
Started by Penumbra, July 08, 2005, 08:44:53 PM

I was just wondering, exactly how hated and feared are mindbenders?
For instance, if you somehow found out a mindbender's powers, how might you react?
What if you fell in love with someone, then learned they were a mindbender?
ossibly the best quote, ever:
Quote from: "Bestatte"Welcome to Armageddon, and may all your deaths be interesting.

Quote from: "Penumbra"What if you fell in love with someone, then learned they were a mindbender?

Never, never ever think of cheating on them.

Quote from: "Penumbra"I was just wondering, exactly how hated and feared are mindbenders?
A lot.

QuoteFor instance, if you somehow found out a mindbender's powers, how might you react?
It depends on who your character is. Most average Zalanthans with little to no knowledge about magick would probably be extremely fearful and panicky.

QuoteWhat if you fell in love with someone, then learned they were a mindbender?
Most would probably arrange a break-up pretty quickly, but there are exceptions.

Hmm... I look at it like...

You find out that your dude is actually a vampire..  Needing blood.  And except that he does not turn you into a vampire and make you someone cool.  Just kills you or turns you into a zombie or just feeds from you endlessly.

Maybe the similarity is not one to one, but try to look at it that way.  What would you do?
some of my posts are serious stuff

What if you found out your roommate was God?

And what if you really, really didn't like God?

Yeah. The feeling I think would best be described with 'absolute and boundless horror'. This mindbender could do anything to you, even scramble your mind right out. And he would, because everybody knows mindbenders are incredibly evil and incredibly crazy. They just pretend to be nice roommates so you don't figure them out.

I've had a great amount of experience with this topic.  In my opinion, the populace would view mindbenders with extreme hatred and fear, as much if not moreso than a defiler or other dirty magicker.  As for individual people, especially in circumstances with very close relationships...thats really hard to gauge and is dependent on the characters involved.  

Think about it from the real world perspective, if you found out the person you loved was a mindbender, in a world where mindbenders were hated and feared as much as terrorists with biological warfare are in today's world, how would you react?  Would love overcome that animal terror?  Would you just deny it?  Would you start to rationalize away the fear?  Would you become greedy for the potential power those abilities could give you?  Would you second guess that the love was even real, that the mindbender didn't make you feel that way with their powers?  Would you become paranoid, and protective of your lover after accepting their dark secret?  Would you report it to someone, in hopes of proving your loyalty?  Or would you try and sweep it under the rug, and pretend it wasn't true?

You can see the possibilities for how to react are truly endless, and you just have to have a very clearly defined personality for your character to decide which way to go on these issues.  And after you have that clearly defined personality, you have to be ready to change it completely in accordance with the actions of the mindbender, because they are in fact mindbenders.  Maybe you should let yourself become possessed, or go insane, or any number of interesting and difficult pathways.  Its a wild, wild ride and it can be some of the most challenging roleplay you'll ever experience, but well worth the effort if you try playing out the situation properly.

Yeah, I just thought of that... if in the love situation, you started to hate them... well, they could just will you to love them, couldn't they?
ossibly the best quote, ever:
Quote from: "Bestatte"Welcome to Armageddon, and may all your deaths be interesting.

Quote from: "Penumbra"Yeah, I just thought of that... if in the love situation, you started to hate them... well, they could just will you to love them, couldn't they?

Maybe?  Or maybe they try, and you resist, and it becomes some crazy battle of wills?  Or maybe you fall for their 'love spell' and become insanely infatuated with them, like a love potion gone wrong.  There is just so many options on how to play out these situations.  Really take some time to sit down and think about it before you decide in a situation like this, because thought out reactions are much more interesting then sporadic knee jerk reactions.

Cool, sounds good.
Thanks all.
ossibly the best quote, ever:
Quote from: "Bestatte"Welcome to Armageddon, and may all your deaths be interesting.

Quote from: "Penumbra"I was just wondering, exactly how hated and feared are mindbenders?
For instance, if you somehow found out a mindbender's powers, how might you react?
What if you fell in love with someone, then learned they were a mindbender?

