
Started by Penumbra, July 08, 2005, 08:44:53 PM

QuoteBecause of their ability to deal directly with peoples
minds, true psionicists are killed on sight (though of course none would be
so foolish as to announce their presence openly, just as a defiler would
not) in just about every civilized region of Zalanthas, due to their highly
dangerous potential.

That's from the helpfiles.

You can say that it's only templars and such that only kill them on sight, and as their friend, you may help them out, due to there being no 'bonus' with turning them in.  But there actually is.

Know how scary it would be to have a templar in your face asking why you didn't turn in your friend who was a mindbender?  Know how painful of tortures templars come up with in their sometimes sick and twisted minds?

I think not having to worry about that situation is a -huge- bonus.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Think about it. There are only three situations in which a mindbender would reveal his powers:

  • To a loved one. Complete trust.
  • To incite fear.
  • For protection or money.
I'll give you some examples of #1.

  • You grew up with a kid. You were always together, living the streets. You fought off elves, muggers, broke into houses, got wasted, and lost your virginity together. Through it all, your friend always had a peculiar affinity with the Way. His connections were always strong...sometimes he would run and speak to you at the same time. Sometimes it felt like he knew what you were thinking -- it was a little strange, but you two pretended it didn't exist. One day he does something obvious, and you ask him about it. Do you turn him in?

  • You grow up on the streets hustling. Dealing spice, nickin', squeezing into windows and stealing whatever you can. One day you meet a waifish little whore, and you fall in love. You've been with her a year when she gets pregnant. Her connection with the unborn baby's mind is so strong...you'd always noticed something strange about her ability with the Way. You ask her, and she admits to some extra talent with the Way -- nothing really special. She can't read minds, but she can do other little things. Do you turn her in?

  • You're a mercenary. You have a kid and watch him grow up with his mother, who works as a crafter or guard or something. You've always contributed coin to raise him, and you love him gruffly, but you've noticed his exceptionally strong mind all his life. He grudgingly admits to having a little extra ability with the Way. It's a surprise, but you've always suspected something was strange there . Do you turn him in?

  • You started off as a smart, tough salt-gatherer, and gradually worked your way to hunting. You were mentored by a grizzled old man. He's quiet, thoughtful, and always seemed a little wiser than most. After years of roaming the sands with him, saving each other's life more than once, he informs you that he can do some things with the Way that normal people can't. Do you turn him in?

Those are typical, realistic examples. Unfortunately, most of the admissions that happen on Armageddon probably fall into the second and third group, and maybe the third group the most.

In a perfectly realistic world, mindbending ability wouldn't mean that you're necessarily an evil mind-reading power-hungry son-of-a-bitch. Most people wouldn't cultivate the powers too much. It would come in degrees. They would be around, living in the world and trying to suppress their powers except in extreme circumstances.

I don't think the common populace thinks of mindbending as something that can be used for good, due to propoganda that has -always- been there from the templarate and reinforced by everyone else affected by the same propoganda.

Much the same way as Magick isn't evil itself.  Only a mindbender can use it's powers without you ever knowing it...and even with a trusted friend...how trustworthy are they after you realize they can read your mind, could have been manipulating you for years?

I'm not saying there aren't exceptions.  But I think the anti-mindbender mindset has been put up by the staff because that's the way it -is-.
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. --J.D. Salinger

Very good points and examples, Kalden, but here's just something from the other side of the coin.

What would all those people think about someone holding a secret that long against them? Especially one that could endanger them along with the mindbender? It would be a break in trust (something not easily earned nor given in Zalanthas.)  I think many would feel spited and angry, and that's added to the fear that your thoughts might have been adjusted in the first place.
I tripped and Fale down my stairs. Drink milk and you'll grow Uaptal. I know this guy from the state of Tenneshi. This house will go up Borsail tomorrow. I gave my book to him Nenyuk it back again. I hired this guy golfing to Kadius around for a while.

There have been some pretty good answers so far to this thread.  The helpfile on the topic (see help mindbender) provides a good basis for how the populace at large would feel.

As the question has been addressed I'm locking the thread so that we don't stray too far into speculation of what a mindbender could possibly do, or reveal any IC sekrits.  :wink:

"It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say more correctly." - Jemaine Clement. FOTC.