new player joining!

Started by Faceless, April 23, 2005, 07:03:35 PM

Hello all, just wanted to announce my arrival and that im excited about this mud, i've been looking for a RP enforced mud for a long time and it seems i found one that decent now!

a few quesitons while im at it:

1. how enforced is the RP? can someone speak 1337 speak and get away with it? or go 'roflolmao' and people would just shrug? im not speaking about being a RP nazi, i just dont want to end up in a mud where people are caring more for skillwh... rather than the RP. or turn the mud into a chat.

2. hows the combat here done? is it the typical "attack, get attacked, slight pause for special moves... rinse and repeat"? or is it move advanced than this?

3. how many players is there on, generally?

4. when i get to create my character, where and how can i get help ICly?  :P

thanks in advance!

1. Rp is STRICTLY enforced, no, no no no no. It all strictly IC there is zero tolerance for OOC bs, generally.

2. I suppose you coudl say it turn based, it's fairly advanced though, and lots is left up for the players to rp. If they're willing.

3. Peak times.... 50..
*shifty eyes*

4. Most of the taverns will have people that are willing to ask IC questions asked by your character. But then again someone may trick you and cut out your throat. So be careful :D

Welcome to armageddon, it is bloody awesome. The best RP mud I've ever played. It will draw you in, captivate, leave you screaming when you're internet boots you. It will become the reality you want to live *drool* You've made a wise choice.

Im sure someone will answer this questions in much more depth, but I did what i can :)
your mother is an elf.

For question #4..

Go to the main website and look for the list of helpers. Ask them anything and everything. All at once. Bug the hell out of them. It's what they signed on for.

And as for RP enforcement, there's this thing called brainz...

1. how enforced is the RP? can someone speak 1337 speak and get away with it? or go 'roflolmao' and people would just shrug? im not speaking about being a RP nazi, i just dont want to end up in a mud where people are caring more for skillwh... rather than the RP. or turn the mud into a chat.

If someone tried speaking 1337 speek they'd probably get any of several possible results:

a) Someone in the room would use the OOC command to let them know that 1337 speak is not acceptable with (hopefully) the url of the helpers page and the newbie page link.
b) Someone in the room would use the whisper command, in conjuntion with (oocly) to emote to the rest of the room that they're whispering oocly, the same as a.
c) Your character would be ignored.
d) Your character would be accused of being an insane evil defiler and killed.
e) Someone would use the wish command to report to any available staff that you need more help than anyone in the room can provide, and that would result in either:
:arrow: A "send" from an IMM (usually designated as "someone" to you) asking you to kindly cut it out.
:arrow: A "send" from an IMM ordering you to cut it out.
:arrow: A "send" from an IMM giving you the link to the helper page.
:arrow: Silence, because there is no IMM available.
:arrow: Your character would become suddenly struck down by the Whacky Evil Fireball of Halaster and die a very gruesome death.

2. hows the combat here done? is it the typical "attack, get attacked, slight pause for special moves... rinse and repeat"? or is it move advanced than this?

Combat is semi-automated. The delay for special moves is longer than in other DIKUs and there are several different skills that you can interject into the battle (such as kick) in addition to emotes.

3. how many players is there on, generally?

Depends on the time. Peak hours (beginning around 9 or 10 PM EST) are usually 50 and up. Off-peak daytime (mornings between 6 and noon) are usually 5-20. Saturdays after the game resets for the week are usually the strongest, topping over 70 by 10 PM, and HRPTs have been known to go well over 100.

4. when i get to create my character, where and how can i get help ICly?

Depends on the kind of help you need. Generally speaking, the taverns are the "hot spots" of each city, where you'll find the most player-characters hanging out.

Welcome and good luck and don't forget to find yourself a helper and read up on the different stuff for new players!

Quote from: "Spoon"For question #4..

Go to the main website and look for the list of helpers. Ask them anything and everything. All at once. Bug the hell out of them. It's what they signed on for.

oh, i did check the mainwebsite first of course (duh). do tell me, how do i check for helpers? and is it required of me to ask them questions in a IC manner?

Check it out. I'd say ask them anything. If it's too IC then don't worry, they'll tell you. You won't get hanged or nuthin'.

If the only thing you checked was the home page, you definitely have a bit of homework to do, my friend! Armageddon is not your father's Diku, to paraphrase the Oldsmobile commercial.  Here's a few links to get you on your way to being the Premier Roleplaying King (or Queen) of Armageddon:

May the Force be with you!

Welcome to Arm. Here are some suggestions that I hope will help:

1. Be prepared to change your way of thinking. The role-playing standard on Arm is much, much higher than anywhere else that I'm aware of. The general impression I get is that a lot of people have come here thinking that they're great role-players, which they might have been in most other MUDs, but not here.

