City Gates

Started by Rhyden, November 18, 2004, 09:08:19 PM

As most know, Allanak, Redstorm and Luirs all have gates (hope this isn't too ooc info) and their gates close at dark. But, for some reason, Tuluk's gates (Scaien, mainly) do not. This is quite odd as, Tuluk has several of the same leveled threats as Allanak or Luirs does (halflings, tembos, gortok, etc.) Is there a particular reason Tuluk has no gates? Lack of organization, care, laziness? Does Tuluk not fear the night as much as those more to the south? Is it lighter up north?


I don't think ANY of Tuluk's gates shut at night though I attribute this to a lower level of sand. During the night, if there's a great deal of sand, it's hard to tell what's coming in or not. Though this theory isn't necessarily true - some nights when you can't see in the room, the gates are still open, etc. Just a theory though for why it may be a priority southwards and not in Tuluk. If I recall right, Luir's no longer closes their gates either.
ree as a bird and joyfully my heart
Soared up among the rigging, in and out;
Under a cloudless sky the ship rolled on
Like an angel drunk with brilliant sun.
                                       - Charles Baudelaire

Also, I think Tuluk tries to portray the image of being an open fair, just society, although the truth of the matter is that it is often quite conservative.  It certainly has it's own share of social evils.

There certainly would be an economic advantage to having a city where Caravans would be able to arrive after dark, as well.

Ya know, maybe in Tuluk the soldiers are trained to bar entry to any shady characters after dark?  I don't think this would occur in a coded sense, but if you're one of those people who emotes sometimes with the gate guards, maybe at night they would ask you

- your name
- your loyalty
- your business in the city
- your reason for being out after dark

LOL, well I don't know.  You ask a good question, though.
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And hey, they don't need to worry about people smuggling that black spice in during the night.
l armageddon è la mia aggiunta.

Generally speaking - animals like that wouldn't WANT to go into a crowded, very loud, unnattural environment like a city. So there's really no need to prevent them from just wandering in on their own.

The problem is hunters and others who lead these creatures to chase them in. Do you really want to punish the majority over the actions of the few? Or would you rather choose to RP out the scorn (and possibly arrest and/or disappearance) of the few who threaten the city with their irresponsible actions - and if it continues to be a problem with the same characters, report it to the staff?

Personally I'd like to see things kept as they are, with a little more involvement as far as "punishment" for violators of the laws of the city. And one of those laws, is that you don't bring threats into the gates. could just be that New Tuluk is a newer city, and nobody has gotten around (or seen the need to) make the gates open and close yet. ;)

Here's a twist of the topic.. but I've noticed there being a Mass Gathering of soldiers and such near the west 'nak gate of late, randomization bug?

Honestly, thirteen soldiers is quite the number to see at the gates, and that's just NPC, we're not even talking VNPCS..
For FantasyWriter:
Never again will I be a fool, I will from now on, wrap my tool.

Well, you see...this new Dunkin Doughnuts opened up right on Caravan Road and you know how soldiers are about their doughnuts...

Actually, the soldiers are my fault.  They will be sent back on their way during Saturday downtime.
brainz: it's what's for dinner.

QuoteI don't think this would occur in a coded sense, but if you're one of those people who emotes sometimes with the gate guards, maybe at night they would ask you

- your name
- your loyalty
- your business in the city
- your reason for being out after dark

Perfect! You rock! I will RP this. 100% logical.
To confess, I was a better player when I was a newbie. With my first char, I was trying to play the soldiers' examining my pack etc. every time I went in. But then I found out my characters usually pass that gate many times in a RL day.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

During the Occupation, Allanak used to close the Scaien gates at night, using the term "curfue".  This was translated as oppression to the Northlanders, who likely have abolished the custom of closing gates at night due to the reminder it would have of their former southern rulers.

Quote from: "Pantoufle"During the Occupation, Allanak used to close the Scaien gates at night, using the term "curfue".  This was translated as oppression to the Northlanders, who likely have abolished the custom of closing gates at night due to the reminder it would have of their former southern rulers.

Ooh.  I like that answer.
quote="Larrath"]"On the 5th day of the Ascending Sun, in the Month of Whira's Very Annoying And Nearly Unreachable Itch, Lord Templar Mha Dceks set the Barrel on fire. The fire was hot".[/quote]

oh, good answer Pantoufle.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

yeah, that was a good answer, Pantoufle.
'm helpful to noobs, ask me questions, totally noob friendly.

"Mail if you think you've crashed the game."


Also, if I remember correctly, Luir's used to leave at least one of their gates open at night.  Maybe they'll start that again when all the construction is completely finished and they feel snug and safe again.  Aww, the poor wittle Kuracis are afraid of the dark.  :twisted:

I've seen the Tuluk gates closed from time to time when there was reason to close them, they just don't necessarily do it as a regular thing.

Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I think Bestatte and Tlaloc prove good points. Perhaps its just that southern cities must deal with more intelligent enemies, or perhaps nobody's really got up off their butt's to do anything about it!


Oooh, now that I've paid more attention to your answer, Pantoufle, it's very good. This is probably the most probable reason...thanks for answering my question!

Thanks to the imm who made a few of the Tuluki gates close at night. Very good addition.  :D

Quote from: "Rhyden"Thanks to the imm who made a few of the Tuluki gates close at night. Very good addition.  :D

Oh gee my character's gonna complain that the Tuluki's are as oppressive as their Southern Counterpart!
Crackageddon.... once an addict, always an addict

Quote from: "Trenidor"
Quote from: "Rhyden"Thanks to the imm who made a few of the Tuluki gates close at night. Very good addition.  :D

Oh gee my character's gonna complain that the Tuluki's are as oppressive as their Southern Counterpart!


There is still no curfew or regular night-time gate-closing in Tuluk.

However, if they're paying attention, the militia at certain gates will close them depending on the circumstances.  In such a case it would generally be unfortunate to be caught outside with whatever is out there.
i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

Quote from: "Savak"There is still no curfew or regular night-time gate-closing in Tuluk.

However, if they're paying attention, the militia at certain gates will close them depending on the circumstances.  In such a case it would generally be unfortunate to be caught outside with whatever is out there.

Just found that out today. Sucks to those who wish to leave Tuluk by those gates.  :twisted:

Personally, I feel that Tulukis prefer to keep their gates open, as a warning sign to enemies: that the City-State is not afraid of anyone, come night or day, and that Muk-Utep is all-powerful.

This show of bravado serves a dual purpose: it also helps to put down Allanak, which is considered to be weak, and hence requires its gates to be shut at night.
The figure in a dark hooded cloak says in rinthi-accented Sirihish, 'Winrothol Tor Fale?'

And here I was thinking about lazy soldiers..
Lovehina- Ken Akamatsu

It's been 2 IG days and gates are still closed. Tuluk is that much weak to defend herself against a tembo? This gate code maybe implemented at southeast and east gates, but at west side gates? I think they can stay open.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...

Ok, it's been 3 days.
Quote from: Sir DiealotHow 'bout, instead of stopping app special apps, because some people are morons, you just stop those accounts from Special Apping? It would stop the mongoloids from constantly bugging you...