Command List

Started by RogueWarrior, September 19, 2005, 05:31:51 PM

Is there anybody who can give me an exhaustive list of all commands that work on Armageddon (if one already hasn't been posted or anything). Of course I won't use all the commands, but it would help other players, and it's just nice to know what all you can do, for example, I made a typeo, and figured out there was a twiddle command - The clown painted half-giant twiddles his thumbs. Any and all info is greatly appreciated.

the help file list on the website gives all the critical ones.

that's all i got.

if you're talking about coded socials, all I know is

and now,


Type: help by itself, and you'll get a long, long list of all the different helpfiles that details all the different commands, including socials (the twiddle command is considered a social, is why I mention that).

Well, see, that's what I usually use, but I didn't think it had the obscure commands that you never see anyone using on it (for example, I never saw twiddle listed) course, maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention, thanks again though.

Socials aren't listed because we don't want to use them.


p.s. 'Nod' is probably the only exception.  Only so many ways you can emote that one.

edit: typo, what typo?

Haha, well, good point, and thanks.

also type

help socials

or maybe it's help social

there's a few.

Yes, there are a bunch listed on there.

bite, chuckle, cough, cringe, frown, giggle, grin, hug, insult, kiss, laugh, nod, shake, shrug, sigh, smile, snicker, spit, wave, whistle, wink, yawn

But no twiddle!   Typo, or is there a whole secret underground world of socials?

The best part about the socials was seeing someone kiss the board in the Sanctuary.
So if you're tired of the same old story
Oh, turn some pages. - "Roll with the Changes," REO Speedwagon

I hate socials.  I only use them when I've only got one hand free, like when I'm on the phone, eating something, or you know...

Ahem, yes.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

The best part about socials is

The newb pker brandishes an obsidian longsword
The newb pker holds an obsidian longsword
The newb pker kisses you
The newb pker kisses you
The newb pker kisses you
The newb pker kisses you
The newb pker kisses you
You draw mortal slayer
kILL newb
quote="Tisiphone"]Just don't expect him to NOT be upset with you for trying to steal his kidney with a sharp, pointy stick.[/quote]
The weak may inherit the earth, but they won't last two hours on Zalanathas

The sturdy, smoke-eyed man puckers hims lips!