Apts and eviction when rent isnt paid.

Started by Ayashah, February 25, 2006, 02:29:00 PM

It would be kind of neat if when someone lets the rent on their apartment run out that the next time they logged in they have been evicted to the front of the apartment building.

Right now people can log off in the apartments then wait till whenever to log back in whether or not they have paid the rent. That allows them to keep the key so they can 'wipe out' an apartment by just unlocking the door, going down to the apt manager, renting a new one, going back up and moving everything to their new pad.

By having them 'evicted' upon log in would be realistic rather than an easy way to rob the new tenants.

Also, I found out by accident, that if you have 2 tenants with one following the other, they can 'sneak' a key out of the apt area and therefore could come back to rob new tenants later. I dont know if that was known or allowed to happen to give thieves a better chance to steal. Just figured to let that bug be known.

 staff member sends:
    "The mind you are trying to reach is disconnected or no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error... trust us. We know. = message A-16"

Auto-rent apartments provide a great convenience but carry associated risks that are hard to realistically mediate.  The other side of the coin, Ayashah - if you can't login for three days and finally do to find someone else has taken possession of your pad [while you're "virtually there"], sold off the majority of your goods, what can you do?

I wish the system allowed for renting longer blocks.  I think the eviction piece would be an interesting addition // relog in the foyer -- that way the key is recovered too //.
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Yea, the eviction thing would be cool I thing. I know you can pay your rent well before the due date so there isnt the problem with accidentally losing your place if you cant be on right up to the end of the term.

I am not sure it could be coded though but thought it deserved a mention. I completely agree that the auto-rent is a VERY sweet thing. heheh Could be cool if the apt manager wouldnt let you 'rerent' the apt without paying back rent for storing your gear. *cackles*

You have entered Armageddon:

Three burly men snatch your ass and toss you to the curb, breaking a few fingers while they tear the key from your lame, non-paying hand.

You feel dazed as you sit on the curb before you meekly crawl into the apartment complex to beg a chance to make up rent.
 staff member sends:
    "The mind you are trying to reach is disconnected or no longer in service.
If you feel you have reached this recording in error... trust us. We know. = message A-16"

I would like to be able to rent an apartment for a whole month at a time.

To prevent dead people from cluttering up the apartments, have them automatically become vacent after three days if all the tenenants of record are dead.  (The three day delay is to prevent people from automagically knowing that Amos is dead because you haven't seen him today and his apartment has gone up for rent.  And to prevent Amos' new PC from getting approved and immediately re-renting his old apartment.)
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Quote from: "Ayashah"I know you can pay your rent well before the due date so there isnt the problem with accidentally losing your place if you cant be on right up to the end of the term.
Yeah you can pay in advance, but you can't rent "long" blocks of time and I think crashes and downtime affect the timeline unfavorably (but could be wrong.)
quote="CRW"]i very nearly crapped my pants today very far from my house in someone else's vehicle, what a day[/quote]

Hmm, I wonder if a bunch of people will be evicted from their apartments after our extended downtime?  Poor saps.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

I like the fact that auto-rent apartments exist. I don't use them though.
Mostly because as a player, I don't want to be paying rent or remembering to pay rent every RL week. I -want- to be able to plop down five large and be paid up for a year or two IG.

I wish there was Still a nenyuk PC or two around to deal with on Some REALLY high priced Nice 4 room extra secure places. Someplace for the very successful merchant or a templar/nobles extra special f-me or bastard. Suppose that can be still dealt with using e-mail or wishes, have not checked yet.

But definitly Longer blocks would be nice.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Extended rent would be nice. Just being able to pay as much as you want in one sitting and have it tick away at that. I know a major concern is that a super rich PC will slap down 20 large on an apartment and then die, leaving it unusable for a rl year or something... Can't we just have it open up if that PC dies? I suppose that would make it easy to go check and see if a friend of yours is dead, but doesn't that kind of make sense? Maybe after a certain amount of time after the person dies, they can lose their apartment. If someone wants to go check and see if that person's apartment is up for rent now, ICly that can be asking the apartment manager if they've seen them in a while...

