
Started by Intrepid237, May 12, 2011, 07:45:33 PM

Quote from: Sokotra on June 18, 2011, 08:35:02 PM
Quote from: Anaiah on June 18, 2011, 02:35:35 PM
With all due respect, Sokotra, the consent rules are what they are for a reason. If it was intended for people to need to get consent for things like word choices ahead of time, that would be listed among them.

There are many games where you are not allowed to do anything higher than PG rated. I quit one I really enjoyed because of that.

I wasn't really saying that it had to be strictly PG rated, although some might prefer that, and it would be nice if folks used their imagination and used Zalanthan curse words that would be much easier on those players.  I was just saying there are many cases where that stuff can be toned down a bit, because it seems to be crossing the line on the consent rules a little - although the consent rules don't seem to be really clear on profanity and stuff, as far as I know.  You are describing with words by using emotes just the same as you are describing with words with the "say" command.  Using a bunch of profanity and saying what you are going to do to someone seems to be getting pretty close to doing the same with the "emote" command.  PG-13 would probably be a happy middle ground, rather than rated R... which seems to be the case much of the time.

I haven't had much trouble with that stuff myself, and I've tolerated what I have seen with no complaints or anything... I'm just thinking of everyone else as well - and those that don't frequent the GDB. 

Sorry for the derail, just kinda had a question about that... I'm done.  ;)

All those poor silent souls offended by dirty dick on dick action. It's almost hard to bear.

I'm interested in hearing what all those fucks are given for.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

Quote from: Delirium on August 04, 2014, 10:11:38 AM
fuck authority smoke weed erryday

oh and here's a free videogame.

Quote from: lordcooper on June 19, 2011, 05:36:02 PM
I'm interested in hearing what all those fucks are given for.

Find out IC
Talia said: Notice to all: Do not mess with Lizzie's GDB. She will cut you.
Delirium said: Notice to all: do not mess with Lizzie's soap. She will cut you.

June 19, 2011, 05:59:22 PM #128 Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 06:11:52 PM by Sokotra
Quote from: Yam on June 19, 2011, 03:28:16 PM
Quote from: Sokotra on June 18, 2011, 08:35:02 PM
Quote from: Anaiah on June 18, 2011, 02:35:35 PM
With all due respect, Sokotra, the consent rules are what they are for a reason. If it was intended for people to need to get consent for things like word choices ahead of time, that would be listed among them.

There are many games where you are not allowed to do anything higher than PG rated. I quit one I really enjoyed because of that.

I wasn't really saying that it had to be strictly PG rated, although some might prefer that, and it would be nice if folks used their imagination and used Zalanthan curse words that would be much easier on those players.  I was just saying there are many cases where that stuff can be toned down a bit, because it seems to be crossing the line on the consent rules a little - although the consent rules don't seem to be really clear on profanity and stuff, as far as I know.  You are describing with words by using emotes just the same as you are describing with words with the "say" command.  Using a bunch of profanity and saying what you are going to do to someone seems to be getting pretty close to doing the same with the "emote" command.  PG-13 would probably be a happy middle ground, rather than rated R... which seems to be the case much of the time.

I haven't had much trouble with that stuff myself, and I've tolerated what I have seen with no complaints or anything... I'm just thinking of everyone else as well - and those that don't frequent the GDB.  

Sorry for the derail, just kinda had a question about that... I'm done.  ;)

All those poor silent souls offended by dirty dick on dick action. It's almost hard to bear.

I'll call your troll, and raise you a dwarf.  I wasn't talking about any particular act, I was talking about all of it - which I specifically stated.  I don't care what it is.

Quote from: Sokotra
I really don't want to jump in on this so please don't jump down my throat, but I know there's a lot of people that just don't want to see the profane and sexual stuff, period - no matter what kind it is.  Honestly, I think this might scare away a lot of players and it would be nice if we could tone it down just a tad or maybe how it used to be - which was more subtle, implied and understood without going into much detail.

If the consensus is that it is okay to sit there and drop f-bombs and say they are going to f--- some 14 yr old girl or boy playing a character in this game, then I guess that is that.  It's your game.  I just felt that sort of thing should have to be consented.  I guess I'll just have to choose not to do so, myself.  Everyone else should be considered and respected, even if they are 18 and they don't want to hear or be subject to it when there are plenty of better, more imaginative Zalanthan alternatives to any of that stuff.  That would be less jarring and fit the game world much better.

Just my opinion... it's pretty easy to just take it or leave it without starting the insults.

im sort of baffled this whole thread lasted 6 pages.
Czar of City Elves.

Quote from: Dakota on June 19, 2011, 06:17:35 PM
im sort of baffled this whole thread lasted 6 pages.

But wait - go check out "Pooping!"
Varak:You tell the mangy, pointy-eared gortok, in sirihish: "What, girl? You say the sorceror-king has fallen down the well?"
Ghardoan:A pitiful voice rises from the well below, "I've fallen and I can't get up..."

Quote from: Sokotra on June 19, 2011, 05:59:22 PM
Quote from: Yam on June 19, 2011, 03:28:16 PM
Quote from: Sokotra on June 18, 2011, 08:35:02 PM
Quote from: Anaiah on June 18, 2011, 02:35:35 PM
With all due respect, Sokotra, the consent rules are what they are for a reason. If it was intended for people to need to get consent for things like word choices ahead of time, that would be listed among them.

There are many games where you are not allowed to do anything higher than PG rated. I quit one I really enjoyed because of that.

I wasn't really saying that it had to be strictly PG rated, although some might prefer that, and it would be nice if folks used their imagination and used Zalanthan curse words that would be much easier on those players.  I was just saying there are many cases where that stuff can be toned down a bit, because it seems to be crossing the line on the consent rules a little - although the consent rules don't seem to be really clear on profanity and stuff, as far as I know.  You are describing with words by using emotes just the same as you are describing with words with the "say" command.  Using a bunch of profanity and saying what you are going to do to someone seems to be getting pretty close to doing the same with the "emote" command.  PG-13 would probably be a happy middle ground, rather than rated R... which seems to be the case much of the time.

I haven't had much trouble with that stuff myself, and I've tolerated what I have seen with no complaints or anything... I'm just thinking of everyone else as well - and those that don't frequent the GDB.  

Sorry for the derail, just kinda had a question about that... I'm done.  ;)

All those poor silent souls offended by dirty dick on dick action. It's almost hard to bear.

I'll call your troll, and raise you a dwarf.  I wasn't talking about any particular act, I was talking about all of it - which I specifically stated.  I don't care what it is.

Quote from: Sokotra
I really don't want to jump in on this so please don't jump down my throat, but I know there's a lot of people that just don't want to see the profane and sexual stuff, period - no matter what kind it is.  Honestly, I think this might scare away a lot of players and it would be nice if we could tone it down just a tad or maybe how it used to be - which was more subtle, implied and understood without going into much detail.

If the consensus is that it is okay to sit there and drop f-bombs and say they are going to f--- some 14 yr old girl or boy playing a character in this game, then I guess that is that.  It's your game.  I just felt that sort of thing should have to be consented.  I guess I'll just have to choose not to do so, myself.  Everyone else should be considered and respected, even if they are 18 and they don't want to hear or be subject to it when there are plenty of better, more imaginative Zalanthan alternatives to any of that stuff.  That would be less jarring and fit the game world much better.

Just my opinion... it's pretty easy to just take it or leave it without starting the insults.

Quote from: Rules
Apart from the requirement that people roleplay realistically here, there are few restrictions on roleplay in Armageddon. If you choose to roleplay adult situations, that is fine. However, before instigating such an act with another player, please OOC to make sure that the roleplay is consented to. If someone is instigating roleplay that makes you (the player) uncomfortable, please OOC that they should stop. If they continue despite being told to stop, please wish up. This rule is not meant to be abused in order to allow characters to escape death/torture/etc., but is intended for adult situations, such as torture or rape, which some players and staff may not wish to witness. If you act out a graphic sequence without first obtaining the other player's consent, and the player then complains within a reasonable amount of time (so that the runlogs can be checked and the complaint verified), you will be permanently banned.

Specifically in the case of roleplaying through a rape, the instigator takes on added responsibility. In this case, the instigator absolutely must OOCly ask for and must obtain explicit consent from the victim's player prior to involving their character in any emote specifically indicative of the act of rape, no matter how non-graphical you believe it to be.

Anyway, if this isn't just about homosexual situations why did you bring it up in the thread titled "Homosexuality"?

We all know that you're a Christian and have a set of beliefs that do not coincide with the theme of the game. That's cool. However it's transparent as fuck when you keep bitching about the same dead ass horse and then trying to play the "oh but other people care too they just aren't saying anything also this totally isn't about homosexuality or my religious beliefs" card when you're called on it.

June 19, 2011, 07:04:35 PM #132 Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 07:07:17 PM by Sokotra
Because it is true.  Which is also why I specifically stated that I was talking about all of it, which I honestly was, and not about anything in particular.  Sorry if I invaded the Homosexuality thread.. it was related.  I'm afraid you've gotten the wrong idea.

Of course. The words you type don't actually convey your true opinions and we're just getting the wrong idea. My bad dude.

June 19, 2011, 07:07:36 PM #134 Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 07:13:36 PM by Sokotra
This is what was said, directly before my first post in this thread on page 4.  The words I typed are what I meant, I'm guessing you just took them the wrong way.  If I have different views than you, don't know what to tell ya.

Some people playing don't want to see mudsex in general no matter what is kanking what. But we have consent rules for that if it's in a public place, and if it's somewhere private and you stumble in, it's easy enough to stumble right back out again.

Someone else said that right before I posted.  Which is why I brought up the issue about profanity and R-rated stuff in the game.  I seriously wasn't trying to point out just homosexuality.

Quote from: Sokotra
I really don't want to jump in on this so please don't jump down my throat, but I know there's a lot of people that just don't want to see the profane and sexual stuff, period - no matter what kind it is.

Is that not okay?

Quote from: Sokotra
I really don't want to jump in on this so please don't jump down my throat, but I know there's a lot of people that just don't want to see the profane and sexual stuff, period - no matter what kind it is.

Is that not okay?

Why are you playing this game then? Also who are these mysterious silent people and how did they not know what they were in for? And which heartless bastard is forcing them to play this profane game?

Lol, wow... you really going to turn it into that?  It's obvious I didn't say anyone was forcing anyone to play anything.   Just as I'm not forcing any of my opinions into rules for you to follow.  I'm pretty sure everyone is allowed to speak their opinions here.  I've tried to do so as respectfully as possible.  Let's not spam the thread now.

And I'm not forcing anything on you. I would have to ask consent to do that.

Please lock this thread before it derails further.