Mini Niche Allanaki RPT: Tues, 7/25 @ 12pm ST

Started by Gentleboy, July 22, 2023, 08:26:11 PM

July 22, 2023, 08:26:11 PM Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 12:08:31 PM by Gentleboy
Crack those knuckles and get ready to type out some creative descriptors.

Tuesday 7/25 @ 12pm ST EDIT: now it is at 2pm.

A character will be running a figure drawing session. Read your Allanaki rumor boards for more information.

Wednesday 7/26 @ 8pm ST

Will be the second session. Same dealio.

Quote from: digitaleak on July 23, 2023, 02:09:47 PMFINALLY an opportunity to bust out the nipple tassels!  ;D

Hmm.... the figures are to remain clothed, but, who knows what you wear beneath... DONT TELL ME DONT TELL ME DONT TELL ME PLEASE HIGHLORD LET ME REMAIN IGNORANT

I legitimately just freaked out because I thought I missed this by a full three hours.

I get another chance to miss it!
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on May 20, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Masks are the Armageddon equivalent of Ed Hardy shirts.

I am going to be doing two.




8pm ST

Will this allow more opportunities for people? Or is the first enough?

2 is great if you can!
My characters are mean not me!

If no one shows up, I will move the mini rpt to 2pm today 7/25/23, Tuesday.

Quote from: Gentleboy on July 25, 2023, 11:58:51 AMIf no one shows up, I will move the mini rpt to 2pm today 7/25/23, Tuesday.

It has been moved to 2pm!

Same event tomorrow! Be there or be ignorant of Allanaki culture and customs! I mean, square!