Question about headbutting.

Started by Kill4Free, August 27, 2004, 12:05:16 AM

I got this char, and I like to emote headbutting a lot when im in a fight, I was wondering if it would be possible for Imms to change kick for me to headbutt, same effect exactly as kick, just that when I use the command it uses headbutt.

Im not sure how hard/easy this would be to code in, so Im not sure if I wanna waste an Imm's time by asking.
May God have mercy on my foes, because I wont.

Just emote it out. I'm sure the other player with realize what you mean.

How great it would be to change kick's echo to a generic strike..

Headbutting, elbowing, face-punching, crotch-kicking goodness!

Quote from: "Delirium"crotch-kicking goodness!

*slowly edges away from Delirium*

Quote from: "Delirium"How great it would be to change kick's echo to a generic strike..

Headbutting, elbowing, face-punching, crotch-kicking goodness!

I have to agree. A circle kick in full armor is just 100% retarded. But a swift kick in the ass isn't.

I'm going to go with everyone else and say emote it out (although FYI although I'm not a coder, I am 70% sure it isn't possible).

Having said that, is kick really a good coded version for head-butt? I imagine head butting someone would cause you to lose stun however kick doesn't do this. Your welcome to emote out what you like in combat as long as it's realistic and isn't power-emoting, I just thought I'd bring that up ;)

I agree that the kick message should be changed.  One of the things that gets on my nerves with my warrior characters is this:

emote ducks to one side, narrowly avoiding %opponent weapon before thrusting an elbow in at ^opponent side.

You miss the circle kick.

Opponent backs off, avoiding your high kick.

People seem to completely ignore the emote and just refer to it as a kick, since that's what the skill is saying.  LET ME HAVE SOME VARIETY, heh.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger