Might be neat

Started by HardCarbon, February 08, 2005, 10:33:08 PM

I think it would be kind of neat if you received a copy of your character sheet after your character died (past a certain play time to prevent folk mapping out the initial skill levels any more then I am sure has already been done).   As sort of something to remember an old friend by.  

  Then again.. my wall decorations include  

   1)the listing of the  first professional COBOL program I wrote (one entire wall).
   2) An accurate map of the undercity from INFERNO
   3) A map of the known world (GSIII)
   4) A print out of the Tomb of the unknown soldier and a copy of the sentinel's creed.
   5) The Tech chart from Civilization Call to power
   6) The Prologue from Henry the Fifth.
   7) Various Cheesecake and Beefsteak pics

 And that's just the computer room.. so :)
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

You are Bojangles
Sdesc: the gargantuan, obese human
Objective: To eat
Long Description:
Code Generated Long Description.

You are 44 years, 0 months, and 109 days old,
which by your race and appearance is mature.
You are 83 inches tall, and weigh 114 ten-stone.
Your strength is above average, your agility is very poor,
 your wisdom is very good, and your endurance is absolutely incredible.
You are neither hungry nor thirsty.
Your health is 1003(1005), you have 2(11) stamina, and 1005(1005) stun.

You have been playing for 0 days and 11 hours.
You are sitting on a simple stone bench.
You are currently speaking yiddish.

[Print Scrn]

You can also add your stat page from the game menu.

Quote from: ZhairaI don't really have a problem with drugs OR sex
Quote from: MansaMarc's got the best advice.
Quote from: WarriorPoetIf getting loaded and screwing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Just make sure you type Score and Stat right before you die, otherwise, the info won't be -that- accurate.

Make a trigger out of it.

If HP < 20 input: score; stat;


I presume you either don't know, are are being deliberately obtuse, or don't know much about Diku Muds.

If its #1 or #3 I'd suggest logging into one of the lesser ones.. creating a character and looking at your character sheet there.

I will say that I feel that while its a GOOD thing that Armageddeon doesn't just hand out our stats and skill %'s  I do think they might go a bit far in being so fanatic about not providing any direct feedback on what a level of skill is.

Take for example say   slashing weapons.   A person rolls up a Human Warrior/Guard  who is say 36 years old.

 They apply for a job.. and the person interviewing asks.. Are you any good with a sword?

  Player looks.. thinks well I've been a warrior/guard as an adult for 20 years  so I must be doing something right  and answers yes.

You all know what would happen.. the very first time the guard was called on to act they'd fail horribly and probably get their employer killed.

 And yes.. the VERY first thing I expect to hear is 'Well its a tough world' to which I answer  a tough world produces  tough people.

 If there is no creature (or very few) that a newly rolled Ranger/hunter can hunt without dying..  Is that the ranger's fault? Is it their fault they don't have a map showing the location of creatures to hunt (note I've never seen such a map but given the ability of some characters to zero in on npc huntable creatures they almost have to exsist)

 The docs say don't powerspam your skills to get better  yet those who do.. are the ones rewarded by the world.

ohhh enough ranting  back to the original point :)   I would (after the character is safely dead)   so see what the character acomplished.. and to some extent the things were attached to the character .. (you know. like. Haflings have it in for you..   gith are supersititous about you)

 This game has LOTS of rich detail... but I feel I am missing some of the good stuff cause I can't ask for example   when I was XXXXX  YYYYY  why didn't the ZZZZ   do AAAAA to me...
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

Quote from: "HardCarbon"The docs say don't powerspam your skills to get better  yet those who do.. are the ones rewarded by the world.

Trust me, brother, that might seem like the way it is short term . . . but the beauty of this game is that there is always something bigger, badder, and with more friends than you are.  The type of player who "powerspams" to get better is the type who 99% of the time ends up dying becuase they thought they could handle anything.

