yes no ask (which would be the maybe thing) and fade (accept the scene but fade to black). The no option couls only be available for rape and so on.

this could really help stop people from breaking character...
A rusty brown kank explodes into little bits.

Someone says, out of character:
     "I had to fix something in this zone.. YOU WEREN'T HERE 2 minutes ago :)"

I get an amusing mental image of the local horny guy going through all the women's consent flags, only striking up a conversation with those who are ok with RPing out mudsex. :)

It's a fine idea, all-in-all, but I would be worried that some people would treat character's differently on account of their flags, and I don't just mean not plotting to rape them.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

I like it, I think it would leave the uncomfortable issue of asking OOC consent.

And I like the four option flags that would work like no-save:

Please ask
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

QuoteIt would
-Remove the need to interrupt a scene for OOC banter.
-Keep people from abusing the consent command to keep their PC from getting into trouble, depending on how it was implemented.

i don't see these as problems.

for #1:
big deal. it's OOC for a reason, as long as it isn't often and impotent, OOCs are fine and don't hurt anyone.

for #2
what the fuck is this? If you don't consent, that just means everything fades to black and you wake up and whatever was to happen HAPPENED. Saying "no" to consent doesn't prevent your character from getting raped, it just prevents you from having to see it in graphic detail.

Are people actually getting out of situations because they say No to a consent request? Doesn't that poke a big hole in the whole gameworld itself? I didn't think it was possible. Please confirm that it isn't.

oh. just read the ask the staff.

the op-out is only for rape. that's cool, i can dig that.

I said No I don't consent to a torture scene once.
They just killed me.
I held my own while I was subdued and unarmed for a little while, but then I died.

They probably would have let me go too. Damn consent to hell.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

QuoteIt's a fine idea, all-in-all, but I would be worried that some people would treat character's differently on account of their flags, and I don't just mean not plotting to rape them.

This and other questions people raised on abuse of the consent flag idea is why I said in my first post of the idea, that.
use of the check consent command, should automaticly log the consent status of everybody in the the same time, it of course logs who used the command, if somebody is abusing it, it would be easily seen and easily dealt with.

Enter Ness wielding Mortal slayer..
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

I don't know about a flag (sometimes people might not be in the mood and all that), but a command for automatic consent checking could be good.

It seems related enough to this thread (or might have even been included, I have a bad memory when I'm tired), but it would work like this:

> consent torture
Asking consent for graphic torture.

What everyone else sees:
Consent for graphic torture?  (y/N).
> Y

Back to consent asker:
Consent given.
If nobody is in the room, it will automatically give consent, and if someone in the room didn't respond within two minutes, it will automatically default for No.
This will have multiple benefits, namely with the case of unseen stalkers.  Using this command would obviously be logged so checking consent to see if you're alone in the room would be futile.  Also, it will be anonymous - nobody will know who asked and, more importantly, who refused.  Maybe that templar's PC bodyguard didn't feel like torture right now, etc..
Also, it won't be as jarring as going OOC.

Flags could also be arranged for this - always saying no or yes, or only if consent is for torture but not rape.
The basic flags could be Adult, Torture, Rape and maybe 'Other' in case it's needed.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I think the flag idea is great. The ability to have a yes/no/maybe is fantastic.

However, with the new (or sort of new rule) you'll need different levels for fade, and for not at all.

Torture: Yes.
Rape: No.
Sex: Yes - Fade.

You could prompt on maybe's.
If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

I think the idea of a flag which people may feel bound to, which they might forget to change at every moment based on the situation round them, and which other people could -yick- check, would be pretty cumbersome and counterproductive.  It would have to be overriden by OOC anyway, since people have to be able to withdraw consent if the scene goes further then they originally imagined.

Larrath's idea, however, I think is absolutely fantastic.  Just have to give it some additions.  Make it a special room flag so anyone could also break consent at any time.  

This would also take care of the problem of unawares happening in (they get a message when trying to enter the room, giving choice of not entering at all, proceeding and giving consent, or proceeding and breaking consent (maybe?!? the char should ICly be able to enter, but the player shouldn't have to consent... it would be reasonable, but there are some absurd situations imaginable: a stealthy slinking in to spy on your lovemaking and for some inscrutable reason breaks consent, alerting people OOCly to his presence quite jarringly... this would just be foolishness though.).

Also, a slightly randomized delay on the command itself so people can't "jerk off/shit/piss alone in an alley" to test the consent delay to discover if they're being shadowed.

I like it.

Put the questions right after your Background submission.

(insert background here)

Do you consent to IG Torture? (Y/N/P_ Help <letter>)

Help P

You request that the other player prompt you for each and every possible torture scene.

Help Y

Help N

You have consented to Torture IG.

Do you consent to sexual scenes IG? (Y/n/p_help <letter>)


Beware: You must get OOC permission to Rape another PC, regardless of Fading to black or not.

Might scare some people off though.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I think it will be fine.  Also, it could perhaps label the room somehow, like add an asterisk to the room name?  That way people coming in will know it's a consent room.  And people shouldn't do very graphic things in taverns and busy streets anyway, so that's no problem.

We should avoid a cumbersome interface - I think a simple Yes/No prompt or a Yes/Fade/No in case of rapes would do nicely.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?