
Started by I, April 20, 2005, 03:23:52 PM

When you are hiding(let's say succesfuly) and you need to sleep, when you type 'sleep' do you come out of hiding? If so, whould you not be able to sleep behind a box or crate or under an unmoving wagon? I mean sure, some places you wouldn't be able to sleep but some places you would be able to for sure.
'm into the desert on a horse with no name
It feels good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain

Consider it, can you be averting other's eyes while you are asleep?

Being asleep, you don't control your body conciously.

So yes, sleeping would toggle off your hide
some of my posts are serious stuff

No no...if you hid, and then went to sleep behind a box, under a wagon. Realisitcally.

Codely no, you will lose hide...most action commands break hide.
Veteran Newbie

Yes, sleeping will make you unhidden.

If you fall asleep behind a box/barrel/rock and someone moves it, trips over your feet, ex.. You are going to be noticed.

If you fall asleep under a wagon and it starts moving, or an animal sniffs at you are going to be unhidden.

Hell, you could just start snoring or slump down where someone could see you.

The idea of hiding is that you have to be alert of your surroundings. If you cannot tell what is going on around you, how can you stay hidden if something unexpected shows up?
Sometimes I feel less like an immortal and more like a drug dealer.

If you were asleep and you made it clear that you may be hidden to those in the room (ie: change ldesc, emotes of your position) then it is up to the players behind conscious characters whether they'd see your sleeping character or not.

But chances are, if you're sleeping somewhere, most characters will see you. Perhaps you shouldn't be sleeping while sneaking about.  :wink:

The only time I could see this as a conflict would be if you were a thug-type character and bonked somebody out cold and wanted to drag/put/stuff their body off/into some place where others probably won't see it.

Don't forget that you may mumble in your sleep, cough, cry, or snore, and you have no control over that.  You may flail your limbs about, making noise and perhaps knocking things over or uncovering yourself.

Personally I find it very discouraging to make my bed, because I am a violent sleeper and by morning my blankets wind up looking like a small hurricane struck my bed whether I make my bed or not, so what is the point?  Sharing a bed with anything is also a bad idea, bed partners tend to have bruises in the morning, and occasionally even my cat unexpectedly goes flying.  Like everyone else in the world I insist that I do not snore or talk in my sleep, but who knows?  I don't, because when I'm asleep I am unable to tell if I'm making noise because I'm sleeping.

Remaining motionless and quiet takes a certain amount of concious will, so sleeping and hiding is unlikely.  Hiding and resting ought to be possible in some situations, but codewise it isn't.  To hide and sit or rest you can't just be "blending in with the crowd" you'd probably have to actually be hidden in a place where you can relax your guard a little: behind some furniture, behind the drapes, under some shrubbery, in a cleft of rock, lieing in a small gully or foxhole, whatever.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Meh.  You can all say it -should- take you out of hiding, but I disagree to a certain extent.  It's based on circumstances, which in this game, means you have to emote it out and trust the other players.

You fall asleep under the wagon, you say what happens when it moves?  I say...-does- it move?  I mean...you can find all sorts of stationary objects to effectively hide behind, under, over, what have you...things that -won't- move, but that would still hide you.  Someone knocks something over and reveals you?  First...what's the chance -that- thing gets knocked over the vnpc?  -Every- time someone falls asleep there?

Not only that, but let's say you're in a dormitory.  Hiding is not only physically hiding behind things, but escaping notice.  You really think in a dingy ass dormitory, with literally dozens of sleeping people, not to mention those moving around in their 'living space' (for that time anyway), you're going to notice that one guy in the back who just stretched in his sleep?  Or who just let loose a snore?

I'm not saying change it, because it -is- all based on circumstance.  But I can see why the question would arise...and I'd hope people would play realistically if someone actually did go through the effort of the emote.

Of course...your only problem -then-, is what about those people who com e in after your emote, and you couldn't type in a longer desc than 'is sleeping hidden here.'
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Well, I've had this thought often too.  The issue is where to draw the "twink" line, really. Like, if you attack someone, flee, and need to rest, this could be twinked in that you wouldn't be totally exposed to them. I don't think that you should be allowed to sleep and hide at the same time, but I see two remedies:

1) Sleep, and use sdesc to establish that you're hiding.  Then just hope noone decides to RP noticing you.

2) Hide, and emote / sdesc sleeping. But then if someone shows up, RP realistically and don't look at them, or wake up while they try to loot you.

I don't particularly like this second one for the coded reasons that:  They can't loot you while you "sleep" and if they try to kill you while you "sleep" you'll fight back... Wait! Oo! Oo! , Turn on 'nosave' with this second one. There ya go. That'll do 'er. ;) Still don't particularly like it, but, what the hay?
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

Resurrecting this topic because I'm curious if you can't still sleep while hidden. What about resting? sitting? Sitting at tables. What echoes when you open/close a door?
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Initiative, drive and willpower are the essence of its body.

Don't think you can hide and do anything BUT stand.

Hell, you can't even sleep when you're invisible.


I've seen evidence that you can both sleep and sit while hidden, but I just want it confirmed, as i've heard just what you said before, but my evidence in game suggests otherwise.
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Initiative, drive and willpower are the essence of its body.

January 04, 2009, 02:58:59 AM #11 Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 03:00:48 AM by mansa

QuoteSkill Hide     (Movement)

This skill will cause your character to become unseen to anyone except those who possess the "scan" skill, those who were actively watching you, or perceptive magicks. (Even in these cases, they will only perceive your character as a shadow, and only if their skill at scanning is greater than your skill at hiding.) Most types of actions will render your character visible at once, though actions involving the gathering of information often do not affect his/her hidden status.

There are in fact two forms of this skill: one which operates under city conditions and one which operates only in the wilderness. The latter was developed as a hunting technique and has no application inside of a city or building, and the former developed using stealth in blending into crowds and irregularities of buildings (and having no application in the desert).


    Wearing heavy armour, or otherwise being encumbered too much, will often
    prevent your character from hiding.

    Well lit rooms, cramped passages, or areas devoid of decent cover may not
    provide the necessary places in them to hide.

    The act of wearing armour will cause your character to become visible,
    as will changing weapons between hands, getting something out of a pack,
    and so on.

    The skills of hiding and sneaking are often used in conjunction.

    It may take some time to find suitable cover.

    If someone is watching you, it will make it harder to hide.

    If you succeed at hiding despite people watching you, if they are good
    enough at watching, they may be able to still see you, even though everyone
    else can not.


    See also:
    shadow, skill_scan, skill_sneak, skill_watch

You sit down and rest your tired bones.

You feel too relaxed to do that.

You stop resting, and sit up.

Maybe you should get on your feet first.

You cannot hide while sitting / resting.  Any change in body position takes you out of hide, including typing 'stand' while you are already standing.
New Players Guide: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

Can't find my log. Anyways, it's bugged then. Or I saw something differen't than I think I saw...
Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Initiative, drive and willpower are the essence of its body.