1. If you see or findout someone is a mindbender, kill it, or report it. Chances are it is already fucking up your head.
2. I'd freak out and go into seclusion for a month until I think I got over it and hope to Tek it doesn't come back.
3. You'd kill them or report them, because obviously you don't really love them, they warped your mind to make you believe that so that can do god knows what to you, if they havn't already done it. You remember that weird dream you had where you were sleepwalking? That could have been your lover fucking with your mind and controlling you. You never know.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Hmm, sounds alot like finding out your spouse/husband is a secret agent in RL...I think I'd react similarly.  :roll:

Quote from: "JohnGalt"
Think about it from the real world perspective, if you found out the person you loved was a mindbender, in a world where mindbenders were hated and feared as much as terrorists with biological warfare are in today's world, how would you react?

How about if you lived in a world where mindbenders where hated and feared as much as they would be in the real world?

Everyone has secrets.  Most of them are really stupid things that other people wouldn't care about, but to you they are the deepest, darkest, most shameful things immaginable.  The mind reader knows your secrets.  All of them.  Even the ones you've buried down deep where you try really hard not to think of them.  You can't lie to him, he will know.  You can fool him, he will know.  You can't plot against him, he will know your plans as soon as you do.  Forget privacy, your very thoughts are on display to him.  You are naked, defenceless.  Deep down inside there is a tiny part of you that knows you are a repulsive little insect, and now he knows it too.  There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  Wherever you go and whatever you do, the mindbender can reach out and crush you without even leaving his bed.  Mindbenders don't need to speak spells, so he can destroy you while he is calmly sitting in the tavern having an ale, and no one in the room will suspect a thing.

You can't trust your own thoughts, your own perceptions, your own mind.  Did you really think for a moment that the elf over there is a sweet peice of ass, or was that something he put into your head to humiliate you?  Did you really doubt the divinity of the Highlord, or was that a worm of doubt planted by the mindbender?  Is this cave really empty, or is the mindbender preventing you from seeing the monster that lairs here?  Is your room really empty, or is the mindbender simply preventing you from seeing him?  Are you really being chased by a Mekillot, or is that just a psychic phantom sent to frighten you?  Do you dare stop running to find out?  

Like an evil Santa Claus the mindbender knows when you are sleeping, he knows if you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good . . . and you've been very, very bad.

Angela Christine
Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with."     Henry S. Haskins

Ac. You frighten me.
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on April 16, 2008, 10:34:00 AM
Arm is evil.  And I love it.  It's like the softest, cuddliest, happy smelling teddy bear in the world, except it is stuffed with meth needles that inject you everytime

Damn. *shivers* This is the reason I play Armageddon. Thankyou for that insight, AC.

"What, yer a fuckin' minder? Ye've tricked me inta providin' for you, ya stupid whore! Yeh'll die afore you bear me tainted children!"

I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

Quote from: "Penumbra"
For instance, if you somehow found out a mindbender's powers, how might you react?
What if you fell in love with someone, then learned they were a mindbender?

Those questions will depend upon the character. Everyone will not react the same way in situations.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

Forgive me for derailment. Just wrote to say that I love AC, even when she grits her vaginal teeth.
quote="Ghost"]Despite the fact he is uglier than all of us, and he has a gay look attached to all over himself, and his being chubby (I love this word) Cenghiz still gets most of the girls in town. I have no damn idea how he does that.[/quote]

Quote from: "Bogre""What, yer a fuckin' minder? Ye've tricked me inta providin' for you, ya stupid whore! Yeh'll die afore you bear me tainted children!"

The beautiful mindbender smiles wryly at you, then blinks her eyes, and you forget everything that happened in the last five minutes.

The beautiful mindbender smiles sweetly, and says in sirihish:
   "Oh honey, you're home.  I cooked you a kank-steak, medium rare, just the way you like it."
quote="mansa"]emote pees in your bum[/quote]

And thats the beauty of it, Tamarin.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

(waves a hand) move along, these are not the driods you are looking for.

Quote from: "Yokunama"Those questions will depend upon the character. Everyone will not react the same way in situations.

