is allanak the newb city?

Started by killa, January 13, 2005, 11:36:44 AM

okay this is what i seen in my armageddon gamming days in Allanak

A) People try to kill you ALOT
B) People rob you OFTEN
C) Its surrounded by desert
D) Easy for merchants to make money yes thats good
E) GITH GITH GITH there acctually fun to kill

I was told that Allanak was the newbie city is it really?

because I find it's a harder city to play in due but i guess it depends on your character skills and abilites. Or it could be that everytime i go down there i just seem to be lucky enough to find these kinds of people everywhere and NO i dont go into the rinth
and NO I dont try to piss off templars. But then again im an elf so everyone hates me down there BTW  im always a elf.

Well, I find Tuluk alot easier and "friendlier" to play in, but if you want a better "atmosphere" of what people think of what Armageddon should be like, then yes, Allanak is better in that way (In my humble opinion, at least).

But as an elf, you'll have problems in both cities, but it would probably be easier for you as an elf, to play in Allanak..

I would recommend reading help labyrinth and help race_city_elf for a good start..

A) In the south, people attempt to kill you.  In the north, people attempt to manipulate you into doing things that will get you killed.  Pick your poison, boys.

B) This is true regardless of location.

C) Ok, Tuluk isn't surrounded by desert.  I do feel that there isn't quite enough competition for resources in the north.  There are quite a few coded tribes hanging around the Gol Krathu region, not to mention the halflings.  I'd like to see hunting being a bit more dangerous in the north - not by pumping up the critters, but adding some competitive presence from resentful tribals.  There aren't really enough PCs around to adequately represent this, in my opinion.

D) Merchants can make money anywhere, really.  It's what they do.

E) Gith in the south, halflings in the north.

F) Exists in the north as well.

Either city works well as a starting location.  Some people prefer one city over another, some prefer tribals.  It's just a matter of opinion.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

Tuluk is my favorite city. It is a lot "friendlier" to play in, but Allanak has a better "atmosphere." Being a half-giant, I prefer Allanak, but both cities can be difficult.

I'll tell you which I prefer when I have a char that's born and raised in both cities.

But I agree with JGG's assessment.

I love both.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

I always liked Allanak better, probably because I could never properly commit locations of tuluk's shops to memory, whereas shops in 'nak were pretty easy to find and remember. Maybe I was wandering around in the wrong part of tuluk the whole time...

Definitely Tuluk for me, I can find my way around a lot easier, and templars don't kill you if you look at them funny. Also Allanak is very big.............It scares me!
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
-Winston Churchill

To me, allanak more closely resembles what I picture Zalanthas to be like, physically, culturally, and...some other ly, too, probably.  Aha, there it is.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Allanak is more harsh, but if you manage to survive; its rewards are greater then Tuluk.

I think Tuluk is a bit more boring for new players since new players rarely lose their characters in city  and less seen action. On the other hand, they have hard time to make some sid for their characters.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -MT

Quote from: "elvenchipmunk"Definitely Tuluk for me, I can find my way around a lot easier, and templars don't kill you if you look at them funny.

First of, they don't do that in Allanak either.  And if they do, then I guess you shouldn't be looking at them funny, now should you?

Second, Tuluk is an utterly worthless, wasteful and detrimental section of the game.  And no I'm still not tired of saying it.

Third off.  Killa, are you the newb incarnate?
Back from a long retirement

Quote from: "JollyGreenGiant"In the north, people attempt to manipulate you into doing things that will get you killed.

Lol, not so much the case anymore, although I have seen a few creative attempts.

My favourite is making a creepy old character and trying to lure others into Allanaki alleyways/rinth with candy. LoL.  8)

QuoteMy favourite is making a creepy old character and trying to lure others into Allanaki alleyways/rinth with candy.

Pedophile? Good choice.

Tuluk just doesn't have that "Darksun" harsh sense/feel to it. I mean... sure it has midgets, but so does every circus.

The one beneficial purpose of Tuluk is to provide a contrast and enemy for Allanak. Without Tuluk, the wars would all be against Imm generated events and quests. With Tuluk, however, players can actually plot against each other (which adds realism and intrigue to the game).