The most powerful combat character I had started life as a below-average strength human.  Since I have an OOC aversion to sparring, I figured I was screwed as a character concept.  As I played along, having a riot of a time Rping a slacker, I watched Badass after Badass spam their way to various levels of buffness and die to various other creatures and situations.   Somehow, by the time this puny little man met his own time to die, it took three halfling warriors to do him in.  

Moral:   Don't sweat it.   Karma is more than a point system.

The docs say don't powerspam your skills to get better yet those who do.. are the ones rewarded by the world.

I don't mean this to be insulting, so much as a commentary on players in general.

Those that stop believing the above to be true are the ones that truly "get it".  Their characters are more entertaining, and they're more fun to play with.

As the previous poster said, let the people that don't get it yet powergame.  Halaster is always there to nullify their hack 'n slash style efforts.

As to the original suggestion.  I have skill lists that were sent to me back in the day by previous members of staff (read: don't ask the current ones).  They added nothing to my play experience, as much as I felt they'd be nice to have.  Thinking you want that information is a trap that keeps you in a powergamey mindset.  Try to avoid it :)

Powergaming is rewarded.....I see the bodies of powergamers lying next to the bodies of newbies all the time.

I remember reading once as well that the staff can and will cap skills on people who are powergaming.

The most powerful pcs I've ever seen in the game, all roleplayed their way there.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Generally, powergamers are the pawns that play the fairly powerful and at times wealthy independents that live or die based on the whims of the more meticulous players.
Personally, I think that recieving the steel ringmail from the Steinal expedition is more 'winning' than it is to die facing the gaj that's guarding it.

This goes for city-based roles, at least, but I really doubt that powergamers get anywhere near as much enjoyment as the better players do.  It's always the same routine, make the guild/subguild combo that you think is best and start hunting and foraging.

Powergaming comes at all levels, but the truth is that Armageddon is a game of many players, and the influence a character has is directly proportional to the number of players that give a damn.  In other words, the next time someone tells you that the elf was tall, but that they guess all elves were tall, give them shit.
The next time someone writes a board rumor about [sdesc] being a ferocious raider, just ignore it!
And, finally, next time that you see someone calmly brushing down their cloak after that Krathi lobbed in a Hadoken straight into the Sanctuary, do everyone a favor and take the time to ask them why, by Tektolnes' villous sac, they can be so calm in the face of such powerful forces.

These things are all based on the way the PC 'crowds' react to things.  If people will start realizing that the templars are getting pissed that people are wasting their time talking about tall elves with short hair and pointy ears, maybe they'll pay more attention and describe things that actually matter, like clothing or tattoos if they see any.

The newer powergamers eventually leave or realize that it's futile.  The older powergamers should be slapped.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Well said, all. Especially Larrath. I can't think of anything else to add, but I did want to add my support.

I have the desc, 'stat', and 'score' sheet for every one my PC's that has lasted for more than 2 days played. Saved it in Word. I also have a number of particularly well written PC, rare animal, and item descs. I like to poke through them for ideas, every now and again.

I would kind of like to know how many scrabs I killed during my 20+ day char, but do I think we need to pile more work onto the staff for something like this? No.

As to the original derail, if I started a new char who was 'supposed' to be a demon with a sword, I would have a vague excuse as to why they weren't uber. A deep slash to a bicep or a broken bone in the wrist takes a long, long time to heal, so instead of ignoring the fact that my 35yo warrior swings a sword like a 13yo beggar, I'll RP an injury or something. My warrior IS badass, but at the moment his shoulder is still sore/his knee is twisted/his crotch is rotten, etc etc etc... So, instead of crying foul and using it as an excuse to 'powergame' use it to flesh out your char a bit more.
We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Quote from: "HardCarbon"
  Then again.. my wall decorations include  

   1)the listing of the  first professional COBOL program I wrote (one entire wall).
   2) An accurate map of the undercity from INFERNO
   3) A map of the known world (GSIII)
   4) A print out of the Tomb of the unknown soldier and a copy of the sentinel's creed.
   5) The Tech chart from Civilization Call to power
   6) The Prologue from Henry the Fifth.
   7) Various Cheesecake and Beefsteak pics