Granted, I know this doesn't make perfect sense ICly, as Amos Kadius could get conscripted to go help out his cousin up north and spend five IG years up there and not lose his apartment, whereas if he died, it would be available after a couple of IG weeks or months or whatever the preset amount of time would be... But this would be a small IC-OOC flaw that I would be willing to overlook to make the apartment code a little happier.
eeling YB, you think:
    "I can't believe I just said that."

[somewhat flame]If we're to leave everything to the code, why are people arguing with me whenever I ask for something leaving the control to the code?[/somewhat flame]
If a thief does such thing (keeping a key and breaking into an apartment that way) I'm sure he's going to be punished. If a player re-rents his ex-char's apartment with many many goods inside, I don't think imms will love him for that approach..
Leave it to the trust between players. In recent past, I had given a good break to Arm.. When I got back, I retired the obsolete char and made a new one. As I do always, I rented an apartment as soon as possible and 'voila', it was my old rich retired char's apartment, full of goods worth larges. Not to lose karma for a few larges :twisted: I simply wished up and the room has been reset to default. Imms love making us lose larges worth of goods :twisted: :twisted: .
Trust players. A twink will always find a way to abuse a system and a fellow player will wish up to solve the problem.
And about renting for elongated times? Instead of renting for more than 125 days, why not....

A wide, nicely-decorated Hallway[NS]

This is the shit. Here's for sure the best apartment complex even a junior noble would have difficulties affording. Rent here! Rent!
The renter Nenyuki is here.
A bulky, idiot-looking man casts a careful glance to his surroundings.
A bulky, idiot-looking man casts a careful glance to his surroundings.
>rent auto
The renter Nenyuki tells you, in Tatlum:
     "All right. I will withdraw your rent from your bank account."

This would be nice enough.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

QuoteThis is the shit. Here's for sure the best apartment complex even a junior noble would have difficulties affording. Rent here! Rent!
The renter Nenyuki is here.
A bulky, idiot-looking man casts a careful glance to his surroundings.
A bulky, idiot-looking man casts a careful glance to his surroundings.
>rent auto
The renter Nenyuki tells you, in Tatlum:
"All right. I will withdraw your rent from your bank account."

Works for me, long as you can terminate at any time (for a small price of course) And still have short term options that don't withdraw from account...or maybe just the lesser apartments that way.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Just to clarify:

If you don't log into your apartment until after the rent is expired, you can take your own things, but not anything belonging to the next renter.  You should vacate the apartment ASAP, and turn in all keys.  Stealing the new renter's belongings would be considered abuse.  Don't do it.

On another note, I will ask Raesanos if it's possible to up the maximum rental days.  I.e. so you would still have to rent 125 days at a time, but could also rent multiples of 125 up front.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Oh, and as another note: if you have a special circumstance that will keep you unable to log in and pay the rent (i.e. vacation) you can wish up to pay further in advance.  But for the time being, this should be used in special circumstances, not every time you rent.
Nyr: newbs killing newbs
Nyr: hot newb on newb violence
Ath: Mmmmmm, HOT!

Quote from: "Lazloth"I wish the system allowed for renting longer blocks.

I think the system should allow longer renting blocks. There isn't really a problem with it, but it seems the player needs to be quiet active for their character to manage an apartment.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

I've been considering eviction code for awhile; it has been suggested a lot.  I haven't decided the best way to go about it since it wouldn't be a very straightforward addition (in most ways of doing it, someone would have to go manually make changes to all existing apartments, which is not ideal).  The main problem with outright punting people is that they'd have no way to move their goods out when evicted, so ideally their goods would have to be moved out too.  But then, the code would need to differentiate between renter goods and things that belong in the apartment.  And so on.

