Slavery and Slave Roles in Armageddon

Started by Jherlen, October 18, 2013, 03:56:32 PM

Put up a role request for a badass leader-slave mul who can lead training, recruit for their clan, and has been background-wise bred and trained for absolute loyalty and devotion and see if the role stays open long.  If something like that isn't filled, then 7DV's idea about having an open list of roles outside the Staff Announcements might be cool.  If it's left open then an even more awesome player for that role might drift through outside of some sort of time slot.

Some slave roles are probably way more appealing than others.  Another three words for y'all:  "the yellow mul"

Davaz.  Or Dgal. Shit, one of those.  I know there have been some other Kuraci slave muls since then that have kicked ass, but I remember as a teenager just starting playing, this Kuraci slave would do stuff like discipline naughty Fist members and walk into the bar with a sack full of gith heads. 

I saw that character in the late 90's, and in my current description, I have a very subtle allusion to a sentence in his main description.  Imms -- see if you can spot it.  Keep in mind that it was like fourteen years ago when I read this slave character's main description. 1999.  That slave character obviously left a strong impression.

I had the same question as two comments...first...though i did not gripe, i did ask if it need be mul...not because of high karma level...just i don't like playing muls:)
I also always wonder why the form of slavery everybody always thinks about...or at least comments about is the type least common historically ?  I mean entire countries have been enslaved in the think there was collarsand chains and such on them? or that they wete raised to be slaves? Would it not make sense to have these other forms aloud in game?
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

October 19, 2013, 05:42:38 AM #27 Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:45:18 AM by Welda
I think your chances to actually get a slave role are higher if...:

  • ... you apply in answer to a role call.*

  • ... you proved in the past you are able to stick with roles even if times are slow.
  • ... you apply for a role in a big organisation (not a slave to a single person).
  • ... you apply for a race which is available for you without special application.
  • ... you proved in the past you understand social hierarchy and cultural norms of Zalanthas.
  • ... you apply for a mundane character. Seriously.
  • ... you apply for a regular slave. Special snowflakes always have it harder.

* I know this might be tricky if there's one role call in three years.

Quote from: X-D on October 19, 2013, 05:41:00 AM
I had the same question as two comments...first...though i did not gripe, i did ask if it need be mul...not because of high karma level...just i don't like playing muls:)

Yes. We changed that. It didn't really help. Actually, it didn't help at all.

Seriously, I would be more than willing to make this kind of calls more often - but if the result is one single app, it doesn't seem worth the time.

Welda, that's fair.

Here's what I'm saying, though, and no, this is not in dismissal of your current position.

Instead of worrying about special consideration of any sort, how about unnanomously stating that slave roles are open in clan x, y, z, and b at all times, via special application? I worked up a fake help file to explain it in game terms.

Slavery                                                                  (World)
   A great number of Zalanthas's population are slaves. Most of these slaves are
unskilled, serving in menial tasks such as mining, construction, transportation,
and other general labor. There are a select few who have been trained otherwise,
however. Some are taught the ways of war, and serve as militia and soldiers.
Others are taught to be servants to the upper classes, and function as aides and

   You may use the special application process to apply for a skilled slave role
at any time in the following clans: Arm of the Dragon, Byn, Kurac, Salarr,
Kadius, The Legion, Winrothol, Lyskae.

   In most cases, only one slave role is open per clan at any time. It is
important to know what is expected of you as the player of a slave. Even if the
slave's race is not a karma required race, being accepted for the role of a
skilled slave should carry with it the high expections we have for our more
trusted players. Some of these expectations are as follows.
   1. Slaves shall not escape without clan staff agreeing that there is a good
      reason to do so. Petty reasons that appear to be out of character will not
      be looked upon kindly, nor given permission, in most cases. Escaping
      without staff approval will likely result in account-based discipline.
   2. During slow times in your clan's playerbase, you are expected to continue
      to act in character. You may speak to your clan staff about issues, but
      should expect little consideration for out of character solutions, aside
      from storing. They will work with you to create in character solutions as
      need be.
   3. Understand that the role of a slave is one of restricted privilge. While
      you might know more secrets than the common freeman in your clan, you might
      not have access to the shiny new sword he has. While you might be the
      greatest fighter in the clan, you might never be promoted or achknowledged.
      The role of a slave is usually the role of a tool. You must be comfortable
      with being used as a tool is used.

