Awesome Stats?

Started by Intrepid, October 26, 2011, 03:43:43 PM

More than 100 pc's, my two best stat rolls over were.

Exeptional across the board.
Extremely good across the board.

My most entertaining pc's had shit stats though, funny how that works out.
A staff member sends you:
"Normally we don't see a <redacted> walk into a room full of <redacted> and start indiscriminately killing."

You send to staff:
"Welcome to Armageddon."

I don't have any complains regarding my warrior who had exceptional strength, exceptional agility and poor wisdom  8)

November 09, 2011, 08:49:04 AM #52 Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 08:57:30 AM by Morgenes
Quote from: Celest on November 08, 2011, 05:22:18 PM
I don't mind getting low stats. I'll play a PC with low stats, in spite of them. What bugs me is prioritizing one stat first, above all else, and having that be my lowest stat - and remarkably so. Why do you tease me, not-so-random generator? Why? Alternatively, I don't think I've ever had a low agility PC, despite making very tall and very heavy, and older/younger PCs.

If this is happening, please mail me specifically which pc and account this happened to and I will investigate.

Edited to add:

I looked up your account and verified your claim on your latest pc.  The issue is, as has been stated before, the age you chose to start your character.  Being sub-adult can be a major factor in starting attributes, specifically around agility and strength.  The truth of the matter is if the character lives long enough, you will see a shift that will bring your character more in line with your original priority.

Armageddon Staff

Morgs is the man.

Quote from: LauraMars
Quote from: brytta.leofaLaura, did weird tribal men follow you around at age 15?
If by weird tribal men you mean Christians then yes.

Quote from: Malifaxis
She was teabagging me.

My own mother.

Quote from: Morgenes on November 09, 2011, 08:49:04 AM
Quote from: Celest on November 08, 2011, 05:22:18 PM
I don't mind getting low stats. I'll play a PC with low stats, in spite of them. What bugs me is prioritizing one stat first, above all else, and having that be my lowest stat - and remarkably so. Why do you tease me, not-so-random generator? Why? Alternatively, I don't think I've ever had a low agility PC, despite making very tall and very heavy, and older/younger PCs.

If this is happening, please mail me specifically which pc and account this happened to and I will investigate.

Edited to add:

I looked up your account and verified your claim on your latest pc.  The issue is, as has been stated before, the age you chose to start your character.  Being sub-adult can be a major factor in starting attributes, specifically around agility and strength.  The truth of the matter is if the character lives long enough, you will see a shift that will bring your character more in line with your original priority.

I figured that might be the case, thanks Morg :)

My character's stats aren't in sync with prioritization and he's past the young stage :<
They're also abysmal but that's beside the point.

November 09, 2011, 08:07:50 PM #56 Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 08:54:18 PM by Morgenes
Quote from: MeTekillot on November 09, 2011, 04:54:27 PM
My character's stats aren't in sync with prioritization and he's past the young stage :<
They're also abysmal but that's beside the point.

If you're curious as to why, mail me your account and character name and I'll investigate.  Most likely it's due to starting age or guild choice and higher prioritizing stats that aren't benefited by those choices.  Otherwise it may have been a close roll that just happened to diverge enough to give a difference after modifiers.


Found you MeTekillot (I think).  If I am right, your current character did the exact same thing.  You chose an ordering that was heavily affected by the young age you started the character at.  It has already aged multiple years and is increasing.  

Armageddon Staff

Is this confirmation that guild affects stats?


MeTekillot's char is just horriblly unlucky I think.
MeTekillot's char says, in sirihish:
     "I don't know, sarge... I'm not very tough, fast, strong or smart... but I'm really dedicated!"

Quote from: Jeshin on November 09, 2011, 09:18:06 PM
Is this confirmation that guild affects stats?

You can take from that what you will.

Armageddon Staff

I've never rolled better than exceptional..but I've also only had a few PC's since stat priority came in.

Granted, I don't look past strength/agility on a stat roll..

Masha and Kija had stout stats. Come to think of it, my luck seems to be +1 when rolling an elf.

Anonymous:  I don't get why magickers are so amazingly powerful in Arm.

Anonymous:  I mean... the concept of making one class completely dominating, and able to crush any other class after 5 days of power-playing, seems ridiculous to me.

Quote from: Saellyn on November 09, 2011, 09:46:13 PM

MeTekillot's char is just horriblly unlucky I think.
MeTekillot's char says, in sirihish:
     "I don't know, sarge... I'm not very tough, fast, strong or smart... but I'm really dedicated!"

When I get my ass whomped by a 5-day warrior who has better strength than me:
I'll just practice and get better!!!

When I fight a dwarf and get my ass whomped because he can dodge all my attacks and I can't dodge his:
Eh he's a dwarf I'll just use a shield!!!

When I fight an elf and I break down because my endurance is worse than theirs:
I'll just use a bigger sword!

When a newbie has half my playtime but twice my skills because his wisdom is better than mine:
fuck this game seriously i hate everybody

"Your race, starting age and guild will affect your starting attribute levels."
I love helpfiles.

