Movement Emote Echoes.

Started by jhunter, October 29, 2004, 01:01:00 PM

Just wondering if it can be coded for movement emotes to echo to the player of the character doing them or not...any idea?

I'm sure this has been brought up before...I wish that I could see how mine turn out when I use them.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I'm in favor of this idea, in spite of the added spam it will give people.

Just a 'You walk/run/sneak west, picking his nose' can be pretty nice.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

Not to tell you guys, but just to tag it onto the thread for anyone who doesn't.
(that is if you're tlaking about this of course)

w(walking with a severe limp)

Echoes to other characters.

It'd be nice if you receive your own echo though, so you could check how it looks, see it actually went through, etc.
Veteran Newbie

I agree.  I would at least like to see what the added message looks
like to others (more or less), as if I had emoted.
Proud Owner of her Very Own Delirium.

This has been put into the idea list a few times, and for one reason or another has been forgotten or gets buried, or was left for the specific coder who originally wrote that code and they skipped over it or were always in the middle of something else.  Overall I think it's a good idea.
i]May the fleas of a thousand kanks nestle in your armpit.  -DustMight[/i]

If it's added in might as well do the same for look emotes so you can see what it ended up looking like.

Quote from: "Canadian Beaver"If it's added in might as well do the same for look emotes so you can see what it ended up looking like.

Yes yes yes yes.

Both of those ideas I would love to see.

It's really nice for looking back over your logs, too.

"Fuck, which way did I turn into that mul-gith crossbreed?"

But yea . . . please? Coders? Please?


I also think this is a spiffy idea.

Mansa to Me: "You are a cancer to ArmageddonMUD."