Yes, true, but I think that can be taken as a given.  I don't think he was asking "how will every character, obviously being all exactly alike, respond to this situation."  Some things are so extreme as to make some kinds of responses unlikely for -any- character.  If someone kidnaps, tortures, and kills all your family, friends, and loved ones, you are probably not going to decide that that person should be your best friend, no matter what your personality.  The exact nature of the response will vary from person to person, but it's virtually guaranteed to be an extremely negative one.  I think this can be generalized to Zalanthas.  Consider the Zalanthan mindset, and especially AC's post.

I definitely wouldn't use "every character is different" as an excuse to just blow it off with an "oh well, my character is in love and love is the most important thing evah, and is very open-minded about these sort of things, and I can just not codedly think anything I don't want them to know anyway."  A loved one being a mindbender can only mean bad things for a Zalanthan, IMO.

I always was under the impression that if someone found out someone else was a mindbender, they would immediatley try to kill them.  Psionicists have an incredible amount of power over people, but there's hardly anything known about their powers.  People just assume the worst.

That's what I thought all along.
*blank* hmms to himself, carefully peeing across the ground.

Quote from: RaesanosI want to kill everyone.

Quote from: "Hexxaex"I always was under the impression that if someone found out someone else was a mindbender, they would immediatley try to kill them.

Ah, in that case I would hope that the player who suspects otherwise would be using -alot- of thinks if not already, even when plotting the mindbender's death. Not only would it be realistic, it opens up alot of avenues for potentially awesome roleplay situations and plots that the mindbender can put into action...if indeed the person supected is a mindbender. And..there are always ways to combat a mindbender if you are prepared...at least that's what Zalanthans might think with their limited understanding of the Way... :twisted:     :roll:

Quote from: "joyofdiscord"
Quote from: "Yokunama"Those questions will depend upon the character. Everyone will not react the same way in situations.
Yes, true, but I think that can be taken as a given.  I don't think he was asking "how will every character, obviously being all exactly alike, respond to this situation."  Some things are so extreme as to make some kinds of responses unlikely for -any- character.  If someone kidnaps, tortures, and kills all your family, friends, and loved ones, you are probably not going to decide that that person should be your best friend, no matter what your personality.  The exact nature of the response will vary from person to person, but it's virtually guaranteed to be an extremely negative one.  I think this can be generalized to Zalanthas.  Consider the Zalanthan mindset, and especially AC's post.

Yes, but people have different ways of dealing with such things. Take the text in your post I put the bold tags around.

:arrow: The character could commit suicide and join the rest of their family in death.
:arrow: They can find that bastard, kick him/her/it in the ass to death, and leave them out in the sands.
:arrow: Have the character try to forget a bout it.
:arrow: Go crazy and believe that this is all a dream that you'll wake up from eventually.
and so on....

There are a lot of ways that situations could be handled. Even though the general public might see this as something to panic about, people have their way of dealing with things differently. Some might become interested in the ways of a mindbender, some might fear them and report his exsistance to the tempalarate, some might feel so powerless and scared they'd join the mindbender, and so on.

>drop pants
You do not have that item.

QuoteI always was under the impression that if someone found out someone else was a mindbender, they would immediatley try to kill them.

I figure this whole 'HATE HATE KILL KILL' is a little over the top. Commoners are often shallow and stupidly impressionable (hmm, impressionable...a word many of us should take heed of), but above all they are streetwise opportunists. If someone is honest (or foolish) enough to tell you that they're a mindbender, and they're a close friend at the same time, you can count them as a valuable ally. You stay close to them, help them hide their secret, and use it to survive.

You could rat them out, but where's the profit? And wouldn't they know the second that you did it?

The thought might flash through your mind...you could try brutally to suppress/hide the idea, but it would just come back stronger and stronger...the mindbender knows, you think, and the paranoid panic sets in...

I can see it going in many ways, but an immediate 'DIE, YOU EVIL BASTARD' is not salient among them. Please.

QuoteThe exact nature of the response will vary from person to person, but it's virtually guaranteed to be an extremely negative one.

I disagree. Anyhow, how estranged your character is from society and your relationship with said mindbender makes all the difference.