More Quit Safe Rooms!

Started by Pantoufle, August 25, 2004, 05:30:35 PM

As a ranger, I love the ease of departing the game when it's that time to go.  You know, the camping skill.

As a non-ranger, I detest and in fact resent the fact that I am often spending up to 20 minutes of my time searching for a way to simply logout!  It shouldn't be like that.

What I want to know is, why are most rooms NOT quit safe?  Quitting is an OOC act, so the idea that I can only quit in a tavern dormitory or abandoned building makes no sense to me.  As a ranger, I can quit in almost any room.  And 20 rooms in any direction (quite possibly beyond), every room is quit accessible.  Yet in the city you have as many quit safe rooms as you can count on one hand!  No joke.  Why can't I "sleep" (i.e., quit) in an alley, for example?  Or that room up the road that has a bench on it?  I understand not having the main room of a tavern quit safe because it can be distracting to have all these people "...depart the realm of Armageddon."  But there's countless rooms in a city which could be quit safe that aren't.  I don't see why rangers get to have an OOC luxury based on their class.  It makes me contemplate playing nothing but rangers strictly for the OOC benefit.  Know what I'm saying?

I don't think quit-safe rooms are that hard to find.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Think of it like this: When you quit, your character is immune from any possible danger. He can't get hungry, thirsty, attacked, robbed, etc. etc.

In essence, he has found a safe place to be.

A ranger would know how to look for safe places out in the wilderness, and would know how to make places safe for himself.

A non-ranger wouldn't. He'd have very little idea how to create a makeshift hidey-hole underneath a bush, or tuck himself into a crevice in the shield wall for a few days.

Quote from: "Bestatte"A ranger would know how to look for safe places out in the wilderness, and would know how to make places safe for himself.

A non-ranger wouldn't. He'd have very little idea how to create a makeshift hidey-hole underneath a bush, or tuck himself into a crevice in the shield wall for a few days.

Right.  But I'm talking about implementing more quit safe rooms in the city, not the wilderness.  It SHOULD be difficult to find a place for a non-ranger to quit in the wilderness.  But there are places in the cities where the nearest quit safe room (unless you go to an elementalist temple or merchant compound or something that makes no sense for you to enter) is like 30+ rooms away.

I agree that the wilderness situation is reasonable as-is. But I'm not clear why rangers have an advantage when trying to quit from the city. Surely they're not finding a safe spot to camp in the streets? "Ah-ha! No villians will ever find me behind this midden heap!" *boggle*

Beyond that, if a character is logged out for ic weeks, I wouldn't presume they're staying in the same 'room' that whole time, let alone sleeping. I imagine they're doing their day-to-day work, wandering about the city, etc. It seems just as reasonable for the player to pop back into their life at one point in that routine as another.

It seems particularly odd that a character with a 'virtual' home & family should find it necessary to pop in and out of the tavern dormitories on a regular basis.

Of course, my real motivation is my antsy roommates saying, "What do you mean you have to walk back to the tavern? I need to use the computer /now/."


Quote from: "dolores"I'm not clear why rangers have an advantage when trying to quit from the city.
As far as I know, they don't. I'm pretty sure they get an error message when inside cities and trying to quit in non-quit safe rooms.

What Ammit says. Rangers can't quit out in the city except in the usual quit-safe spots that everyone can quit in.

As for quit-safe spots within the city, there are rooms other than the usual taverns that are quit-safe in both cities. I don't think it would be a bad thing to have maybe a couple more of them...

But as far as comparing ranger quit to city quit...remember when a ranger logs back into the game, he has no way of knowing what's going to be in that room when he shows up. With city safe rooms, you have the soldiers to protect you in -most- cases if someone is there in the middle of a rampage. Outside the city, the ranger is on his own, and comes in at his own risk.

You enter Armageddon, blah blah blah...
A mekillot is here.

Welcome to Armageddon!

Quote from: "Bestatte"What Ammit says. Rangers can't quit out in the city except in the usual quit-safe spots that everyone can quit in.
There are rooms in cities flagged such that rangers can use, if memory serves.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

I believe any room that is actually 'city-like' inside cities is either quit-safe or it isn' rangers getting special privs there.  The only places I know of that are technically 'inside a city' but that rangers can quit in but noone else can are actually still wildernessy.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

What about a tenement building somewhere in the Commoner's Quarter?