With attention to detail you can learn what affects what exactly.
The stats you end up with aren't quite random.
Backstab is actually the only dialog option an assassin has.

Let's say hypothetically I rerolled a new character. Not that I've done that.
Let's say they're an adult too. Let's say their health, movement and stun as shown were okay.
But the stats weren't all that great.

Once again, we're speaking completely hypothetically about this.

So you're still with me lets assume I reroll these less than great stats and get even worse stats.
But the health stamina stun numbers, as listed, actually improved even though the worded stats are inferior to the previously worded stats.

What exactly went on here?
Hypothetically. Because I definitely had no reason to reroll a new character.

Health, stamina, and stun have separate random factor rolls built in, and therefore are only mostly based on the underlying endurance stat.

E.g. if the difference between "above average" and "good" is an average of 5 health/8 stamina/5 stun, but the random factor has a mean and standard deviation of 3/5/3, it is entirely plausible that you could go from "above average" to "good" endurance, yet lose maximum health/stamina/stun.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Is it better to have the better WORDED stats or the better NUMBERED feedback?

We're still talking in the realm of fantasy here.

Quote from: Karieith on November 19, 2011, 10:47:49 AM
Is it better to have the better WORDED stats or the better NUMBERED feedback?

We're still talking in the realm of fantasy here.

If Armageddon works like D&D, I'm sure there are saves vs. magick and poison, and things like health/stamina/stun regen that are based on the number that the worded stat is based on, not the health/stamina/stun roll.

So, it depends.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

Putting it in terms of D&D helps.

So I rolled a 3 on my d8 for my health even though my con is 14.
When I reroll my stats I have a con of 10 now, but I rolled an 8 on my d8.

The con of 14 is still better.

So the dice just hated me.

Thanks for the clarification.

Quote from: MeTekillot on November 10, 2011, 08:10:38 PM
Quote from: Saellyn on November 09, 2011, 09:46:13 PM

MeTekillot's char is just horriblly unlucky I think.
MeTekillot's char says, in sirihish:
     "I don't know, sarge... I'm not very tough, fast, strong or smart... but I'm really dedicated!"

When I get my ass whomped by a 5-day warrior who has better strength than me:
I'll just practice and get better!!!

When I fight a dwarf and get my ass whomped because he can dodge all my attacks and I can't dodge his:
Eh he's a dwarf I'll just use a shield!!!

When I fight an elf and I break down because my endurance is worse than theirs:
I'll just use a bigger sword!

When a newbie has half my playtime but twice my skills because his wisdom is better than mine:
fuck this game seriously i hate everybody

ah I love it.. so so true....

Quote from: Morgenes on November 09, 2011, 08:07:50 PM
Quote from: MeTekillot on November 09, 2011, 04:54:27 PM
My character's stats aren't in sync with prioritization and he's past the young stage :<
They're also abysmal but that's beside the point.

If you're curious as to why, mail me your account and character name and I'll investigate.  Most likely it's due to starting age or guild choice and higher prioritizing stats that aren't benefited by those choices.  Otherwise it may have been a close roll that just happened to diverge enough to give a difference after modifiers.


Found you MeTekillot (I think).  If I am right, your current character did the exact same thing.  You chose an ordering that was heavily affected by the young age you started the character at.  It has already aged multiple years and is increasing.  

still can't effectively beat scrab in a fight though

If you can't beat them, join them.
A dark-shelled scrab pinches at you, but you dodge out of the way.
A dark-shelled scrab brandishes its bone-handled, obsidian scimitar.
A dark-shelled scrab holds its bloodied wicked-edged, bone scimitar.

A dark-shelled scrab pinches your head, doing grievious damage.

i'm on my way

Isn't it "inflicting a grievous wound"?

Addendum:  That scrab rolled exceptional strength, absolutely incredible agility, very good wisdom and absolutely incredible endurance.
Quote from: Adhira on January 01, 2014, 07:15:46 PM
I could give a shit about wholesome.

Quote from: evilcabbage on December 09, 2011, 05:33:41 PM
Isn't it "inflicting a grievous wound"?

Addendum:  That scrab rolled exceptional strength, absolutely incredible agility, very good wisdom and absolutely incredible endurance.

Even my 50-day maxed-out warrior with extremely good agility would occasionally get slammed by a scrab headshot...usually when I was out trying to show some noob how badass I was.  I swear noobs have a -10 defense modifier for a 1-room radius.
Quote from: WarriorPoet
I play this game to pretend to chop muthafuckaz up with bone swords.
Quote from: SmuzI come to the GDB to roleplay being deep and wise.
Quote from: VanthSynthesis, you scare me a little bit.

It's not just in combat. I can't count how many times I have repeatedly failed skill checks of all kinds despite the skills being max'd, while trying to show a newbie "how to do it".
Quote from: Marauder Moe
Oh my god he's still rocking the sandwich.