
Started by Xerokine, October 28, 2004, 02:49:38 PM

You know, it just hit me... The T'zai Byn is the only active organization that actually has something to train your archery, that I've atleast seen. Wouldn't it be feasible that both Tor and Winrothol along with Kurac would have something of this same sort as they are all relatively involved with military gestures?
ocking a fake scream, the badass scorpion exclaims to you, in
"Ah! Scorpions! I pissed my Wyvern trousers! Ah!"

Quote from: "Xerokine"You know, it just hit me... The T'zai Byn is the only active organization that actually has something to train your archery, that I've atleast seen. Wouldn't it be feasible that both Tor and Winrothol along with Kurac would have something of this same sort as they are all relatively involved with military gestures?

The Byn has no active IG archery training unless they -just- busted it out in the past month or so.

Though I think it makes sense to have archery halls like it makes sense to have training dummies.

Each one of those houses probably has their reasons. I know one of them does. And all those reasons are IC, so I don't think its possible to change that from the GDB.

Winrothol used to have archery training as far as I know.
Quote from: AnaelYou know what I love about the word panic?  In Czech, it's the word for "male virgin".

There are other clans IC that have archery training.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Quote from: "Agent_137"
Quote from: "Xerokine"You know, it just hit me... The T'zai Byn is the only active organization that actually has something to train your archery, that I've atleast seen. Wouldn't it be feasible that both Tor and Winrothol along with Kurac would have something of this same sort as they are all relatively involved with military gestures?

The Byn has no active IG archery training unless they -just- busted it out in the past month or so.

Though I think it makes sense to have archery halls like it makes sense to have training dummies.

I think the Northern compound has the archery training.. Oh, well thanks for your posts.. Was just wondering about that at the moment.. lol
ocking a fake scream, the badass scorpion exclaims to you, in
"Ah! Scorpions! I pissed my Wyvern trousers! Ah!"

Quote from: "Agent_137"The Byn has no active IG archery training unless they -just- busted it out in the past month or so.

Though I think it makes sense to have archery halls like it makes sense to have training dummies.

Actually, that's not true completely. While it's not a part of the schedule, there is a place if one looks around.

Edit: Yeah, Xerokine beat me to it above.

Quote from: "Canadian Beaver"
Quote from: "Agent_137"The Byn has no active IG archery training unless they -just- busted it out in the past month or so.

Though I think it makes sense to have archery halls like it makes sense to have training dummies.

Actually, that's not true completely. While it's not a part of the schedule, there is a place if one looks around.

Edit: Yeah, Xerokine beat me to it above.

Yea, but you can't -use- it codedly.

I'd like to see more achery training.. with the houses, I think it would be very cool.
Quote from: JollyGreenGiant"C'mon, attack me with this raspberry..."

Quote from: "sarahjc"I'd like to see more achery training.. with the houses, I think it would be very cool.

IMO city clans and such would likely practice with cross-bows.

Seeing as how they are designed for close-quarters fire, this would make sense given the nature of where the houses are located (in cities)

If houses incorporated the usage of "handbows" for military tactics, I think that would be sweet.
 was, am, and always will be. That which dwells under the cast shadows; my Heart of Darkness.

Uh...go outside and shoot stuff, eh?
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

I'm kind of torn on this issue...

Archery imo is along the lines of pick pocket as one of those skills that should take some on the job practice to master.

As for House's having ranges and stuff, I've pushed for so and so, but recently had my opinion changed on it...

Most clans have some sort of 'outside' training on their schedules, where people take a hike outside their respective city... Aka the perfect place to practice your archery.

Quote from: "SRB"If houses incorporated the usage of "handbows" for military tactics, I think that would be sweet.

I once had a clan leader/guardsman PC that proposed doing that very thing with his advanced troops. It never really took off, but it was a cool idea at the time.  :wink:

Archery ranges are very much akin to training dummies. We won't, and shouldn't see them, unless the same situation arises.

i.e. There's too few people in a clan, and a strong schedule that you can't break.

Though, I will say, training days outside the city are too easily devolved into hunting and archery, they're ideally used for much more than that.

Quote from: "Agent_137"Yea, but you can't -use- it codedly.

Heh, I used it codedly during my time in the byn. All you need is a willing (heh, or even unwilling) target who wants to test out how good they are with a shield <g>

Quote from: "Canadian Beaver"
Quote from: "Agent_137"Yea, but you can't -use- it codedly.

Heh, I used it codedly during my time in the byn. All you need is a willing (heh, or even unwilling) target who wants to test out how good they are with a shield <g>

Yea . . . heh. That target would -have- to be a sergeant, because unless policy has changed, you can't use runners for targets.

In the compound, at least.

You know, I can almost imagine the email I would receive from the Staff about using Runners in the compound as live targets for archers. Oh.. The possibilities.
ocking a fake scream, the badass scorpion exclaims to you, in
"Ah! Scorpions! I pissed my Wyvern trousers! Ah!"

Quote from: "Xerokine"You know, I can almost imagine the email I would receive from the Staff about using Runners in the compound as live targets for archers. Oh.. The possibilities.

Hey, as long as it's all IC, right?

I can only imagine that being IC if it was a firing squad.
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

A firing squad wouldn't even be IC. There likely isn't such a concept as that on Zalanthas. Why have them all draw bows when you can just use your mul to cut the offenders head off. Less chance of broken arrows that way too.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Just wanted to point something out.

Quote from: "Xerokine"Wouldn't it be feasible that both Tor and Winrothol along with Kurac would have something of this same sort as they are all relatively involved with military gestures?

Winrothol is a slaving House not a military House.

The northern military house is Lyksae (as per:

Winrothol is more akin to Borsail than Tor.

Oh I understand that Marko. Even though Lyksae is more of the military house, Winrothol does a lot of military such events that I've seen atleast. Not as many as most, but they do have enough to warrant archery training, atleast thats what I thought.
ocking a fake scream, the badass scorpion exclaims to you, in
"Ah! Scorpions! I pissed my Wyvern trousers! Ah!"

As a thought.....

   Missile weapons skills are the result of LOTS of dull practice.   Having learned to put an arrow where I want it to go was fun (as a kid who had not found D&D yet  :D  )  You should be able (I think) to get to a certain level of skill by shooting at targets (note a tree or rock formation is a perfectly good target)

 By Skill levels I mean  if 'train' can get you to say 25%  target practice might get you to 50%  leaving you with  a useable skill that still needs combat to perfect
As the great German philosopher Fred Neechy once said:
   That which does not kill us is gonna wish it had because we're about to FedEx its sorry ass back to ***** Central where it came from. Or something like that."