See also:
   Mulish Roleplay      Clans      My House is your hous ... joking.

Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: Kronibas on October 19, 2013, 05:39:27 AM
Yup. My first character learned under him. His portrayal of that character really shaped mullish roleplay for me. Obviously, all muls are different, but understanding what a loyal slave was was important to my understanding of the role at all.

Not all slaves are muls, but all skilled slaves have that undying loyalty ingrained into them, and only the very rarest circumstances should undermine such a wash of the mind.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I would so love to play a slaver.

That would be the most fun ever.

I checked.

October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM #32 Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 03:00:32 PM by Flincher
Slaves already seem to exist. I was in a noble house as an 'aide' for a while. I had to do everything I was told like a slave, I was punished like a slave, I was treated by a slave then after about 13 days of playtime I wanted to leave the service of the noble house and I was executed like an escaped slave. In fact this happened with two seperate houses. One merchant and one noble.

Therefore if a pc would get executed for quitting or being fired by a house they are as good as a slave. The difference was in the title I guess.

On the other hand I would love to play a simple legitimate slave. Obviously I'd want enough freedom to move around Allanak but still be in service to a house of some sort. Be treated like a slave and look like a slave. I'm not interested in Muls. I'd also perfer slavery to execution for 90% of my characters that have been killed because there was no slave alternative.

Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
I'd also perfer slavery to execution for 90% of my characters that have been killed because there was no slave alternative.

I'd love to see this as a viable option. Knowing you can end up a slave when I first played made for a LOT less relaxed interactions between common and nobility. Even though that's still the case virtually, we are protected by non-virtual limitations and it's evident in game in a huge, HUGE way.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
Slaves already seem to exist. I was in a noble house as an 'aide' for a while. I had to do everything I was told like a slave, I was punished like a slave, I was treated by a slave then after about 13 days of playtime I wanted to leave the service of the noble house and I was executed like an escaped slave. In fact this happened with two seperate houses. One merchant and one noble.

Therefore if a pc would get executed for quitting or being fired by a house they are as good as a slave. The difference was in the title I guess.
The only way this should have ever happened is if y ou were lifesworn.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 19, 2013, 05:12:26 PM
Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
Slaves already seem to exist. I was in a noble house as an 'aide' for a while. I had to do everything I was told like a slave, I was punished like a slave, I was treated by a slave then after about 13 days of playtime I wanted to leave the service of the noble house and I was executed like an escaped slave. In fact this happened with two seperate houses. One merchant and one noble.

Therefore if a pc would get executed for quitting or being fired by a house they are as good as a slave. The difference was in the title I guess.
The only way this should have ever happened is if y ou were lifesworn.

There are many reasons to kill someone, whether lifesworn or no. Such is the privilege of power.

As for slavery roles, the only thing I can add is that playing someone -in charge- of a slave can be pretty difficult, too. There's a bit of a burden there that doesn't exist when you're leading a bunch of joe-schmoe PCs. I totally understand the staff's present stance on those roles.

I get this feeling that a lot of the slavery roles being pined for here are in the vein of "I'd be a slave, but: I'd have a long leash... I'd have cool stuff... I'd have special privilege/responsibility/ability..." Then again, on the other hand, it'd be nice to have an avenue for mul roleplay that isn't 100% "I'm an escaped mul."

Also, there is a huge difference between lifesworn and slavery, and I can't believe it hasn't been brought up yet. Lifesworn is a status your character attains and assents to. You have to rise to a position like that, even if it's only a little ways. A slave has no choice in the matter.
Quote from: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 02:48:32 PM
hidden by 'body/torso'
hides nipples

I kinda think that this difference was brought up. A slave is automatically life sworn. I didn't really think that had to be clarified.