People have requested longer rental blocks a few times, but honestly, I don't think logging on once a week is a big deal.  Increasing the rental time would effect the availability of apartments pretty significantly in exchange for what is (for most owners) a minor convenience.

It may not seem like a long length of time but a week can be, especially when you get tied up with other things.  I don't suggest anyone have the ability to rent for longer than a month, but that at least gives the player a chance to set it and forget it.  One of the main reasons I haven't rented an apartment is because I don't want to have to deal with keeping up the pay on a weekly basis.  I know my available playtimes can sometimes vary dramatically, I'll have a lot of time one week then can't log in for the next two.  I don't want renting to feel like a chore that I always need to log in just to renew it.

As for availability...I don't really feel a month would jeopardize available apartments.

But regardless, it is a great feature.  Does need some tweaking though.

QuotePeople have requested longer rental blocks a few times, but honestly, I don't think logging on once a week is a big deal. Increasing the rental time would effect the availability of apartments pretty significantly in exchange for what is (for most owners) a minor convenience.

I think it is.

Besides, if the person does rent it then it is tied up anyway.

And, if we had longer rent blocks, a month RT then simply add in the apartment becomes available 3 days after the renters death.

So the only effect on availability would be to increase it actually, as it stands now, joe blow rents apartment, dies 2 hours later, seven days till it becomes available.

There are times when I suddenly cannot log in for a day or two, as it stands, with a week rent time, anybody, to play it safe actually pays rent every 3-5 days just so they can have some kind of leeway...hell, even two week blocks would be alright, pay every ten days, 4 days leeway.
A gaunt, yellow-skinned gith shrieks in fear, and hauls ass.
If you -want- me to think that your character is a hybrid of a black kryl and a white push-broom shaped like a penis, then you've done a great job

Quote from: "Raesanos"People have requested longer rental blocks a few times, but honestly, I don't think logging on once a week is a big deal. Increasing the rental time would effect the availability of apartments pretty significantly in exchange for what is (for most owners) a minor convenience.

It's of course no problem to log in once a week.. But what if your assassin/merchant/traveler/bard needed to head to another city or Village for some time for a festival, quest or trade?
Then it becomes painful. Of course it can be handled by asking another PC to pay the rent for you, having him 'rent with' you and giving him the coins. But still, I would love to have a command to let the rent taken from my bank account every time the timer ticks 0.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Personally, I would like dramatically longer rent times.  Yes, a week is fine under normal circumstances.  That said, people don't always have normal circumstances.  There are many reasons why having rent longer then a week would be nice.

:arrow: Long RL times away from the game.  People need to drop what they are doing all the time for a couple of weeks to go on vacation.  Connections go to crap.  People move.  All sorts of things can happen.  True, you can just get the imms to pay it for you, but it would be nice if you could simply do it yourself.

:arrow: IC times away from the city.  I might have an apartment in Allanak, but my merchant might go spend a RL month in Tuluk.  Granted that you are probably asking for all of your crap to get stolen, it would be nice if could pay out the rent for a month so that you don't need to travel back to Allanak every RL week just for the sake of keeping your rent up to date.

:arrow: There really is very little in terms of a down side to long renting times other then apartment blocks filling up.  If apartment blocks really do end up filling up, copy and paste another one in.  I wouldn't have much lost sleep if Allanak has two similar looking apartment complexes.  If anything, a few more rented by empty apartments would be a good thing as it would give more empty targets to burglars.

I agree that renting should be for longer.

I always thought that Allanak was a city built of many many rooms, with many many people.  And that there was so much people there was hardly any space anywhere.  That if you had an apartment on the third floor, it was like being in heaven.  I think there should be more apartments

Maybe I'm all wrong on my view of Allanak.  I keep on thinking it's like that planet in the book, 'Dosadi Experiment' by Frank Herbert
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Quote from: Morgenes on April 01, 2011, 10:33:11 PM
You win Armageddon, congratulations!  Type 'credits', then store your character and make a new one