Idea regarding clothing affecting concealment and heat

Started by Ktavialt, February 14, 2005, 07:08:07 PM

Certain situations strike me as odd and kinda an unrealistic way of using
the code to keep yourself concealed at all times. Anyways I got a few
suggestions and was wondering player/staff thoughts about it:

1) Moving around with a hood on should carry a reasonable chance of
making the hood fall off. Naturally, sneaking around probably shouldn't,
walking probably shouldn't too often, but running around definitely

2) High winds should give a reasonable chance, kinda like the whole
torch blowout code, of a hood being knocked down.

3) Fighting should -definitely- cause a hood to be knocked down, check
each time you dodge a blow, possibly.

As far as facewraps and veils things would reasonably be a little different,
and definitely with masks. In any case I'd even impose penalties with
fighting wearing these because I mean, they're blocking your ability to

Also, in regards to clothing, it would make sense to me that recovery
rates for stamina should be related to how much garb you wear. Would be
neat if there was a hidden stat that, every time you put on or take off a
piece of clothing, would raise and lower and this stat would hamper your
ability to recover. Of course this would mean assigning a value to each
piece of clothing, but its a thought and I believe realistic. I remember one
post talking about all folks liking black clothing since it's neat looking, and
this could definitely change people's minds.

Anyways, kinda rambled, didn't get too much in detail, but throwing it
out there to be criticized.

- Ktavialt

Veils don't cover the eyes, they're not blocking your ability to see. They cover the nose and mouth, and if they're long enough, cover the neck as well.

There are veiled head-wear - those have veils that come down from the rim or edge of the hat or whatever - and those are translucent (meaning, see-through) which allows the wearer to see out - and the observer to see in. They don't obscure anything at all, they just keep the sand out. Kinda like wearing mosquito netting.

Some veils do cover the entire face.  You have to look at the mdesc of the veil to determine whether it covers the lower half of the face only, or is attatched to a headband so that it hangs over the face.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

Quote from: "Ktavialt"I remember one post talking about all folks liking black clothing since it's neat looking, and this could definitely change people's minds.

Heh, I find it amusing how when people start off with "I remember a thread where...", they almost always remember the first point from the thread, before it was disproved.  Someone once mentioned "I remember a thread where they said to think of a hooded cloak like a hooded sweatshirt."   :oops:  Oops, wrong message to take away from that one.  Likewise with the black clothes.  I'll not rehash the points brought up in that thread, because I'm not at all knowledgeable on all the points, but let's just say, based on real-life desert dwellers, the following conclusions can be drawn: black=OK, even preferable.  Lots of layered clothing (thin fabrics, of course)=OK, definitely preferable.  We tend to think, being mostly from temperate zones of the US that wearing black=HOT and wearing more clothes=HOT, but this doesn't always extrapolate to the desert.

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"Heh, I find it amusing how when people start off with "I remember a thread where...", they almost always remember the first point from the thread, before it was disproved.

Yeah ok so shoot me =) at least that wasn't the main point of my post, just
a side comment.

Quote from: "Ktavialt"Yeah ok so shoot me =) at least that wasn't the main point of my post, just a side comment.

Hey, I definitely don't blame you for not keeping up with the progression of every single thread.  I think it's pretty natural, actually, giving us the 'memorable first point' phenomenon.  Personally, depending on the topic, I tend to stop reading threads around 3 or 4 pages, because I find that usually everything worth saying has been said, and people start repeating themselves, showing up without reading the whole thread and posting the same things on page 4 that someone else did on page 1, etc.  Or else it becomes a flamewar or a complete hijack.

Speaking of hijacks, back to the main topic.  I would like to see more stamina penalties on unwieldy items.  I don't know if items already have the capacity to affect regen rates specifically, but if not, simple penalties might be easier than coding an entirely new eq effect type.  I know there are some items that already do cut stamina, and maybe the ones that already exist are sufficient.  In any case, I think simple stamina penalties would probably be better than a complicated system to determine how hot you feel in your garb, since there are a lot of factors that can affect that.

