Writing on the IC boards

Started by Vanth, September 10, 2004, 04:18:48 AM

A few tips that come to mind, after some recent player questions:

-You do not need to include the word "board" when writing a message.  Just type "write" and then the topic of the message.
-When writing on an IC board, like those found in clans or taverns, your message will only be saved until the next reboot, unless you type the word "write" by itself, after the ~ ending your message.


Completely Made-up Example:
write Massive Sandstorm hits Tuluk
Everyone is talking about a  massive sandstorm, unusual for the region,
that ravaged Tuluk last week, killing ten people and demolishing several
buildings.  House Tenneshi is hard at work repairing the damage, and
rumor on the streets has it that the Faithful Lords and Ladies are
investigating rumors of magickal involvement.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Is there a reason there are 45- 50 posts up on the IC board all the time? Some of thoughs posts are preatty dated, its a little tedious to scroll down to the bottom all the time.  :roll:

Perhaps a simple reversal in post order could fix this.

Newest at the top, oldest at the bottom.

Quote from: "Solas"Is there a reason there are 45- 50 posts up on the IC board all the time? Some of thoughs posts are preatty dated, its a little tedious to scroll down to the bottom all the time.  :roll:

Yeah, that extra bang on the enter key is just murder.  It's such a major timesink.

Quote from: "CRW"
Quote from: "Solas"Is there a reason there are 45- 50 posts up on the IC board all the time? Some of thoughs posts are preatty dated, its a little tedious to scroll down to the bottom all the time.  :roll:

Yeah, that extra bang on the enter key is just murder.  It's such a major timesink.

Yea, it is, actually. And it's not so much the time it takes, but the scroll.

And, Delirium posted a great solution. Solas, Delirium, idea it in game. I doubt an imm will happen upon this thread.

This thread was created by an immortal.
Back from a long retirement

Honestly, I prefer it this way.  Yes, it's a little scroll-tiring, but I'd rather the laws/rules posts be up at the top, where it's easy for new players to find and read.  Heck, I bet some of the more experienced players could use a brushup now and then.

A tip for -reading- the tavern boards (something I didn't know about til I came upon it by accident - though it's probably in the docs somewhere)...

If you're trying to read the last post on "page one" of the 2-page 50-post board...

Type X so you don't have to deal with page 2 popping up on your screen. I think you can type anything other than hitting the enter key - but X is a good way for you to remind yourself that you're doing it deliberately and not just mistakenly trying to emote something and losing page 2.

You can do this in merchant shops that have long lists as well. X will stop the remainder of the list from showing up.

I would also love to be able to see the posts in reverse order by the way. Or - be able to see how many pages of posts there are - and ALSO be able to see how many pages of items there are on a merchant list.

And THEN - be able to read ONLY that page you want to read, instead of having to scroll through the whole thing just to get to the 99th item on the list. It's ESPECIALLY annoying when you're just about to "view #99" and some shmo shows up in the shop, spam-removes 6 items from his pack, spam-sells those items, then spam-removes the next 6 items and spam-sells them, etc. etc. etc. By the time you realize you're not reading the desc on #99 anymore, you don't even remember it was item #99 so you can check it a second time. And that means - going through that list AGAIN - and hoping some OTHER shmo doesn't show up doing the same shit.

Have I mentioned lately the idea of randomly removing items from shop lists inbetween game resets? No? Oh - well - consider it mentioned again.


Just to add a little warning for you nobles, templars, and merchants out there...
Don't try to write a scroll/book/whatever in the same room as a message board.

Just a word of warning!
Gargath, the Scapegoat of Despair

Softly, the evil sorcerer says, in sirihish:
     "Great Tektolnes' Hairy Balls!  That's rather amazin'"

The evil sorcerer thinks: Hm, does he really have hair on them?  Gah.. stop thinking about this.

Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"This thread was created by an immortal.

I often don't read who write stuff. :\

And, ashyom brings up a good point. Thus, I go back into my typical state of apathy on the issue.

Another tip for writing on bulletin boards: whole sentence, then enter, whole sentence, then enter, etc.  Then use .f or .i at the end to format things.

This helps keep us from seeing posts that look like

Huge Sandstorm Hits Tuluk
Many of those Falish, pansy Tuluki bards are complaining that there
far too much sand in their fluffy bard-pants.  Certain Faithful Lords are
calling out hits on assorted suspected finger-wagglers, as they do.  In
news, Muk is holding a sock-hop.  Bring your favourite prostitute,
have fun!

Or write your post in Microsoft word and set each line to 75 characters.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I think the IC boards should be much more heavily monitored by the imms. In order for shit to be important enough for a whole city the size of Nak or Tuluk to know should be pretty rare, or be affecting the city's nobility, in which case it instantly becomes city business. Smaller places like Storm or Blackwing might be easier to spread rumors around.

Considering all the VNPC raiding, trading, this, that, and the other thing that must be going on all the freakin time, 75% of the shit on the IC boards would not stand out as city-wide-discussion worthy.

Imms, pls delete that shit when you see it! I'd almost suggest that posts to the IC board should be approved before they go up... but that'd be too much work probably.

In short, I think the ic boards are doing more of diservice than a service in their present form. Thus sez kankus anonymous!

If you see a post that shouldn't be there, wish up and report it.

It's that simple, just make sure that you mention the name/location of the board and the number of the message.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?

I don't think it's as much a "shouldn't be there" issue as a "why should anyone care about this enough for it to be on there at all?" issue.

It's not BAD to know that Joe Newbie the Forester is looking for a job. It's not something "inappropriate" that "shouldn't" be there. However, it just isn't necessary, or interesting enough that people would gossip about it (thus making it to the gossip board).

Unless of course Joe Newbie the Forester has four arms, floppy ears that droop down to his shoulders, and a forked tail - THEN it would be gossip-worthy :)

It'd be spiff if you could set a time expire on your IG board post.

I know you can just not "write" and not save it to disk, but if some one else does it, your shit gets saved.

I disagree with both these proposals.

Setting a rumor to last an IC week will mean that if House WeHireSpies did not log on that day (let's say it's a three man clan), none of them will have heard about it.

It may be tiresome, but I think removing rumors manually is best.

About saving messages...maybe it's a really long post and nobody there?

I do suggest, though, that writers are able to delete their messages five minutes into posting, whether or not they have saved.  This will spare us from all those silly mistakes.
Quote from: Vesperas...You have to ask yourself... do you love your PC more than you love its contribution to the game?