 And that's just the computer room.. so :)

Methinks HC is single.  ;-)
quote="Hymwen"]A pair of free chalton leather boots is here, carrying the newbie.[/quote]

Quote from: "moab"
Quote from: "HardCarbon"
  Then again.. my wall decorations include  

   1)the listing of the  first professional COBOL program I wrote (one entire wall).
   2) An accurate map of the undercity from INFERNO
   3) A map of the known world (GSIII)
   4) A print out of the Tomb of the unknown soldier and a copy of the sentinel's creed.
   5) The Tech chart from Civilization Call to power
   6) The Prologue from Henry the Fifth.
   7) Various Cheesecake and Beefsteak pics

 And that's just the computer room.. so :)

Methinks HC is single.  ;-)

Too true, Too true...
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Quote from: "Trenidor"
Quote from: "moab"
Quote from: "HardCarbon"
  Then again.. my wall decorations include  

   1)the listing of the  first professional COBOL program I wrote (one entire wall).
   2) An accurate map of the undercity from INFERNO
   3) A map of the known world (GSIII)
   4) A print out of the Tomb of the unknown soldier and a copy of the sentinel's creed.
   5) The Tech chart from Civilization Call to power
   6) The Prologue from Henry the Fifth.
   7) Various Cheesecake and Beefsteak pics

 And that's just the computer room.. so :)

Methinks HC is single.  ;-)

Too true, Too true...

I'm not the Domestic type that's for certain.   I've also only allowed one person into my home since I moved in...and that only because someone gave a traveller some dangerously bad advice about what shelter to stay at in my home town

but back to the issue at hand...

    In  a world where our feedback is limited to the text results of commands we type in our knowledge is limited to what the game tells us.  In order to promote RP  the staff has made the decision to not show us the numbers associated with various skills and stats.   We all know this and create and play characters knowing this.    I just thought it would be neat to see the 'raw'  character sheet of a character after they died. (ie without the  filters that the mud puts on score,skill, and stat)

    On the matter of powergamers....  I think we will simply have to disagree, partially.    Being the best in combat does get you the rank (and keep your character alive ;))   but it doesn't  equip you with what you need to use that rank properly.    But in the end.. being a live anything.. is better then being a dead anything
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

If someone wants a 35-year-old experienced ranger, he should special app..
All PC's start as inept.. If someone wants to start badass, I believe it comes to the terms of special application of characters..
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

The mystery of how things work would quickly go away if you were to see a character sheet after death.  I'm against this idea.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I'd hate to see a beloved character reduced to numbers and statistics after death. I would rather remember them by logs I saved and notes I made.

Does that sound silly? It probably is. But that's how I feel about it.

Why would I need the staff to count up the scrabs I have killed? I can count myself.

I would hate this even if it was just an option.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

As far as playing older characters, that should be experienced goes.. I think there is a solution to that.. on another RPI, Shadows of Isildur, there is an age/3 bonus to all skill OVs (opening value).

Just thought i'd throw that out there.. maybe someone might want to implement it here.

Only if randomized death due to old age is added as well.  :twisted:
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

Quote from: "Xamminy"The mystery of how things work would quickly go away if you were to see a character sheet after death.  I'm against this idea.

Quote from: "Delirium"I'd hate to see a beloved character reduced to numbers and statistics after death. I would rather remember them by logs I saved and notes I made.
some of my posts are serious stuff

Quote from: "Xamminy"The mystery of how things work would quickly go away if you were to see a character sheet after death.  I'm against this idea.

Fair enough... honestly I expect most to have a similar opinion :) .   I don't see the harm in knowing just how bad my XXXXXXX  language skill was after I am dead though.    And given that the staff agrees with you.. that's pretty much how things will stay...
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."