Karma rate

Started by Trenidor, September 09, 2003, 11:16:23 PM

December 04, 2010, 04:06:53 PM #200 Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 06:31:53 PM by FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit
I remember reading on the GDB or elsewhere that there was a Shadowdancer class, or something like that. This was way, way back in the day, long before my time, back when the MUD was mostly hack'n'slash. The missing slot is supposedly that class.
This is an unconfirmed GDB rumor, though. Can't even remember where I heard it.
EvilRoeSlade wrote:
QuoteYou find a bulbous root sac and pick it up.
You shout, in sirihish:
QuoteA staff member sends:
     "You are likely dead."

Quote from: Kronibas on December 04, 2010, 12:57:27 PM
One of the missing races is "Blackwing Desert Elf."

You could either pick to be a "Blacking" DElf or a regular DElf.

What was the difference?

One of them probably had a flag that caused them not to get ganked by blackwing death squads.

    Quote from: LoD on November 29, 2007, 04:37:49 PM
    I've been playing since the game started, over 15 years ago.

    I remember when:

    • There was no Red Storm, Cenyr, Tuluk, Luir's, Blackwing, or any other civilization besides Steinal and Allanak.
    • There were names instead of short descriptions.
    • You could still use 'who' and 'tell' like hack and slash games.
    • The Doomsbringer, Arch Magi, Shadow, and Tan Muark were all real clans.
    • Walking through Steinal.
    • The Necromancer, Shadowdancer, and Illusionist classes.
    • Being able to see your skills and skill percentages.
    • Merchants only had 6 skills (haggle, value, scan, listen, cavilish, and pilot)
    • There was no crafting skills.
    • Mantis and halflings chilling out in Tuluk.
    • Playing the owner of the wagon that now lies at the bottom of the gulch between Luir's and 'nak
    • When you could join the Merchant Houses by finding an NPC and paying him 500 coins to join.
    • When they didn't have limits on how many times you could offer/barter for a better price.
    • When NPC's used to respawn carrying steel, iron, or bronze weapons.
    • When PC descriptions could be: the black-hooded dwarf, the red-robed elf, the man with strange eyes.

    So, yeah, I feel old sometimes too.


    Found this.  I thought it was interesting.

    We should really start a new topic.[/list]
    QuoteSunshine all the time makes a desert.
    Vote at TMS
    Vote at TMC

    I've gone almost 3 years with no Karma, so It's not something easily came by I guess.

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 04, 2010, 05:59:35 PM
    Quote from: Kronibas on December 04, 2010, 12:57:27 PM
    One of the missing races is "Blackwing Desert Elf."

    You could either pick to be a "Blacking" DElf or a regular DElf.

    What was the difference?

    Blackwing Elf race was the precursor to (or prototype for) the Desert Elf race.  They are practically the same thing except back in the day all elves were race elf except for Blackwing Elves.  If the Blackwing elves were open today they'd be race desert elf.

    QuoteI've gone almost 3 years with no Karma, so It's not something easily came by I guess.

    Chances are you don't suck that badly. Special app some stuff. Ask for your account notes, and if they aren't terrible, there's probably no reason for this.

    I personally believe the biggest reason for no (or low) karma, is staff oversight. They have better things to do then upgrade the B players (Most of us.) If you're not involved in clans, or central to multiple plots, you're not going to get noticed, no matter how solid your RP is.  That's my experience with this. The only times I've been awarded karma were right after longer lived, plot involved, clanned players, or times when I've special apped, or in the case of my first karma point - asked for karma. (It says specifically not to do this, so I wouldn't try that one again.)
    Quote from: musashiengaging in autoerotic asphyxiation is no excuse for sloppy grammer!!!


    Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on December 10, 2010, 02:16:51 AM
    ... or in the case of my first karma point - asked for karma. (It says specifically not to do this, so I wouldn't try that one again.)
    Staff have said before that if you feel overlooked, to petition them to be reviewed for karma. I think this would be best accomplished by asking for account notes and asking to see if you may deserve a bump. They don't mind being asked, from what I can tell, as long as you don't constantly whine for it and see it as an end in itself.
    "Never was anything great achieved without danger."
         -Niccolo Machiavelli

    I got mine after almost a year. And i had to do a request for it, even though i had a special app wiggler, and 2 pc's that i did weekly updates for, and were very active. I never got any account notes or anything untill i requested a look. I got it purely on time played, and the fact I had no negative notes, so I must be doing something right. LOL.

    Moral of the story: If you are overlooked, it happens. Theres alot of players. Do not feel shy about putting in a request for an evaluation. And don't feel bad about special apping a role/ job you want to play (like magickers) it may take a minute (it took 3 weeks for my special app to be approved) But you should get it, barring rp probs.

    Update: I still havent even made a d-elf for some reason. Even though i got the Karma... I really just like playing magickers. Man those are fun. Ohhh... Role Idea...

    Quote from: KnownUnknown on December 22, 2010, 07:32:42 AM
    I got mine after almost a year. And i had to do a request for it, even though i had a special app wiggler, and 2 pc's that i did weekly updates for, and were very active. I never got any account notes or anything untill i requested a look. I got it purely on time played, and the fact I had no negative notes, so I must be doing something right. LOL.

    Moral of the story: If you are overlooked, it happens. Theres alot of players. Do not feel shy about putting in a request for an evaluation. And don't feel bad about special apping a role/ job you want to play (like magickers) it may take a minute (it took 3 weeks for my special app to be approved) But you should get it, barring rp probs.

    Update: I still havent even made a d-elf for some reason. Even though i got the Karma... I really just like playing magickers. Man those are fun. Ohhh... Role Idea...

    I've been wanting to play a d-elf for a while now.  The main problem is that my geographic knowledge is limited to Allanak, and where to find the spice den in Tuluk.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

    Quote from: Delirium on August 04, 2014, 10:11:38 AM
    fuck authority smoke weed erryday

    oh and here's a free videogame.

    Quote from: lordcooper on December 22, 2010, 12:45:59 PM
    Quote from: KnownUnknown on December 22, 2010, 07:32:42 AM
    I got mine after almost a year. And i had to do a request for it, even though i had a special app wiggler, and 2 pc's that i did weekly updates for, and were very active. I never got any account notes or anything untill i requested a look. I got it purely on time played, and the fact I had no negative notes, so I must be doing something right. LOL.

    Moral of the story: If you are overlooked, it happens. Theres alot of players. Do not feel shy about putting in a request for an evaluation. And don't feel bad about special apping a role/ job you want to play (like magickers) it may take a minute (it took 3 weeks for my special app to be approved) But you should get it, barring rp probs.

    Update: I still havent even made a d-elf for some reason. Even though i got the Karma... I really just like playing magickers. Man those are fun. Ohhh... Role Idea...

    I've been wanting to play a d-elf for a while now.  The main problem is that my geographic knowledge is limited to Allanak, and where to find the spice den in Tuluk.

    App a D-elf. The table lands isnt that bad of a place. Easy animals to kill, water that can be found (it's common knowledge so i said it, but i wont say WHERE) And the other players there will help you find those things, i bet.
    I remember recruiting this Half elf girl. And IMMEDIATELY taking her out on a contract. Right as we go into this gith hole I tell her "Remember your training, and you'll be fine." and she goes "I have no training." Then she died

    when i started about three years ago i did enough stupid die-easy, idiotic-idea, obviously-boosting-own-skills crap, not to give me nightmares, but enough to make me somewhat worried.

    i'm way better at the game now. i'm living longer (sometimes) and while the idea of playing a lightning magicker sounds like heaven to me, its the only thing i really want.