For most newbies, the really difficult part and the first barrier is finding out where the next meal is coming from, once you are able to earn, then both cities will be significantly easier.

But I like both cities. Not sure what I think about Red storm, there seems to be inactivity there, maybe someone dynamic will hook up there soon with a few others, and do something about it. Maybe they are already doing it. Never tried Luirs before, almost feels like those intermittent stopovers you have to make.
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

Red Storm is definitely -not- a place for new players to start. But that doesn't mean it lacks its share of ambiance.

Luir's is more of a place for new players only -if- they are hoping to get immediately hooked up with Kurac. It isn't exactly great for a new player to start as an independent.

Allanak is wonderful for new players for many reasons. First, it's the Tzai Byn headquarters, and when the Byn is active, that's where you need to be to get involved with them. Second, they have the Atrium for those non-combat types who want to learn the more "mannerly" side of city life.

Tuluk, in my opinion, is by far the most appropriate for those brave new souls who want to take a stab at independent living. The hunter, the crafter, the thief, all have a better shot at survival in the Northlands *IF* they read the documentation on the website until the words start pouring out their ears.

If you are new and want to see the "harsh desert world" and have a chance at surviving long enough to remember it before you see that nasty Mantis Head, Allanak is probably the best place to start out. You'll see the nitty gritty, the ugly, the unpleasant, and the bitter, but you'll also see the entertainment value of the game at its best.

Oh and that last post was me. Woopsie!

Allanak has the Arena.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

With the right skills Tuluk makes being a newbie really easy.. if you have your wits about you.   Now Mebby I caught em at a bad year.. but Tuluk merchants are easier to deal with then the 'nak(redstorm) ones.  Well for me anyway....

For hunting I don't know yet..  still bearing the psychic scars from  the vorple bunny/Bun-Bun (  creatures that were the 'fecking first' thing you saw out the gates (8+ years ago)  and well can't hunt fer a bit yet. :)

 Mostly these days I wonder exactly what I am doing wrong..

 And one of the Biggest downsides of ARM is folk say Hmm do I really want to spend a month+++ (RL)  getting a character to the point where they can hunt rats under the 'landing'.
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."

killa is my new favorite poster.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

Quote from: "Gaare"I think Tuluk is a bit more boring for new players since new players rarely lose their characters in city  and less seen action. On the other hand, they have hard time to make some sid for their characters.
I think Tuluk is only more boring for those not willing to be adventurous.  Seriously, if all people do is sit around bars and socialize with people and wank each other off, yeah, it'll be boring.  Do something.  Start something.  Don't just sit on your butt and wait for things to happen.  Then Tuluk won't be boring.

> sing (dancing around with a wand in one hand) Put that together and what do you got?  Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy, Ximminy Xamminy Xoo!

I think that the cities have very different "mindsets" - my current character is actually making a study of this in-game, and it's made for some fun RP. And for the record, I like playing in Tuluk and Allanak about equally well.

I think that it's easier to survive and keep yourself fed and watered in Tuluk. Way, way, WAY easier. Sure, you can do it in both cities, but from what I've seen it takes a lot less game-savvy and luck to do it in Tuluk than it does in Allanak. This, I think, tends to draw newer players to the city because they can live long enough to try things. So to answer the original question, no - I don't think 'Nak is the "newbie city". While I agree with everyone that the gritty feel there is much more consistent with the harshness of the game, I think that Tuluk is probably the city of choice for newer players.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"
Quote from: "elvenchipmunk"Definitely Tuluk for me, I can find my way around a lot easier, and templars don't kill you if you look at them funny.

First of, they don't do that in Allanak either.  And if they do, then I guess you shouldn't be looking at them funny, now should you?

Second, Tuluk is an utterly worthless, wasteful and detrimental section of the game.  And no I'm still not tired of saying it.

Third off.  Killa, are you the newb incarnate?

nope, I just wanted to end a year long argument i have with one of my friends about allanak. He says its the city best suited for new players is allanak, I say new tuluk is better then allanak even tho tuluk has alot of coded rooms to get lost in and very annoying long roads, I never had any problems within tuluk.

by the way, where did the gortok and halflings go there use to be alot of them about a year ago