As far as the owner of a house slave goes, simple guidelines for each clan's slave role really should be sufficient.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 19, 2013, 05:12:26 PM
Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
Slaves already seem to exist. I was in a noble house as an 'aide' for a while. I had to do everything I was told like a slave, I was punished like a slave, I was treated by a slave then after about 13 days of playtime I wanted to leave the service of the noble house and I was executed like an escaped slave. In fact this happened with two seperate houses. One merchant and one noble.

Therefore if a pc would get executed for quitting or being fired by a house they are as good as a slave. The difference was in the title I guess.
The only way this should have ever happened is if y ou were lifesworn.

I was 100% not lifesworn in either case. I was actually on my 'trail' period for one, I guess the trial was to decide whether I will continue to work for the house or get executed rather than fired.

Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 07:54:37 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 19, 2013, 05:12:26 PM
Quote from: Flincher on October 19, 2013, 02:52:12 PM
Slaves already seem to exist. I was in a noble house as an 'aide' for a while. I had to do everything I was told like a slave, I was punished like a slave, I was treated by a slave then after about 13 days of playtime I wanted to leave the service of the noble house and I was executed like an escaped slave. In fact this happened with two seperate houses. One merchant and one noble.

Therefore if a pc would get executed for quitting or being fired by a house they are as good as a slave. The difference was in the title I guess.
The only way this should have ever happened is if y ou were lifesworn.

I was 100% not lifesworn in either case. I was actually on my 'trail' period for one, I guess the trial was to decide whether I will continue to work for the house or get executed rather than fired.

Working for any entity except for the Byn (Noble, GMH, Legions, AoD) is a very serious undertaking. This ain't McDonald's where you're hired for minimum wage. On Zalanthas associating with those entities is a matter of life and death. Ten years back you almost HAD to, nowadays you don't at all, and if you want to be codedly rich? Don't.

It is in some (modern day) way a form of voluntary slavery.  Piss them off and prove yourself unworthy within that first year, piss off someone who's in good with them even, and you won't be turning in that cloak mister, they'll be taking it off your dead corpse.

Zoltan is right, you work your way to lifesworn, that's most definitely a voluntary commitment. Not taken lightly, it's your one chance to get the fuck out of dodge.

Now slavery... you're born into it, trained into it, bred to eat, shit, sleep, fuck it and like it. To be proud of what you are, to WANT to serve, to want nothing more than to be a shiny example of your master's finest stock. It's not at all like the slavery we survived modern day but it -is- dependent on how good you do and how good you're treated. There's only so much abuse a sentient being can take. If your masters suck, you're going to wanna bolt eventually. Or if you're broken like those abominations muls who psychologically can end up snapping the fuck out.

I like that you can't play a mul now unless you're escaped and hence hunted from the get, gets that adrenaline pumping.

Bottom line is the role of slave (which I am a huge advocate to keep as a playable, karma earned possibility) failed in the past to the point it became an annoyance. Staff seems unwilling to take the chance at having that as an option on a global scale and that makes a few of us sad in our feelings place.

I'd settle for an official position above the 'Sure we do, occasionally'.  A 'stop your whining we ain't gonna do it', a 'alright already, we give!' or a 'STFU we'll THINK about it' would be lovely.
I'm taking an indeterminate break from Armageddon for the foreseeable future and thereby am not available for mudsex.
In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.

I don't see my perspective touched on anywhere, so here it is.  If I had my way...

The availability of slave roles would be entirely or mostly (if staff had a real need) player driven.  If you are a Kuraci/Legions/Byn Sarge or other leader, and feel up to it, you would suggest to your staff that you want to purchase a slave for the organization.  Or if you are a templar/noble/GMH family and were willing to, buy a slave to be your aide.  Coordinate with your local despot's slaving house for the actual purchase, resulting in role call on the boards from the clan imms.  It sounds like a nice plot to get the actual slave, as well as the rp from the dynamic after the purchase.

I think the staff's answer to this currently and in recent years would be that slave roles would be opened up when staff deems them necessary for the game.  The only change I can see that would need to be made is for staff to change their policy to: Yes if you are in a position to realistically buy a slave, you can pursue this through IC means.  At the end of that, if you succeed, depending on player demand for the role you may end up with a PC slave, NPC slave or virtual slave.
Evolution ends when stupidity is no longer fatal."