Those of us with a VNPC family can pop over there and "to our apartment" and not have to hit the tavern.  All it would have to be is one quit safe room with a description saying "Generic Tenement".
 wish I was witty enough to have something here.  Alas.

Yeah, because that's more convenient than having a quit_safe room nearby where people hang out? :P Inside the cities, there are usually plenty of quit_safe rooms in areas that are commonly frequented.  Adding more in the city isn't an issue to me, at all.  When outdoors is the only time that it is difficult to get to a quit_safe room...but you know what?  Good.  Make the non-ranging people that aren't good in the wilderness suffer for wanting to be combat machines or sneaky bitches.  You wanna quit out more places than there are already?  Be a ranger.
Quote from: MalifaxisWe need to listen to spawnloser.
Quote from: Reiterationspawnloser knows all

Quote from: SpoonA magicker is kind of like a mousetrap, the fear is the cheese. But this cheese has an AK47.

Its been a couple of years, but I most definately had a ranger that could quit out in a section of a city that other characters could not.  Maybe that has been fixed, though.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

It was a while back, but I do remember quitting all over Luirs with a ranger .... I guess it's a lot more normal place to camp than your average city, what with all the desert traders in and out.

Regardless, I really appreciate everyone's clarifications. Thanks!


I like the idea of people being able to quit from the game any residential area.  The commoner's quarters, the noble's quarters, etc., would all be appropriate places.  My favorite reason stolen from previous responses is that some people have virtual homes in these areas.

It's also something that's very easy for the imms to implement.

Problems:  Quit messages seem to be designed with semi-dedicated quit rooms in mind.  I'm used to seeing people vanish from the dorms with "x has left the game," but it would be jarring to see this on the streets.  One solution would be to make quit emote-able:

quit moving into her home

Another problem is that of people quitting out at inappropriate moments because it's so easy.  Templar looking at you funny?  So long, sucker.  Yes, this is a problem with rangers.  But their confrontations are usually abrupt and violent, so they are often "too excited to quit."  A templar's scowl doesn't (code-wise) excite characters, so they can quit out whenever.

(offtopic:  maybe templars should be able to make you excited.  ie, when they incriminate you -- or with another inconsequential command

maybe give 'you're too excited to leave!' a message, like:  'you're too excited to leave because you've been fighting!' or 'you're too excited to leave because of recent conflict with a templar' or 'you're too excited to leave because you just got caught stealing!'

...the duration of these could vary)

I have to agree with the original poster that quitting out can often be a hassle. When I'm far from a quit-safe room, or in the middle of the wilderness with a non-ranger, or "too excited to leave just yet", and my Mom walks into the room, jonesing for her solitaire fix, I don't exactly have a lot of options. I can attempt to power-walk to the nearest quit-safe room before I'm grounded, or if I'm in an unfamiliar area, I can go linkdead. That's it. Bottom line.
I don't know of any real way to fix the problem... I just wish other players could keep in mind that some people share a computer, and they're not completely in control of their play times and log-out times.
And yes. One of the major complaints my friends and family have about Armageddon is, "Why the hell would you play a game that tells you when to quit?"
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."


I hated gaming in my parents house. Mom and her stupid fucking card games. Card gamers get no respect from me.

Any fucking game i couldn't quit instantly, got me in trouble. Mechwarrior 2, FFVII,  my old MUD.

Got to the point to where i'd only play late at night. But the mom figured out card games and would play them for hours. HOURS.

Now i live four hours away, and i'm in college.

I reccomend working and then buying a cheap laptop.
Or just getting the fuck out.

ugh.. Spider Solitaire.. it's all my dad plays.. And he does it CONSTANTLY.. I mean.. we have decks of cards asshole!

Anyways.. I'm at college now..doesn't matter.
The rugged, red-haired woman is not a proper mount." -- oops

Diealot - Ninja Helper (Too cool for Tags)

Logging out seems like an OOC issue that affects playability more than anything else.  I think  that playability should be increased, and therefore support this idea.

it's an ooc issue until some one quits to avoid something nasty happening. then it becomes -very- IC.

Also, quit places -have- to be safe places. Otherwise, why doesn't your character get hungry or thirsty?

There's plenty of quit safe places in the city.

And the more you put in the wild (i hear there's a good amount already) the softer it gets. Which is bad.

My views, thank you, have a nice day.