2. Read the documentation ... not necessarily all of it, just yet, as there's a lot. A few other people have posted some helpful links. It's worth paying special attention to the world background information (e.g., races, cities, etc.).

3. Join a clan. If you're in Allanak, the T'zai Byn would probably be a good choice, otherwise any of the great merchant Houses. This will put you in a solid playing environment with other players able to help you while remaining basically true to the game setting (i.e., clan members help each other, not trick and kill each other, generally).

4. As other people mentioned, feel welcome to contact the Helpers. You don't have to phrase questions ICly; you're writing OOCly as player (real person) to player.

Have fun! :)


Quote from: "Bestatte"If someone tried speaking 1337 speek they'd probably get any of several possible results:
Don't listen to Bestatte, yesterday while we were killing mobs in the grasslands she said 'lol fire mage ftw' to me and then I went 'lmbo'.  

Raesonos was all like 'wtf'.

...and then the tembo was like psh.. and layed the smackdown on her.

L33t speak will most often get you corrected or killed. Personally, it depends on my mood, I might break ooc and ask you to stop and say why, or I might just think you're a crazy magicker and hack you off. Either way you'll learn eventually. I'm pretty good about just informing though, usually I'll hit the staff with an email and it gets taken care of.
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

L33t speak, while unacceptable, is also a thoroughly OOC concept.
There's no justification in killing someone solely for speaking l33t.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Quote from: "Larrath"L33t speak, while unacceptable, is also a thoroughly OOC concept.
There's no justification in killing someone solely for speaking l33t.

*cough* Ahem *cough*

Who said anything about justifying ourselves?

Note, I am kidding.
Veteran Newbie

Quote from: "Larrath"L33t speak, while unacceptable, is also a thoroughly OOC concept.
There's no justification in killing someone solely for speaking l33t.

I'd do it anyway.  It's like a primal instinct, man.

Faceless, feel free to contact me if you need any more help.  Although... I found that l33tspeak question so hilarious that I wonder if you aren't actually an experienced player that made this post for the fun of it.

If you wish to contact me or another helper in another manner, here is your resource:
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "CRW"
Quote from: "Bestatte"If someone tried speaking 1337 speek they'd probably get any of several possible results:
Don't listen to Bestatte, yesterday while we were killing mobs in the grasslands she said 'lol fire mage ftw' to me and then I went 'lmbo'.  

Raesonos was all like 'wtf'.

Damnit CRW that's IC information. Now everyone knows about the fire mage in the grasslands.


if you want help for Rping its called the Byn... awsome group for new players

Quote from: "killa"if you want help for Rping its called the Byn... awsome group for new players
Just to clarify. A while back, the Byn was really popular for sending new players to (much to the annoyance of the Imm in charge). It's a mercenary group, so it's great for people who are coming from a H'n'S mud, and they accept any race. I've played in the Byn, and it was a ball. The players there were very good roleplayers.

However if fighting and sparring isn't your thing, your more into political intrigue. I think the Atrium in Allanak would be a better clan to join (they only accept humans, and they might not be hiring all the time). When I was a newbie, it was fairly easy to get hired by a noble. I just acted very well mannered, and was respectful to all nobles and templars. That's what I really enjoy doing, playing noble aides.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"

Faceless, feel free to contact me if you need any more help.  Although... I found that l33tspeak question so hilarious that I wonder if you aren't actually an experienced player that made this post for the fun of it.

Hahah, no im actually a 100% newbie  :wink:

the reason of why i brought up leet speak is because i've been at two "roleplay encouraged" muds, and while leetspeak was discouraged.... nothing was really done against it. at least, not enough imo. Thus why i am here: I play muds for the sake of RP. if i want action, hell there are graphical games. RPGs arent just spells and levels to me, its about living yourself through a diffrent character.

However, i've really tried to get into armageddon, but so far it resulted in a headache. there is a thorn in my side thats REALLY annoying me (actually two), one is the lack of colours. argh, i mean... it makes my eyes bleed, litterarly. sure, call me a spoiled kid who likes colourish muds, but it really does make a big diffrence when it comes to tell the room title from the description, and the those present. I've looked at the zmud color thread here, but i'd like to have much more colored...

that, and my next issue.... is it a server side lag that allows you to only do one command every 3 seconds?  :?  I feel like a snail when im moving around....

To be continued...

No.  That's you walking.

Want to move faster?  Run.  But people may look at you strangely, since you're obviously in a hurry, and you'll also get tired.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

It probably isn't lag.  Movement (and many other actions) have a delay built into them.  It's *supposed* to take you a little while to get from one side of the city to the other.  

I've played some MUDs where you can load up a script, hit enter, sit back, and in 10 seconds you're on the other side of the game world.  Takes a lot (all) of the excitement out of the journey.

