Special Delivery

Started by HardCarbon, May 22, 2005, 07:24:16 AM

Given that people often have schedules that don't mesh.. It would be nice if there was some way to make deliveries and pickups of goods and raw materials... without the person having to be online..

 Example:  say The Kadians want delivery of widgets.. they could authorize say a shopkeeper to buy X number of widgets from a player at a specified price.   The ordering merchant or agent could drop by the store and pick up said widgets at  their convience.
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Sounds like an awesome old idea to be brought into life by the PCs of the game and challenge the economy system.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Quote from: "mansa"Sounds like an awesome old idea to be brought into life by the PCs of the game and challenge the economy system.

Err does that mean you like the idea.. or hate it?
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

He doesn't like it, I'm thinking.

I think there is room for the following new business in Allanak and someone has to get it started:

1. a guild of folks whose sole purpose is to deliver messages from one city to the next (for when pcs can't seem to hook up to way each other)

2. a guild of folks who can hold these deliveries

Quite likely this could be combined into one Zalanthan UPS system.

Edit to Add:
I want to add I did an OOC call to get folks together to start this kind of service and got b1tch-sl@pped for it - and someone was complaining that they were already trying to start this IG and it would be unfair if I used OOC methods to get this going.

You'll note the guild or clan still doesn't exist as such.
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

This topic has already been discussed in the past.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Don't be cranky Cuusardo.

I think it's a neat idea, but I'm not sure if it's necessary, it's always fun to RP that there were diffuculties in the delivery: halfling raid, elf attack, mekillot, bahamet... etc... Try to think of IC excuses, rather than blaming it on OOC playtimes.
your mother is an elf.

I'm not being cranky.  This is another unnecessary thread cluttering up the board, because there are other threads about this elsewhere when people brought it up in the past.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Moofassa"Don't be cranky Cuusardo.

I think it's a neat idea, but I'm not sure if it's necessary, it's always fun to RP that there were diffuculties in the delivery: halfling raid, elf attack, mekillot, bahamet... etc... Try to think of IC excuses, rather than blaming it on OOC playtimes.

Heh.. when I'm sitting right outside where I deliver...with a load that's too big to store (even If I had an apartment)  its a bit frustrating ;) ... Perhaps a special stables where you can store beasts who are carrying loads.. (for added cost) After all there all those VNPCs and NPCs whose job it is to take care of the little stuff.. not the Senior Agent..

And the earlier thread I saw concentrated on messages.. ::Shrug::
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Yeah I remember a thread about messages in the past but I don't remember seeing any threads about NPCs holding deliveries. There are ways to pass things back and forth IC without involving a code change but the problem is those NPC guards aren't coded to actually watch over that stuff and keep it from being stolen. ANyone can just walk into the place and walk out with a sack full of stuff and the NPC will continue to stand there and do nothing at all. I like the suggestion. No idea how it could get implemented though.

Cuusardo if there is a thread about this topic in the past, maybe instead of scolding people for not seeing it you might provide a link. I think that would be more appreciated, more productive, and more helpful.
ugar and Spice

It might help to provide a link to the old thread..


If that's the one we're speaking of. I can't seem to find any others on the same sort of topic.

So, that thread ended 6 months ago, and there's been a whole lot of new players since then who wouldn't have even known that thread existed to look for it. Thanks Delirium for providing the thread.

It has more to do with message delivering than item storing, but it's good to bring it to players' attention nonetheless. As for getting an apartment, apartments weren't implemented to be lockers. I don't think it makes any IC sense for someone to rent a bedroom and fill it with 50 hides, 20 logs, and 500 pounds of rocks just because they can't find a Kadian PC merchant to deliver it to that week. Especially if the character who finds all this stuff is a desert elf.

I'll agree once more that it would be great if certain NPCs could be coded to accept deliveries and keep track of who gave what. I don't know how difficult it would be (or how easy), but as ideas go, I think it's a good one.
ugar and Spice

Quote from: "Bardex"

I'll agree once more that it would be great if certain NPCs could be coded to accept deliveries and keep track of who gave what. I don't know how difficult it would be (or how easy), but as ideas go, I think it's a good one.

Agent does: Order merchant  20 *  widgets @ 10  <name>

Crafter goes to the store:  Deliver widget  

Merchant: I am authorized to accept 20 Widgets at 10 sid each from you

Crafter: Barter

The merchant gives you 10 coins in return for your widget

Later on

Agent does: pickup (ie list for things delivered)

1) Widget  10  <name>
2) dohickey 100

Pickup 1

Merchant does:  I have one Widget from <name>

Basicly.. I'd suggest using the barter system (slightly modified)  I don't mean 'hop to it'  but... hey wouldn't this be neat?
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Man, I love this.

I imagine it could help control storeroom clutter as well.

I don't like the idea of a guild of UPS.

I do however love the idea of Merchant NPC's taking more of what they need from people that need to bribed.

For instance, Joe found a cache of Sapphire and diamonds. He also collects pieces of slate alot. He also wants to get rid of the cache.
Joann Merchant knows this and wants those sapphires. So she informs an NPC merchant to accept as many slate pieces from Joe as possible.

She then tells joe that he is cool and that her shop owner will accept anything from Joe and not refer to him as a normal hunter.

It makes sense to me. My coherency to others is a little off though.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime