Sneaky Tulukis

Started by drunkendwarf, February 21, 2005, 11:57:46 PM

Do you think it's too hard to run a burglar/assassin type in Tuluk?

11 (17.5%)
24 (38.1%)
Never done it
28 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 62

Voting closed: February 21, 2005, 11:57:46 PM

All rightie, I figured I'd ask this question...especially now that a major path out into the ruins is now guarded by 4 soldiers. Does anyone else think that's a bit much, considering the 'rinth has got nothing at all guarding the way in? Do you imms WANT us to try to sneak around up in Tuluk or not?  :?

Quote from: "drunkendwarf"All rightie, I figured I'd ask this question...especially now that a major path out into the ruins is now guarded by 4 soldiers. Does anyone else think that's a bit much, considering the 'rinth has got nothing at all guarding the way in? Do you imms WANT us to try to sneak around up in Tuluk or not?  :?

Who is stopping you from trying? It is more than possible, I've seen it once done is a beautiful manner, subtle and effective just like Tuluki's should be. You have options, reasses the situation and you might find them. :)
We shall step up preparations for possible military struggle and enhance our capabilities to cope with crises, safeguard peace, prevent wars and win the wars if any," Hu

I give this man much respect for this comment.

Quote from: "xX_Cathedral_Xx"
Quote from: "drunkendwarf"All rightie, I figured I'd ask this question...especially now that a major path out into the ruins is now guarded by 4 soldiers. Does anyone else think that's a bit much, considering the 'rinth has got nothing at all guarding the way in? Do you imms WANT us to try to sneak around up in Tuluk or not?  :?

Who is stopping you from trying? It is more than possible, I've seen it once done is a beautiful manner, subtle and effective just like Tuluki's should be. You have options, reasses the situation and you might find them. :)

I second what Cathedral said.

I don't see why the ruins are so heavily guarded. But I'd have to play up in Tuluk.

Last time I played up in Tuluk it wasn't too difficult, I think.

I would argue that thiefery in Tuluk is too easy. You never run into any competition!

There are more than one way into the ruins.

I think you could find it with a little bit of luck and try.
some of my posts are serious stuff

I would say it may be harder to run a 'rinth style character in Tuluk just because there are fewer people to work with and that isn't the theme of Tuluk.  I don't think it's impossible to run a successful commoner thief out of the Warrens though.  And then you have those shady bard types too...

The ruins aren't a happy go lucky place.  And there is probably a good reason to have guards for things going into and coming out of the ruins.

So yes, it's possible to play a thief, probably pretty easy.  Playing a 'rinth style street rat who lives in a hole though might be a little harder but still not impossible.  Good luck.

People try to sneak around Tuluk all the time.  And then there are those who actually DO sneak around Tuluk.  Those are the ones you never see trying.

Word of advice to anyone playing sneaky types: Don't practice your sneaking in taverns, ESPECIALLY the most upscale one in town.  Everyone who sees you fail will know that you're a sneak, and you don't want that.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

All right..mebbe I shoulda had the question in the poll just read 'burglar', and not assassin. My main problem is similar to what assassins have a hard time with when it comes to backstab....practicing my main skill: pick. I jut find there are VERY few pickable places for a burglar with a low pick....quite a few requiring something better than a fresh burglar...but how are you supposed to get that pick up, when you can't ever practice it? Between the gates now out front of some of the commoner apt buildings and the perma-npc guards outside other places...I think I've managed to practice my pick all of three times in my near 60 hours play. Tho I'm new at this type up north....and I'm sure I'll probably get several 'just keep looking'....which is at least something, but I'm starting to seriously wonder how ANYONE up there manages to get any better at picking locks these days.

Is it bad RP to try picking a lock with an npc guard standing right there? I've always thought it was....but I'm running out of ideas here. I've played quite a few different types now, and I've got to say playing an independent burglar in Tuluk is the hardest I've come across thus far. I can take a brand spankin' new ranger starting anywhere, wander outside the gates and be making 'sid inside a couple hours....but I can't keep this poor burglar fed. Let alone make any actual profit. Maybe I'm just not doing this right.

It has, is and always will be done. Enough said.

I think a burglar is the hardest class non karma class, personally, to survive on (doing what they do best). I have not played them all.

Warrior: easy, work for some one.
Ranger: easy, work or hunt for some one.
Pickpocket: pretty damn easy in the rinth, not working for anyone.
Merchant: easy, work for some one
Assassin: Hrm. Have to be good before anyone hires you for your main skill. And hard to practice that. Fortunately, you aren't a total loss with weapons.
Burglar: Gee, i hope you brought along a handy subguild.