I think many problems have been attributed to the slave's master. For this reason, I think slaves should probably only be playable as House slaves, who might be overseen by a PC, but who still have a role if that PC master passes on to the great Vestric Orbital in the sky.
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


Having played a slave role years ago and, admittedly, played it horribly since I was still relatively new to the game, I can say a couple of things about being a slave:

It can be freaking awesome, if the master is awesome. It can also suck, if the master sucks or simply isn't around. So I fully agree with the 'House Slave' notion.

Secondly, I see a great deal of concern about if a slave escapes and to that I say, so what? Right now we have an organization that was flat out described as being
tasked with capturing escaped slaves: The Amber Wyverns. If someone wants to escape, let em. I figure this would mean more fun for everyone around. Joe the Slave
tried to escape? Gear up boys, we're going on a hunt. There are enormous amounts of coin floating around the game at the moment - spread it around. Put a bounty
out on said slave. Make their life hard to where death is inevitable. Maybe I'm peering through rose-tinted glasses, but I see this game becoming tighter and tighter
over the years on control over what can and cannot be done - and I understand the purpose is to keep the 'flavor' of the game safe from some idiot who's going to
try and run away from a life of silk-clad, well fed comfort to try and become a sorcerer or something. This is a game however and people don't -want- silk clad comfort
99% of the time. They also don't want to be locked into a room and let out for an hour of play twice a week when they can meet up with their 'Master'. Maybe the T'zai
Byn needs more to do then gathering raw materials, since we obviously don't have room or resources for a war every week. Slave hunters to the task.

Quote from: Fragmented on October 20, 2013, 11:27:42 AM
Having played a slave role years ago and, admittedly, played it horribly since I was still relatively new to the game, I can say a couple of things about being a slave:

It can be freaking awesome, if the master is awesome. It can also suck, if the master sucks or simply isn't around. So I fully agree with the 'House Slave' notion.

Secondly, I see a great deal of concern about if a slave escapes and to that I say, so what? Right now we have an organization that was flat out described as being
tasked with capturing escaped slaves: The Amber Wyverns. If someone wants to escape, let em. I figure this would mean more fun for everyone around. Joe the Slave
tried to escape? Gear up boys, we're going on a hunt. There are enormous amounts of coin floating around the game at the moment - spread it around. Put a bounty
out on said slave. Make their life hard to where death is inevitable. Maybe I'm peering through rose-tinted glasses, but I see this game becoming tighter and tighter
over the years on control over what can and cannot be done - and I understand the purpose is to keep the 'flavor' of the game safe from some idiot who's going to
try and run away from a life of silk-clad, well fed comfort to try and become a sorcerer or something. This is a game however and people don't -want- silk clad comfort
99% of the time. They also don't want to be locked into a room and let out for an hour of play twice a week when they can meet up with their 'Master'. Maybe the T'zai
Byn needs more to do then gathering raw materials, since we obviously don't have room or resources for a war every week. Slave hunters to the task.

The problem with escaped slaves is that it is far easier to escape OOCly than it would be ICly. Remember: there are no coded manacles, the slave master probably won't have access to the accusation code (and may need the slave present to use it), differing playtimes between hunter and hunted can make capture nearly impossible, and the ease of moving to a place outside the Wyvern jurisdiction is ridiculous compared to real world slavery situations. Slaves during the civil war had to establish a massive network to ferry each other to the north. In Zalanthas you just have to go on an afternoon stroll.

Because there's no code in place to put realistic restraints on slaves, it would have to be up to the PC to roleplay them which is why I think people are suggesting slave roles where a PC wouldn't reasonably try to escape. It gets around the code issues.

Also, while the Amber Wyverns could be tasked with capturing a slave, their main function is capturing exotic beasts for use in the Arena and elsewhere.

Just to dispel the notion that this is the Amber Wyverns primary function. Beast master would be a closer title than True Slaver.
Senior Storyteller
ArmageddonMUD Staff

That's only because PC slavery is on hold if I remember right. Or was that the Crimson Wyverns?
Wynning since October 25, 2008.

Quote from: Ami on November 23, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
>craft newbie into good player

You accidentally snap newbie into useless pieces.