I probably would support the idea of possibly dropping your hood in combat (probably also dependent on dex, skills).  I don't think it's realistic to expect that your hood is going to stay up there, concealing you just right during the fight.  Whether you emote your hood shifting or falling or not, that sucker is going to move.

Winds, on the other hand, I would probably say no, because shielding from winds is what probably about 99% of the hoods in the game are designed for (as opposed to concealing the face, which most are not intended to do).  I would expect it to be a very severe storm before dehooding would be a possibility, and at that point, the storm would be threatening a lot more than your hood, it'd be threatening your life.

--Didn't bother to read past the first post---

You do know that wearing loose clothing helps to keep bodily fluids around the body and essentually prevents waterloss to a point...

Some tight clothes will do the same thing (think sports armor)

Also...Clothes prevent heat rays from hitting the body, therefore creating a somewhat natural body heat lower than the average person. Plus it prevents UV rays from damaging the skin. Which essentually is the cause of Armageddon being here: They had too much and it turned the planet into what it is now.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"
Quote from: "Ktavialt"Lots of layered clothing (thin fabrics, of course)=OK, definitely preferable.  We tend to think, being mostly from temperate zones of the US that wearing black=HOT and wearing more clothes=HOT, but this doesn't always extrapolate to the desert.

I live in the desert. The hottest day I personally went through was 122 F.  It was much, much hotter in the car, and I couldn't use the AC, the excessive heat was overheating the car badly with the AC on.

Some points:
- Black = Absolutely, unbelivably hot and miserable.
- Layers = One thin, loose, highly reflective layer of a nice breathable material, very helpfull. Multiple layers, not as comfortable.  Put it this way, air moving about your body=nice, air trapped=misserable.
- Not wearing a shirt, stupid (but lots do it).
- Not wearing a hat, really, stupid.
- Sunglasses, a must. All I say is the UV levels must be much lower or we should have a lot of blind people with cataracts.

When I first started I argued that wearing leather and shell armor was unrealistic. I got all the Zalanthins are different, special leathers, etc. What it all boils down to is suspension of belief.  It's a game, the physics will never be realistic.
Quote from: "The Philosopher Jagger"You can't always get what you want.

True, we don't want to get into the impossibilities of the size of the bugs. You'd need lighter gravity and some other crap to make it happen.

But at the same time, we want a -realistic- world, to a certain degree.

It's just another issue of balance.

I think that while dressing appropriately for the desert should give you great bonus, dressing inappropriately for the desert but practically in game (leathers, etc. even obsidian?) shouldn't make you die instantly of heat exhaustion.

Those three points of the original points get thumbs up.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "amoeba"Some points:
- Black = Absolutely, unbelivably hot and miserable.
- Layers = One thin, loose, highly reflective layer of a nice breathable material, very helpfull. Multiple layers, not as comfortable.  Put it this way, air moving about your body=nice, air trapped=misserable.

Let me revise my point then.  This doesn't always extrapolate to desert  garb.  Black T-shirt and jeans, yes, I'm sure it's miserable.  Black desert robes, different issue.  Or maybe you are talking about black robes, in which case I'll just shut up.  :wink:

It isn't color alone.
Light weight, how loose the fabric is, how loose the fabric is woven, and a bunch of other stuff equals how hot something is.

When you wear a black robe made of sandcloth.

The sun heats up the fabric-> The fabric heats up the body-> The body produces sweat-> The sweat cools the skin-> The wet skin makes the robe a little heavier-> The body sweats more-> The wind cools the body by going through the loosely woven fabric-> The sweat dries up and takes most of the heat with it-> The body is cooler than before

Correct me where you may.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

You guys do know there's already a hinderance from wearing clothing, as well as some clothing helps desert travel....Right?

I was just going to post my normal: Here's reasons why this works/doesnt work. But you forced me to do that...

staing the obvious...priceless.
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Trenidor brings up a good point. That is why there are stamina bonuses and negatives to msot clothes.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime