Numbers are down, what can we do about it?

Started by Gimfalisette, January 26, 2007, 01:37:51 PM

Quote from: "T.S. Eliot"This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

I know that I'm not the only player to notice this, but player population numbers are very significantly down from the pre-Reborn announcement. For example, the 4-week average of unique account logins prior to the announcement was 324; our current 4-week average is 241. The 4-week average number of character applications was 107; currently it is 57. That's a 26% average reduction in unique logins and a 47% average reduction in applications. I've also noted generally, from what I can see, that we are down about 10 to 20 players on at peak; where we used to run in the high 50s to mid 60s players logged in, now we run in the mid 40s.

I had been hoping that the dip was only temporary, due to the holidays, but honestly it doesn't look like that. Most universities are now back in session, most workers are back at their normal job schedules, and yet we have nothing like the kind of numbers we had at the end of September, an equivalent sort of season.

In my experience, it's getting harder and harder to find other people in game for interactions like buying, selling, organizing, hiring, and just hanging out. So getting things done is becoming more difficult. And thus in many ways, the game is becoming more...boring, at least on a daily level.

Of the characters I saw a few months ago who seemed to have a thing going, who had a place in society and were fulfilling a need, many seem to have *poofed* and then not be replaced by similar characters. Many leader-type spots seem vacant (due to characters dying/retiring, or just due to the players not playing, I don't know) and do not appear to be being filled, or be planned for filling.

Note that I am not -complaining-, I am observing. The above is the data that precedes my questions.

And my questions are these:

-- What can we, the players, do about the situation? What can we do, especially, to get our friends back to the game? Or if you're not playing, what would get YOU back in the game?

-- What can the imms do to retain or lure back the playerbase during this transition period? (Players and imms both may have ideas about this, I dunno.)

I know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see 1.ARM end in a whimper because we just don't have the players to make a big bang. And selfishly, I don't want to be bored the next few months if players continue to trickle away. (Sorry, I just ain't a solo-RPer.)

So, ideas? Or your own commitment to keeping this version of the game lively til it closes?
Quote from: Vanth on February 13, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
I'm gonna go all Gimfalisette on you guys and lay down some numbers.

Yep, numbers are definitely down by a very noticable amount. It's not surprising that a fair amount of people have quit since the announcement, I think most of us felt less motivation to continue playing. I think most will return with the new version, though, and whether or not they stay will depend entirely on how they like Armageddon 2.

What can we do about it? Well, along with the shrinking playerbase, I've also perceived a decrease in activity among the remaining PCs. Many seem to simply not do anything much and I suppose some are just waiting out the time until the new version is ready. I'm not innocent here either, I've definitely had trouble motivating myself to do anything that involves other players. I suppose the best thing to do is to play like we used to, and do our best to at least continue to make things happen.

One thing that bothers me is that in addition to the lower numbers, people seem to be spreading out as well. My impression (which could easily be wrong) is that the staff has been more lenient with special applications lately, allowing more players to play roles they've wanted to so that they can get a chance before the game ends. This means a lot of magickers, halflings, desert-elves and other restricted roles that further dilute the playerbase. I can see the problem in that, but I can also understand why the staff are willing to let more people try out roles that they would have otherwise had to wait longer for, since it's basically now or never.
b]YB <3[/b]

I think the best thing to do is gear up an advertising campaign directed to get people into Armageddon BEFORE the End (now), so that they understand enough about the game to enjoy it when things go crazy, and hopefully will want to stick around for Arm 2.

I understand Allanak has a big ongoing RPT-style event, maybe this could be used as a lure to get new players involved. Similar things could be set up in Tuluk, Luir's, etc... the most important thing is for our active players to try and stay busy making big things happen that will affect a lot and leave opportunities for new players to jump in. This could be military campaigns, or festivals, or contests, or whatever.

Longtime players who are taking a break should be encouraged to come back. 5 months is still a hell of a long time when you consider the average PC lifespan is considerably less.

We could also post threads on TMS, TMC, and RPImud advertising the game and cool IG events going on. And make people start voting more again.
subdue thread
release thread pit

I died a while back and I'm seriously not making a new character until Arm.2 comes out.. I'm sure others are like that, once the new game is up and running, I'm definitely going to come back..

It doesn't matter to me if you tell me that I'll miss great things, because seriously, I might create a new character a week or so before the end, or when the real big things start happening, just to see how it ends, but the in-between I'm not really interested in it and I find that I learn more about it by reading the forums and Halaster's posts than by playing the game...

I'm not angry at anyone or anything, I just don't have the drive to create a new character now that it's all ending, but I look forward to playing Arm.2 like crazy :) In the meantime, I'm playing video games and trying out other RPI muds..

Also now you must start saying that there's 4 months left to the game, since they are planning the end of Arm.1 for June 1st 2007, so that's 4 months, not 5 :) Time is ticking away...
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

I have noticed the trend.  I think many of the reasons stated are quite valid.  I have also seen a reduction in the number of first time applications.  I think there are a couple of reasons for that happening.  For one, our voting numbers are down.  If it because people are disenchanted or whatever, I will tell you, keeping name recognition out there is important to gather new people to try the game.

The other thing I find troubling, and quite self defeating, is the comments about the game 'closing'.  For one the game is not closing, it's changing, adapting. Second, this ingrains the additive of 'why even try'.  It is not helping any.

On a positive note, I think people will find 'stuff' going down, and even with all the negative talk, people will be there to see the end... and the beginning.  For now be patient, in time the numbers will rebound.

Oh.. and vote.
This post is a natural hand-made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and are in no way to be considered flaws or defects.

It's a bummer, but that's the price of shaking things up.

Hopefully the end-game won't be a single or handful of ape-shit disasters or events, but a long[/l] procession of H/RPT's with things taking a gradual turn towards chaos and change. With exciting events going down activity will increase once more.

For the moment things are in limbo, from my point of view. Alot of us are still kind of bummed and have moved Arm to the backburner. I'm trying to muster enthusiasm for a new character but it's hard, knowing he'll be jerked away in a few months, even if it's in favor of something better.

We were somewhere near the Shield Wall, on the edge of the Red Desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

Less people playing, less applications to approve, less requests too I bet. Means... more coding for arm.2. Yea! I'm not playing as much, because.. the military doesn't take kindly to playing a game called "Armageddon" at work. I don't know, but it seems my 3 special apps have been lost also. Back to the daily grind.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

I don't think I've played more than a few minutes in about... two months now.  Don't particularly intend to either, especially since I am between computers right now.  Maybe I'll like the new version maybe not, either way I've still lost my luster.

Quote from: "Belenos"Blah...
Oh.. and vote.
Quote from: Saikun
I can tell you for sure it won't be tonight. So no point in poking at it all night long. I'd suggest sleep, or failing that, take to the streets and wreak havoc.

I feel like I can't change the world, currently.   Or, the only change that I can do is to destroy the world.  There's no building or creating going on.

The projects I want to create won't be created because they require work.  And I don't think people want to work on creating things, currently.

That's the feeling I have.
New Players Guide:,33512.0.html

Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one

QuoteNumbers are down, what can we do about it?

My advice would be: Don't give up.

I'm not sure if voting would really help anything, because question is not "how to make new players interested", but "what to do to make current players interested". I might be wrong, of course.

And I agree with mansa: Creating new things is a problem, because I personally have a feeling that everything I would work on now would be destroyed soon anyway. I am not saying such feeling makes it impossible, but it sure makes it harder.

We need to work on getting our core people who have strayed away to come back if at all possible. And come back before the last week of Arm1. There is plenty you could accomplish in four/five months with some creativity and effort. Or why worry about accomplishing things? Just jump in and play and see where the game takes you.  Play some PCs who are risk takers, who live for the moment. Try and see how many cool things you can do before the end.

Also, while we may not be able to create, we can certainly destroy... why wait for the staff to nuke Tuluk or Luir's? Go for it now! Or try and make your PC the sole reason that halflings or desert elves will be extinct or something.  :twisted:

I do also thing even now we can be promoting the game and the plotlines around the sites we vote on in their forums, and try and attract both new and old players back.

Quote from: "ale six"Also, while we may not be able to create, we can certainly destroy...

Umm... I don't think that we are 'unable to create'. I just say it is a bit harder now than usually.

I've been playing tons recently, more so than usual in fact, but I'm definately feeling a strain on my creative inclinations. Every now and again I notice that interesting things ARE happening, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to the playerbase to support it and really make these things as cool as they should be.

My effort would be to remind those players that have been discouraged and that aren't playing that their presence is sorely missed and that they could be contributing too and enjoying some cool end of world plots if they join back in.

I also think that unless some people do come back that the playerbase will continue to decline as it's getting harder and harder to play without those 'key' people around. The key people being those that OP mentioned, the various roles that you need to make things tick over.

And Malken, get your ass in gear and get back on Arm.  :wink:

I sorely wish there was a way to draw the players back in that chose to step back when Arm2 was announced. I'm glad that it sounds like most of them intend to start back up again once the new game rolls out, but I really think quitting now is pretty defeatist. Five months is a long time to have a lot of fun with this old girl before she gets put down.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

Actually I wasn't playing this regularly for the late few months.. but I came back to be part of the story. I don't think my current PC will ever influence the world, but thinking about the slightest possibility.. that is something worth trying :), I guess. And I will play as much as I can while this game is up and running... 5 months.. that is alot of time to do things if you play regularly.. most of my PC's never lasted that long and I had great time almost with all of them.. why not continue playing, if I can have the same taste and maybe more.

Come back and play! Don't leave and wait for ARM2..

Also, please vote.. we need new players all the time..
"A few warriors dare to challange me, if so one fewer."
"Train yourself to let go everything you fear to lose." Master Yoda
"A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." Lt. Worf

Many of those "key" players are the way they are because they can create things.  They can create plotlines, create structures, create a fun atmosphere, etc...  Those players are usually highly motivated, creative, and purposeful souls that find pleasure from a sense of accomplishment in completing a task, while their minions might simply find enjoyment in carrying out the individual steps.

It was like entering a race with a $20,000 prize.  Halfway through the race, someone announces that there's no more $20,000 prize and the finish line has been removed, but everyone is welcome to keep running.  Well, that's when about half of the people stop, turn around and go home.  They came to race, not to run.  And it makes all the difference in the world.

Once the race is on again, they will return.  Until that time, it's probably going to be a bit more challenging than usual.


All I can say is "Keep the faith, baby."

I know well that feeling of playing the game becoming boring and the fear that it will become more so.  And it is not because the game itself is boring. On the contrary, it is more interesting than ever.  It's just that when you play a social character you necessarily need others to interact with.   As much fun as my clan members are to RP with, I'd like to see a few more people than them now and then. ;)

It's a vicious circle.  The more times people log in and find no one to RP with, the less likely they are to log in the next night and then there are even less people on.  And on and on.

I think those of us that are still playing need to just hang in there.  Keep logging in, keep on generating and maintaining plots no matter how small they might be, keep on giving life to the world.  Maybe some of those who have been drifting away will find themselves engaged again.  Maybe some of those who quit when the announcement was made will pop in and find interesting things happening.  Ya never know.
Quote from: J S BachIf it ain't baroque, don't fix it.

Quote from: "LoD"It was like entering a race with a $20,000 prize.  Halfway through the race, someone announces that there's no more $20,000 prize and the finish line has been removed, but everyone is welcome to keep running.  Well, that's when about half of the people stop, turn around and go home.  

...and some of that other half simply crawl forward instead of running, because running does not matter anymore itself.

I love that comparsion, LoD.

Quote from: "LoD"Many of those "key" players are the way they are because they can create things.  They can create plotlines, create structures, create a fun atmosphere, etc...  Those players are usually highly motivated, creative, and purposeful souls that find pleasure from a sense of accomplishment in completing a task, while their minions might simply find enjoyment in carrying out the individual steps.

It was like entering a race with a $20,000 prize.  Halfway through the race, someone announces that there's no more $20,000 prize and the finish line has been removed, but everyone is welcome to keep running.

I think my point was that there is still PLENTY you can create in terms of plotlines and fun atmosphere. You may not be able to get an imm to spend some time building your magickal fantastic doom fortress or your Amos' Shop O' Amazing Wonders anymore, but beyond that, what makes you think the prize has been taken away?

