Reveal hidden

Started by Fnord, December 22, 2004, 11:31:27 PM

What do people think of a "reveal" command? The way it would work is when you can see a hidden person with your super ninja powers, you could then point them out, making them not hidden if you were successful. Invisibility should probably not be able to be revealed.

:idea:  or  :roll:  :?:
Amor Fati

Nah, if it was me with the super ninja powers to find them, I'd just point them out and scream (male or female  :twisted: ).

I think it's a good idea that should go into the code at some point in the future, but I also don't think it's high priority since you could roleplay it out just as well.

It is kinda silly right now. You're hunting with your warrior buddies and you see a hidden thing. You can't just whisper to them and point at it. You have to run up and attack the damn thing before they can see it. And EVEN then, they still can't see what it is.

That's kinda silly. Not to priority, but something worth talking about.

I agree with what Agent said. Not a priority, but I think someone who can spot someone/something hidden should be able to reveal it to others who cannot spot them without initiating combat against the hidden person/creature.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D