The only problem I had with a burglar in Tuluk, the only one I've played is that I couldn't find hardly anything that a newbie pick could practice picking on. So basically my burglar couldn't do any burgling. Pretty much ended up as a funky pickpocket.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

QuoteThe only problem I had with a burglar in Tuluk, the only one I've played is that I couldn't find hardly anything that a newbie pick could practice picking on. So basically my burglar couldn't do any burgling. Pretty much ended up as a funky pickpocket.

Exactly the point I'm trying to get across...are we just not looking hard enough? Is there actually more than like...ONE or mebbe TWO places a newbie burglar can actually practice his tricks of the trade? so far...I'm just wishing I'd made a pickpocket instead.

Maybe you should email the MUD account for advice instead of asking on the forums.

Quote from: "Delirium"Maybe you should email the MUD account for advice instead of asking on the forums.

That always works. Or you could do it the old fashioned way and find out IC.

Burglars can be successful in Tuluk. Trust me.

Quote from: "Radioactive Age"tell templar (with an evil grin) Can you tell me how I can rob some one's house blind without any one finding out. And if I do get caught could you tell me how to escape the clutches of the law?

Heh..  Why not?


QuoteA thief is charged a one-time registration fee of 300 obsidian. Registered thieves are still expected to operate with enough wisdom and skill not to get caught; after all, this law is a rebirth of the appreciation of high expertise in Old Tuluk. If a registered thief is caught, however, she may be let off with a warning, or receive a lessened penalty, at the templar's discretion (conscientious PC templars may wish to make this clear to the thief).  
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

QuoteBurglars can be successful in Tuluk. Trust me.

All rightie...I wasn't really expecting 'yes, go down Merchant's path, take a left at the hooker, and make your way up the stairs' when I asked if there's more than a few places to practice pick...this is all I was wanting. And according to the poll, most people disagree with I guess I'm just doing something wrong or not looking hard enough. Thanks FJ and all who responded.

By the way, about the ruins.... There's an IC reason for that, if that hasn't changed while I played an Allanaki for 15 days-playing time or so. Forgive me, I guess I shouldn't give any clues, but if I was the Tuluki templerate, I'd use 7 half-giant guards assisted by a NPC jihaen.
IC events may make a guild's work harder or easier from time to time. I remember seeing undead creatures wandering in 'rinth with my poor newbie pickpocket once about two RL years ago.. Believe me, I felt the same.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

I have only two words to say on this subject:

"Robble robble."
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

And so the IC explanation is leaked:

The Hamburglar has been spotted in the Tuluki ruins.

That asplains all teh gardes.

Quote from: "drunkendwarf"So I guess I'm just doing something wrong or not looking hard enough.

No, you are not doing anything wrong, I think. You just have to play out different angles before you find which way works for you. Don't worry about that though. After you log a few days into your pc, and make a few rounds, you'll be just fine, I think.

Key words: Persistance & Patience.

Good luck.  :wink:

I'm with dd on this one. While I'm sure you all are right that it's possible, let me remind you of the "addendums" that go along with this:

1. It's possible if you work for a house.
Ex: The house pays you, provides room and board for you....all the basics while you're training/hunting/whatever; so naturally it's no big deal if you can't burgle all that often, 'cause at least you're getting some sort of coin/food/training and not STARVING IN THE STREETS!

2. It's possible if you have patience. Lots, and lots, and lots of patience.
Ex: You will eventually get better, sure, at lockpicking - even if there's only one thing to practice your skill on. But it will take many, many hours of gametime to get better, and in the meantime you just might starve.

You know, there's more I could say, but I think even just these make my point. It's possible. Oh, it's definitely possible. I, for one, however do not always want to work for someone else, nor do I wish to spend 10 RL days building up a character's skill to the point he/she can pick a "couple" of locks in all of Tuluk. It's not fun. I play this game to have fun. If you think it's fun to try and dig up IC excuses for picking the one lock in all of Tuluk that you can pick for 10 days straight until you get your skill up a teensy-bit, then go for it. I say *plbbt* to that!

Quote from: "skeetdaddle"I'm with dd on this one. While I'm sure you all are right that it's possible, let me remind you of the "addendums" that go along with this:

1. It's possible if you work for a house.

There are other ways friend. Believe me, I've done them.

Quote from: "skeetdaddle"2. It's possible if you have patience. Lots, and lots, and lots of patience.

You're absolutely right. It takes much patience.

I can't really think of a role on Armageddon that is particularly easy. That doesn't make it impossible, or even moderately difficult, to be successful with a solo "shady". If you know what you are doing, and acquire knowledge on various things, the role will become much more diverse, fun, and easy to get into.