The prize is the fun of roleplaying and the fun of having an impact. The fun of making history or having your name immortalized in history even if you know history is about to end.

I personally still have about 5 concepts I really wanted to play. My regret is that I won't have time for all of them. But I'd rather get a chance to play one or two out of five than none.

All you people who have left, ask yourself this: Is there honestly NOTHING else you wanted to do or you see possible for yourself to achieve in the current version of Arm? If so, okay, we'll see you in four or five months. If not, come back!!


One might say the prize now is large then it ever has been. For me the idea of something I do echoing through (or helping to cause, play a signficant part in or otherwise aiding) the eternally remembered cataclysm doubles the 20k. :)

Perhaps that because I play terrible people who rejoice in destruction, mayhem and disaster.

But I've been playing *more* with hopes that my characters get to help topple allanak and piss all over it's smoldering remains.

If you gaze for long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Quote from: "ale six"The prize is the fun of roleplaying and the fun of having an impact. The fun of making history or having your name immortalized in history even if you know history is about to end.


Me, I don't get this "it's like there's no $20,000 prize any more" thing. Or maybe it's too close to the "I have to be the biggest and highest circle so I'll pay real life money for a character in this game and do nothing but work skills so I can WIN at the end because there's no other point in playing" attitude that was the main reason I left the OTHER MUD I used to play.

The horses don't care about the prize at the end. They race because they love to run. For them it's not about the jockey, or the owner, or the roses in a horseshoe around their neck. It's about the thrill of the run itself. The surge out the gate. Rounding that first curve. Pounding down the backstretch. Call me a horse. I play for the thrill of the run itself, not any end reward. And we've still got MONTHS left of runs.

Don't think about the world ending... boy is that bad RP!!!! (note tongue firmly in cheek) Your characters don't know that! Get them out there! You think you can't make an impression on the WORLD any more... but you know what? Your characters can still make an impression on the people IN it... and the other people who play it. Leave a mark. Come back and play.

I was going to post, but then Kiri and Ale Six said everything for me.

As much as I think it's beautiful that you all think you may have a chance to leave your mark in the game, I also think that it's also highly unrealistic..

Unless you already have an established character or that the admins are allowing some leeway in plots development timewise, it is highly unlikely that your character will be able to exterminate an entire civilization of desert elves, kill all the halflings around, blow up Tuluk or what not...

You might be part of an already planned RPT but I seriously doubt that you will be remembered afterward for it, but at least you might be able to tell others that you were part of it..

None of that is going to pull us back into the game, it's just what keeps you playing, that you think you might leave more than a scratch in the world.

What might pull me back in the game is telling me, even vaguely, what is going on right now or what sort of roles I could make that would allow me to play in the thick of things right from the start.. It is too late for me to start a nobody hunter and hope that I picked the right region or the right profession that will quickly place me in the center of action... Perhaps another of Halaster's post that could tell us of what is happening or might happen, even if really vague, might help me drive me back in the game :)

But if you want me to play another hunter who dreams of making enough to own his own little place and have a family, that's a bit too late... For me, at least :) That's my opinion, I'm not saying it's what everyone thinks, I'm just saying that's how I see it right now :)

Oh, and the fact that Beux told me to get my ass back in the game also tends to work.. *mutters meekly and goes to create another character, managing a weak "Yes, ma'am", on his way. *  :lol:
"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat;
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back."

Quote from: "Malken"What might pull me back in the game is telling me, even vaguely, what is going on right now or what sort of roles I could make that would allow me to play in the thick of things right from the start..

Well. If I was going to make a wild guess it would seem like about four clans in the south are involved in something... unless the ongoing RPT mentioned is a big tea party.

It seems like there are things going on up north too, unless all the RPTs mentioned up there are tree-hugging fests or bardic competitions.

Kurac usually has stuff going on. So does the Guild.

Or you could make an indie hunter and just whore yourself out to nobles and templars and merchant family members and ask them for jobs. If you can find a cool one, stick with them and see what kind of crazy shit they'll stick you into.
subdue thread
release thread pit