Freelance assassin.

Started by fearwig, January 21, 2005, 11:59:48 AM

Also, I think sensible rinthi's would purchase food and cook food from the grocer in town. The food sold in the rinth is absurdly expensive.  Find your way into town and find the place that sells in bulk. Buy from there, cook. Just like you do in real life if you want to live on the cheap.

travel cakes = ramen

I don't think the average 'rinther would be allowed into the outside grocer.

I don't think he would try, either. The 'rinth is what home these people have, it is what they know and what they feel secure in. Whether it's fear of law, of  the unknown or of rejection, there are reasons other than the obvious that not many born in the 'rinth ever leave it.

This is why the prices of the inside and the outside can vary so wildly while both side's businesses still stay afloat.
It's not Allanak anymore.

Sadly, it's not really possible to live in the 'rinth and only the 'rinth in Arm, as best I can tell. I'm to the point of considering retiring this character if I can't find an RP-reasonable way of supporting him, given my current knowledge of the game. Less than 20 hours on him, so I'm not too worried about the loss.

Skinning isn't a skill I have, needless to say, so I don't think getting meat off rats and whatnot is very practical. I would think, really, that in destitute circumstances, -anyone- could get edible meat off a rat. There's some degree to which any mud seems to deny practical, basic skills to all characters in favor of skill speciation, if you see what I mean. Skinning a rat for meat isn't really rocket science--even your average Wall Street broker could do it, if trapped and starving. And I guarantee you they'd get -something- off it they could cook and eat, even on the first try.

Without finances, a 'rinther, especially a noncrafter, can't survive without getting a really lucky player kill. I don't think that's specific to 'rinthers, either, at least not particularly.

I would think there would be some more 'general' ways of making subsistence money--not easy ways, but practical ones.

Don't view this as a gripe--this is just my assessment, as per my understanding of the situation. I thought I was missing out on some details or alternatives, but it's looking like there aren't that many, judging from the info I've found here. I like the character, and the idea in general, but I don't think the numbers work themselves out without resorting to twinkishness.

Is there something I'm missing? Is there a generic, non-assassin way to survive this period of the character's life? Will the skin skill become usable in a reasonable period, such that he can nab his own food, even without an appropriate subguild to lend the skill? What about water, then? I realize a lot of this is IC, but there are IC factors that don't really translate to the game perfectly, as I see it, so I don't feel that it's inappropriate to ask this.

Fearwig, if you are frustrated by the rinth but reluctant to give up on it, you are welcome to write to me or Daigon. If you play an elf you might want to contact Bhagharva. We can't give you a steel katana of doom, but we can give you some advice.

Ask me if I'm a tree

Oh, please remember to cc the mud and other rinth imms.

Ask me if I'm a tree

I agree, you should idea giving the skin skill at a low cap to everyone. Nobles  and Kadians would get it too, but since the skill hasn't a passive use it wouldn't really affect anything.

Eh, nevermind. I just did it :oops:

Quote from: "Nidhogg"Fearwig, if you are frustrated by the rinth but reluctant to give up on it, you are welcome to write to me or Daigon. If you play an elf you might want to contact Bhagharva. We can't give you a steel katana of doom, but we can give you some advice.

I'm consistently impressed and amazed by the level of interaction present here. Thanks a million, I might take you up on that.

I hope my posts haven't come across as bellyaching. I'm not so much even frustrated, per se, as trying to work out possibilities and alternatives, if you understand--I feel I've hit a wall, but I'm starting to see cracks in it, possibly. I am one of those oddballs who gets as much enjoyment out of talking about something as he does from doing it.

Thanks again.

Thank the Highlord for this post! As I've mentioned in a couple other posts in different topics, I LOOVE assassins.  But, I have the same EXACT problem and questions as fearwig!  The best way I've been able to ICly train was once when I made it look like I was an uber assassin, and so my character was obsessed with practicing the trade because not being able to back the appearance up would lead to a world of hurt.:shock:

The hard parts about training in the rinth are that the only people you could find any IC proffit from are the well armed.  Sure little kids and old men are easy targets, but you wouldn't expect them to have any sid, and unless it was a young or old elf...

Best way to practice your backstab in my eyes would be: Find a large friend. Say to your friend: Hey, lets go kill an elf, and use the sids to buy an ale!
Since, as the assassin, your character has a natural affinity for sneaking, make this plan:

Big guy goes in and does a little shoving, and picks a fight.  While them two are busy exchanging blows, sneak up from behind and get that feckin necker in his over-sized neck!  You can use backstab on fighting targets. ;)
i] Sarge's Lifting Advice:[/i] Don't lift with your legs. Your back's the strongest muscle in your body! And look man, your knees aren't even locked. How do you expect to stand up straight? Put your groin into it!

I don't want to say how, but it is possible to make ridiculous amounts of cash in the Rinth.  Existing solely off a non-crafting trade in the Rinth, I've assembled a remarkeable amount of 'sid.  You can figure these things out, I'm sure, but you'll have to stick with it.  The Rinth is a wonderful environment and often has some great PCs in there to interact with, so I'd suggest trying to stick it out, fearwig.  You'll appreciate it once you get really moving.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I'd mention here that I think backstab is a skill that should come to an assassin later, and be much deadlier upon inception.

Maybe when your assassin gets to 90% max effectiveness with a dagger, or maybe upon mastery of any case, I think backstab should be a skill which is deadly from the bat, and much more isolated in possession. Maybe start out backstab at 90% max, and the rest is trainable. But you would only get it after XXX days of play.

Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I'll take a shot at answering:

For starters, I agree with EvilRoeSlade, if you're already a rinther, dont join the byn, stay in the rinth - over the long run, you'll learn faster in the rinth.

2 basic principles you should follow: The first is to try and make friends who will watch your back, and the second is to pick fights. Picture yourself as a hungry and poor homeless bastard who every once in a while gets overwhelmed to steal a bread roll from the next guy. Often the result will be a scuffle, which will allow you to raise your assassin skills, in a realistic manner.
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'