I tend to view it that Borsail has other (virtual) crews that go around raiding and pressing people into slavery, but the specific Amber Wyverns that PCs play focus on the beast-capture aspects.
subdue thread
release thread pit

Quote from: Jherlen on October 20, 2013, 03:22:40 PM
I tend to view it that Borsail has other (virtual) crews that go around raiding and pressing people into slavery, but the specific Amber Wyverns that PCs play focus on the beast-capture aspects.

I think they do have different crews within the House.
i love being a nobles health points

Quote from: Desertman on October 18, 2013, 04:09:23 PM
Don't want to be killed in Armageddon? Don't put yourself in "get killed" situations.

Yeah, don't leave the gates.

Quote from: Desertman on October 18, 2013, 04:09:23 PM
Don't want to get slaved in Armageddon. Don't put yourself in "get slaved" situations.

Yeah, don't stay in the cities.

Or is it the other way around?
"I have seen him show most of the attributes one expects of a noble: courtesy, kindness, and honor.  I would also say he is one of the most bloodthirsty bastards I have ever met."

Quote from: Eurynomos on October 20, 2013, 03:08:11 PM
Also, while the Amber Wyverns could be tasked with capturing a slave, their main function is capturing exotic beasts for use in the Arena and elsewhere.

Just to dispel the notion that this is the Amber Wyverns primary function. Beast master would be a closer title than True Slaver.

I do want to apologize if I came off as sounding like I thought that was the primary function of the Ambers. It says clearly in the first role call for them that
their primary function is to gather beasts for the arena. Just figured if they had a functionality available, might as well put it to use and maybe let the Winrothol
Cavaliers do the same.

October 21, 2013, 04:53:14 PM #49 Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 04:06:30 AM by Harmless
 I had a character once who was executed. If they were enslaved instead... Even if only occasionally used for interesting activity, I would have played them happily at least for a month or two, maybe longer, which is my average runtime per PC anyhow. I would have liked it a lot more as by the time they were executed, they were about 20 days played and had gone through a lot of cool plots. It would have been a great ending to their story and I would have done everything asked following consent rules.

I know it's most likely the case that ICly the captors of my PC had no interest in enslaving them. That's fine. But I would have enjoyed my execution a little more if I knew that the captors at least had an option of enslaving me. It would have made the sting of execution even more sweet. In that situation, I asked for slavery and asked to be kept alive under any circumstance, but it was denied. I felt a little bored at thinking that the decision to execute was forced by an OOC policy that goes against the setting.

I would like to see the policy of forced storage when enslaved totally revoked. If you're unhappy with your slavery, then request storage.

I didn't app for the slave role because I don't understand the mindset of a born slave. If I am going to RP a slave, I want to get into the groove of the role manually. I want to know from experience what my character was like before being enslaved, then uncover the differences by trial and error. I barely understand how to roleplay a free person in Zalanthas, so diving into the slave role is as intimidating as diving into a noble role. This is why I don't app for either noble or slave roles.

You'll see more apps for slave roles if you give more people the chance to get into the groove from scratch. Maybe you should implement enslavement but allow a pressure valve, an easy escape route in case the victim change their mind. "Soft" slavery might mean the slavers are incompetent, don't really keep track of their slaves well and have a high escape rate. Then, later, the active slaving clans can be more hardcore, with more definitive consequences for escapes. Start out the community with easy slave roles, then as we get better we'll feel up to the task of working under the most dire of slavers in Allanak's noble houses.

In seeing that only prior slave RPers apped for your role call might serve as evidence that your pbase needs a leg up in this role.

Just my two cents. Disclaimer: i know my language above is a bit confrontational and commanding, please don't read it as such. I have a headache at the moment, have only a few minutes to post, and don't have the time to clean it up. I love this game and this setting and have no strong issues with it as is, but this would be something I would love to see happen. Whatever everyone decides I will keep playing and supporting it.

I can also think of lots of ways to be the change that don't require staff changes. Desertman made excellent suggestions in the RAT thread that gave me ideas for things to do. Currently I can say with confidence that if I am able to achieve some of them in game I would do so without hesitation,
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