    i know for a fact i will never get any karma (unless i spit out an occasional bit of A-actor genius and a staffy sees it) but, one day, as my RP improves, i will send in an application to be a lightning magicker, when i feel i can act well, be convincing, and entertain others, as second nature rather than trying.

    my fave roles are:
    1. lone scavenger who finds their own food in the wild
    2. lightning magicker
    3. a jeweler or tailor, basically a crafter of some type
    4. a half-elf of random inherited appearance
    5. someone who is psychologically insane

    i'd say my least favorite is a human merchant working for a house; the safe(ish) life just doesn't appeal to me at all, nor the elegance, riches or bling. i want to fight to the death over a couple of sid, or a drink of water.
    Quote from: Qzzrbl


    You should get to know the magicker roles through playing one of lower karma than an elkrosian before playing an elkrosian.  Seriously, if you have no karma, you don't really understand the first thing about magick, and you'll need to understand that before seriously tackling the higher-karma magicker roles.
    "I am a cipher, wrapped in an enigma, smothered in secret sauce."
    - Jimmy James, the man so great they had to name him twice

    Quote from: Marshmellow on December 24, 2010, 11:02:17 PM
    You should get to know the magicker roles through playing one of lower karma than an elkrosian before playing an elkrosian.  Seriously, if you have no karma, you don't really understand the first thing about magick, and you'll need to understand that before seriously tackling the higher-karma magicker roles.

    This is what I don't get. Aside from the coded power, what's the difference between the elements? I mean, it's not easier to roleplay a rukkian than a drovian for example. Is it? Why?

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 01:18:50 AM
    Quote from: Marshmellow on December 24, 2010, 11:02:17 PM
    You should get to know the magicker roles through playing one of lower karma than an elkrosian before playing an elkrosian.  Seriously, if you have no karma, you don't really understand the first thing about magick, and you'll need to understand that before seriously tackling the higher-karma magicker roles.

    This is what I don't get. Aside from the coded power, what's the difference between the elements? I mean, it's not easier to roleplay a rukkian than a drovian for example. Is it? Why?

    Lemme translate what Marshmellow said....

    Him say:

    "Dear sir,

     From your post, I've gathered that you don't have any karma-- and as such, have yet to play a karma role, magicker included.

    Perhaps it would be in your interest to familiarize yourself with the magick system a little, before throwing caution in the wind and trying to special app an elkrosian, so that you'll know what to do, and not wind up getting killed to something stupid with your long-awaited elkrosian.

    Yours truly, Marshmellow."

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 01:18:50 AM
    Quote from: Marshmellow on December 24, 2010, 11:02:17 PM
    You should get to know the magicker roles through playing one of lower karma than an elkrosian before playing an elkrosian.  Seriously, if you have no karma, you don't really understand the first thing about magick, and you'll need to understand that before seriously tackling the higher-karma magicker roles.

    This is what I don't get. Aside from the coded power, what's the difference between the elements? I mean, it's not easier to roleplay a rukkian than a drovian for example. Is it? Why?

    The two lowest karma elements, Rukkians and Vivaduans, are well-rounded in their own ways and suited to players who're new to magick. Elements above those are still viable, but I'd say they would be increasingly difficult for someone in such a position. Either the guilds have very 'niche' powers and require above average resourcefulness to survive, or they're restricted because of disruptive potential.

    ... And that's about all I can say without crossing the ICness line, I think. Qzzrbl has the right of it, though. :)

    You can die very easily with a merchant if that's the concern. As for the disruptive powers, I get that, but we're not talking about sorcerers and from what I understand drovians are much weaker than ruks and have less griefing potential. Could be I am totally out of my depth here.

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:00:43 AM
    You can die very easily with a merchant if that's the concern. As for the disruptive powers, I get that, but we're not talking about sorcerers and from what I understand drovians are much weaker than ruks and have less griefing potential. Could be I am totally out of my depth here.

