Hunting for Leisure

Started by mangler, December 03, 2005, 03:59:30 PM

Hi, ive been playing this Mud for a few months now, but i still lack the experience.

I was wondering, as my current character is a hunter,
If it would be possible to set up some sort of liesure hunting service, so the richer of us could go hunting..... with an experienced guide, for rare and exciting to kill game.

I can see it being an interesting thing to do IC, but is it realistic to settup this lil sport hunting thing.
Someone says: I imagine the festivities have worn you thin... Well good. I plan on leading patrols over the next month, that would turn even your shriveled manhoods into sturdy poles of destruction.

The thing is, a leisurely hunting group tends to rely on some sort of controlled environment in which to hunt in. There is not much control when an elven magicker is casting at you and three temboes are humping your leg while three halflings wait for their turn.
ar is not about who is right, but who is left.

Anything is possible. Some things are just harder than others.
Fear not death, for it is your destiny.

Most people are pretty focused on survival.  I doubt that your average Zalanthas citizen would be up for sport hunting through a barren desert.  That said, I could certainly see some nobility and maybe a few rich house guards finding the thought of taking down some ferocious beast (regardless of how much effort they contribute to the actual hunt) appealing and showing off the skull to their buddies.  So, I don't think it is completely out of bounds.

The biggest problem is that the population of people that would want to hunt just for sport is extremely small.  The number of nobility in the game is very low.  Of those nobility, there is no guarantee that any of them would be into the idea.  Further, even if there was a nobility that was into the idea of taking down a Silt Horror, there is the further problem of security.  No sane house guard is going to let nobility go run off into the desert with a dirty half-elf hunter.  That isn't to say that those obstacles are not insurmountable, it would just be very hard make a living in such a way.

While perhaps not what you are looking for, there certainly IS a market for guides and rare or dangerous animals both alive and dead.

When the top of the line military gear of your day is an axe made out of volcanic glass, hunting for pleasure is going to lose a lot of its appeal.  In Zalanthas, it would simply be too risky, expensive, and uncomfortable.  Those who have the means will find other ways to entertain themselves.
Back from a long retirement

What Rindan and ERS said. The only people I can see hunting for sport might be noblility. Everyone else is just trying to survive.
Quote from: Fnord on November 27, 2010, 01:55:19 PM
May the fap be with you, always. ;D

I had a character concept once of a merchant/archer who would hire hunters to do just that, lead him on hunting expeditions.

I haven't created him yet, and I might not for a long time. But know there might be a small market for it, and you might have to create it. But it's possible.

Let's not kid ourselves...

Most of the somewhat higher-ranking House members are rich and leisurely enough to pay for this. There's a large gap between the poor and the rich.

So, yeah, go for it.