Certain commands take certain lag, to make it more realistic. For example, walking would be slower than running, which would be quicker than sneaking, which I find perfectly acceptable. And's all up to how your client works. There's plenty of clients out there that can set up color for you, you just have to find a way, and a style that suites your tastes.
Here is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen.  -   Sean O'Faolain

Lots of us use our 3 second lag to emote. Now, I'd find it boring if there wasn't the emoting :)

Imagine also, Faceless, if Armageddon did have forced color, and they were all the colors you totally can't stand. Wouldn't that be much worse than no color at all? It would be to me. I'd rather have dull bland looking text that doesn't distract me from the immersion, than have colors that make my skin crawl.

Zmud lets you trigger thousands of varieties of colors and set them up to your own preferences. Mushclient does too. I like that Arm doesn't force colors on me, and in fact I wouldn't play it if it did.
ugar and Spice

Quote from: "Bardex"Imagine also, Faceless, if Armageddon did have forced color, and they were all the colors you totally can't stand. Wouldn't that be much worse than no color at all? It would be to me. I'd rather have dull bland looking text that doesn't distract me from the immersion, than have colors that make my skin crawl.

Zmud lets you trigger thousands of varieties of colors and set them up to your own preferences. Mushclient does too. I like that Arm doesn't force colors on me, and in fact I wouldn't play it if it did.

one of the strong points of the MUD i've switched from is, the ability to let you fully choose colour for each thing. emote, say, yell, description, items, etc...

and thanks for the clarification, all! hopefully i'll see you at sunday, since tomorrow arm will be down ;)

Simplemu and Zmud both let you do this as well. Perhaps a bit more trouble to program... but we're worth it.

Ask me if I'm a tree

after a little exploring around other muds, and actually giving this mud a proper chance, i've got into my first encounter with another people.

DAMN, i got goosebumps from it  :D

I must say im happy to have joined a mud with proper RP. the only sad this is the lack of people. i mean... where do i find other people? i was lucky this time, but who knows when i'll be lucky to find the next person?  :?

(ps, is talking about another muds allowed?)

Quote from: "Faceless"after a little exploring around other muds, and actually giving this mud a proper chance, i've got into my first encounter with another people.

DAMN, i got goosebumps from it  :D

I must say im happy to have joined a mud with proper RP. the only sad this is the lack of people. i mean... where do i find other people? i was lucky this time, but who knows when i'll be lucky to find the next person?  :?

(ps, is talking about another muds allowed?)

The best places to find others are in Allanak and Tuluk, especially the taverns to start. Luirs also offers some great rp, but a smaller segment of the population.

Talking about other muds is tricky. It seems a little classless to bash the efforts of others, and so, we don't encourage that. Additionally, advertising for other muds was not the purpose of the forums.

Ask me if I'm a tree

oh, i was certainly not going to advertise for other muds. just give my impressions, comparing this mud with the others while i was straying trying to find a new 'home'  :wink:

Quote from: "Faceless"
I must say im happy to have joined a mud with proper RP. the only sad this is the lack of people. i mean... where do i find other people? i was lucky this time, but who knows when i'll be lucky to find the next person?  :?

One thing I have noticed is that the population ebs and flows over time.  At one time it may seem that you are the only person about,  in short order there are more people than you can handle.  Be patient durning the quiet times, use it to understand your character, people will come.  And if you are a resonably decent and interesting roleplayer, you'll find that people seek you out in time.  Stick with it, there are levels(depths?)  in this game that you can't even fathom yet from where you are.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

It also helps to be around during prime time login hours - typically from 6-1 PM, Central time, or thereabouts. During peak hours, you can typically see anywhere from 50-70 PCs online, with a good portion of those people running around the major cities (Allanak and Tuluk).

Edited to add: a good way to help to make sure you have people around to RP with might be to join a clan. Joining a clan helps you solve those pesky "I have no food, water, or shelter" issues, and gives you folks to RP  around/with. Not to pimp out my own clans...but the T'zai Byn is often recommended for new players (and old) players.

Waaaaaay back in the day (nine years ago now), I remember the thing that got me hooked on Armageddon was getting into my first clan. That PC became my one of my longest lived, and the one that really "started" it all.

Glad to have a new addict.

Welcome to Armageddon!

Ok. I'm coming in late on this, looks like everything is well covered.

damn, my fingers are cold. It's hard to type with cold fingers. Stupid university computer lab.


I have my traditional reccomendations:
1. Read the quick start.
2. Read the helpfiles. (just read, don't memorize)
3. read the rest of the docs.
4. Join the Byn with a human warrior.
5. Ask helpers for help. Helpers:

Cool. Late!