    Well, I've played all the available magick classes and I would not recommend any of the higher karma classes to anyone knew to the magick system in armageddon, the drovian inparticular. The classes aren't so much limited for their griefing potential, or outright power, it's simply that the higher you go in the karma tree, the more complicated the class tends to be IMO. Drovians though take the cake for top-tier complicated.
    A staff member sends you:
    "Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

    You send to staff:
    "Welcome to Armageddon."

    Still, merchant is more complicated than a warrior but some people prefer to start with one, enjoying the challenge. I have pretty limited interest in magick, actually in most of the karma guilds except for the couple at the top of the tree and it's not because of their coded power.

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:26:15 AM
    Still, merchant is more complicated than a warrior but some people prefer to start with one, enjoying the challenge. I have pretty limited interest in magick, actually in most of the karma guilds except for the couple at the top of the tree and it's not because of their coded power.

    You're just feeling argumentative, aren't you?

    All that was basically said at the start was, "Hey, maybe you should learn the magic system a little before you run around trying to fart lightningbolts at stuff, m'kay?"

    Which is pretty sound advice.

    December 25, 2010, 02:39:07 AM #220 Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 02:41:01 AM by Zoan
    I love magick so much, not for the power but for the experience. I don't get scared in combat of losing my warrior, because I'm canny and can generally survive any encounter I find myself in as a mundane.

    But traversing a city as a rogue witch? Nothing gets my heart thumping like a templar looking at me. Or even as a gemmed, the experience of being gemmed is unique, and fun to me.
    Quote from: Agameth
    Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.

    Quote from: Qzzrbl on December 25, 2010, 02:34:32 AM
    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:26:15 AM
    Still, merchant is more complicated than a warrior but some people prefer to start with one, enjoying the challenge. I have pretty limited interest in magick, actually in most of the karma guilds except for the couple at the top of the tree and it's not because of their coded power.

    You're just feeling argumentative, aren't you?

    All that was basically said at the start was, "Hey, maybe you should learn the magic system a little before you run around trying to fart lightningbolts at stuff, m'kay?"

    Which is pretty sound advice.

    No, I simply dislike forcing people to play though the characters they don't enjoy just so they could learn the system. If we were talking about  karma destroyers of souls I'd understand.

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:46:26 AM
    Quote from: Qzzrbl on December 25, 2010, 02:34:32 AM
    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:26:15 AM
    Still, merchant is more complicated than a warrior but some people prefer to start with one, enjoying the challenge. I have pretty limited interest in magick, actually in most of the karma guilds except for the couple at the top of the tree and it's not because of their coded power.

    You're just feeling argumentative, aren't you?

    All that was basically said at the start was, "Hey, maybe you should learn the magic system a little before you run around trying to fart lightningbolts at stuff, m'kay?"

    Which is pretty sound advice.

    No, I simply dislike forcing people to play though the characters they don't enjoy just so they could learn the system. If we were talking about  karma destroyers of souls I'd understand.

    Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything.

    Was just a suggestion.

    Quote from: spicemustflow on December 25, 2010, 02:46:26 AM

    No, I simply dislike forcing people to play though the characters they don't enjoy just so they could learn the system. If we were talking about  karma destroyers of souls I'd understand.

    The single most upset at Arm I've ever been, was the first time I spec app'd a Whiran, cast a certain spell, and ended up dying almost immediately.  This is not a 'oh man, you have to play a viv before you can understand the super intricacies of the drov' it's more of a.. as a bit of advice, in this permadeath game, do not blow your awesome unique special app for a class without being prepared to play it well.  You will be sad and disappointed.

    Also, staff outright refuses to just hand out an Elkran, to a guy who's never played a magicker.  I tried a while ago.   :-[

    On my second character, I special-apped a mindbender. Staff were...gentle in their reply back to me. I was such a cute little nub.
    Quote from: Agameth
    Goat porn is not prohibited in the Highlord's city.